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you know, i'm not a fan of duffel really either, but i fucking hate tk. i think duffel's got the whole scene kid/punker toolbag look down pat, but he does try some really fucking gnarly shit. and tk is just a really cocky douche.

i think it's gonna be 2 of these three in the final:chris cole, daewon, and haslam.

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You faggots need to stop paying that TPWF daps.

Yall act like you forget that he straight up called Stevie Williams a nigger in his first interview.

I'm sayin though, one of the greatest skateboarders of all time (Danny Gonzalez) can get straight up blackballed for life over some Deluxe politics... but some run of the mill tight pants wearing dickhead gets a pass for being the biggest douchebag in the history of skateboarding???


Some of yall need to remove your heads from your asses.

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So that's why you never see anything from Danny Gonzales? Gheeeey.


I like this Berrics contest. It's fun to watch. Don't underestimate Mark Gonzales if he gets first trick. That guy has a crazy bag of tricks if he decides to care, which I don't think he will.

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So that's why you never see anything from Danny Gonzales? Gheeeey.


I like this Berrics contest. It's fun to watch. Don't underestimate Mark Gonzales if he gets first trick. That guy has a crazy bag of tricks if he decides to care, which I don't think he will.


switch impossibles, switch bigflips. i remember him doing those in some video IN THE RAIN in a like 30 trick line haha. Complete with hippy hops and slappys and bonelesses.

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duffel is a pro, so what i say obviously makes zero difference in his career & the fact that he will be successful through skating than i will ever hope to be, so technically i guess im "hating"


but that has nothing to do with the fact that for the most part (i have seen him pull some credible tricks though), he's a mediocre skater feeding off a gimmick. there are so many younger & humble kids coming up that run circles around him at a large portion of his age, & even though that is expected in every following generation, they are focused on the skating itself rather than the image


just saying, id much rather see people like mo kill harder while dressed like a scrub, than watching duffel film every shitty handrail he does with his leather/cheeta-print/tight pants acting like a "punk"


as far as i know, real punks dont come from places named walnut creek

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yea i hear you MedicineCabinet people actually see him as an icon of some sort but hes just a tall dude lucky enough to get those dam rails. im just saying cuz im short but i still can get the rails.


i read somewhere he was hating on the old skool back in the day skaters. hes just really cocky about himself.

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i can't remember the title, but there is an older Think video and you can see baby corey duffel wearing big baggy pants while skating....it does get really annoying when skaters try to portray a punk or rockstar or gangsta image...one of the reasons why i avoid skate media now....

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Yall act like you forget that he straight up called Stevie Williams a nigger in his first interview.




link to this?





and i could give a shit what the dude looks like, every part i've seen him in he fucking kills it.


some of y'all niggas need to pay muuuuch less attention to what other dudes wear :rolleyes:

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I don't think anyone is arguing that the guy can't skate, its just that he's a total fake, and a complete piece of shit to boot. Dude is a Mormon, racist as hell, homophobic as hell, and tries to play it off like he's some punk, when in reality he's everything most punks hate. I like some skaters who aren't necessarily known as the nicest people around, but when you go into interviews calling people niggers and faggots, you're not going to make a good name for yourself.

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