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The Skateboard Thread


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true story. a friend of mine got the phone number of a certain controversial pro from some kid we used to hang out with who said he used to kick it with said pro. so today, friend decides to call pro with blocked number and ask if he wants to skate.


"hey man wanna skate?"

"who is this"

"...(name of common friend)" [at my suggestion]

my friend proceeded to have a 5 minute or so conversation with the dude about complete bullshit...

fucking crack up, hahaha

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6ft tall. and im not sure how wide the ramp is but its definately roomy as fuck.


and im gonna put a tombstone extenshunn to make things interesting..talkin like 3 foot of vert





no i just dont remember the exact dimesions.


its at least 7-8 ft wide. and pretty mellow too. and i shouldnt take all the credit considering there was like 2 other people helping me and its in my homeys backyard.




You call 6 ft high and somewhere around 8ft wide "roomy as fuck"? :lol:


Holly fuck... that doesn't even sound skatable! :lol:

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so let me ask you younger kids, is skateboarding still a "fag sport?" i mean when i was growing up, we basically had to deal with shit constantly. if it wasn't fighting, it was running so we wouldn't get destroyed. jocks, meatheads, townies, were always fucking with us. we were constantly having to defend ourselves from bullshit. is it still that way, seeing that skateboarding is so "cool" now.


can any of the older heads in here relate to what i'm saying?


I know I'm late as fuck on this (reading through back pages) but REAL TALK!


And another thing, every time I see these emo looking faggots in skin tight pants and myspace haircuts on a skateboard it gives me flasbacks to motherfuckers chasing us down and rolling on us and calling us "skater fags" just for skating. It almost makes me wanna fag-bash these kids myself just for looking so homo after some of the shit me and my boys had to go through comming up. I must have got into fights weekly in highschool cause some dickhead mouthed off about my skate shoes. And here these kids are actually going out of their way to look as homo as possible. It's like a slap in the face.

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not even


the tight pant kids at my school do all kinds of stupid things and think they're cool and shit


the best skaters at school don't even look like they skate


I have when these emo fucks think they can make fun of everything and shit with thier super tight pants and shit

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i believe the correct term for this is "gnar"


Last time I saw this video was at my boys house in 1991.

Back then it was all just a blur of "WTF???".


Now seeing this 16 years later it's crazy to see the influence this shit had on skateboardings future.

You got Rudy Johnson 360 flipping out of mannuals when barely anybody could even do a 360 flip on flat and most were just learning manuals on curbs. Then he goes and kicklips into a nose manual... in 1990!!!


And you got the Gonz boardsliding double kinked deathrails and switch 180 grinding rails... and apparently he started that whole bench to bench shit that you see Rodney Mullen and Daewon fucking with.

Excuse me if I'm stateing the obviouse but like I said, I aint even seen this video since 91.


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not even


the tight pant kids at my school do all kinds of stupid things and think they're cool and shit


the best skaters at school don't even look like they skate


I have when these emo fucks think they can make fun of everything and shit with thier super tight pants and shit


How the fuck is any cammel toe rocking, peacock haido sporting faggot going to have the balls to make fun of anything or anybody??? :lol:

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I saw a few of what DAO described a few days ago at a local skatepark . I had my son Evan with me . He was riding his big wheel on the pyramid and what not . There were 3 of these emotype kids sitting on boards they had no intention of skating . Evan asked me why does that " girl " have rooster hair ? And even better loud enough for the other 6-7 people there to hear . I was laughing my ass off as were everyone else except emo-type kids that left , walking all 3 of their boards off into the rainbow queer sunset . :lol:

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hahaha damn you got ur boy into total pwnage early!!!!



I bought a board a couple weeks ago I have been going out a few times a week. I am really way to lazy so this weekend I am picking up filing cabinet and some 4x8 sheets of ply wood gonna set them up on my deck. Go from my living room to the cabinet into my tiny excuse for a yard... I am really really lazy...

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I have when these emo fucks think they can make fun of everything and shit with thier super tight pants and shit



You have to have some kind of chip on your shoulder walking around town looking that fucking gay. They cant look in the mirror and think that shit looks cool without some kind of fucked up attitude .....Go home and cry some more tears for your pathetic excuse of style.


Though lots of younger kids are rocking slim pants I find fewer and fewer kids in pants that look painted on. Were a few years back it a rampant problem in my area, like the fucking plague.

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ive been skating since i was in eigth grade (now a sophmore in college)

ive loved skating so much, it has always been there for me.

once i started working i stopped, a few months later i quit the job and i started skating again.

i cant remember being this happy in a long time.

but i have to get a new deck now, another shop deck that will break in a month like the past 3 or 4 i had but as i can skate ill be content.

this kid always gets me pumped, god i wish i was this good.


torey pudwill ftw!




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