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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


So my roommate is a complete fucking psycho bitch, she is suffering from some serious bi-polar attacks that I have to deal with on a constant basis. Actually I finally flipped out the other night when she had one and told her to go fuck herself, and a bunch of other things. I understand why her husband left her a few months ago. But yeah so I meet this girl randomly a couple months ago when I really needed a place, the rent was cheap and she seemed nice. Plus she was fucking this kid I knew, so I had someone to hang out with. So he split at the beginning of the month, never warning me about how psycho she was, and I have had to deal with what he had to deal with. It really fucking sucks!

So now I am locked out of the main house, since I live in a really big room in the back yard, I can't use the shower, or oven, and she threw all my shit around the room this morning screaming, so I have a big mess to go back and clean up after class tonight.


Oh to top it all off I just found out a friend of mine O.D. a while ago, and no one thought to tell me. Well the random people my roommate brought to the house, who just so happened to know her, and everyone else I know in that town, but not me, told me. It made for a really shitty night, then having to deal with my roommate flipping out on me. Yeah well, I just want to go to the bar, and get drunk, but thats not going to happen. So I am just going to go home get drunk and pass the fuck out. Hopefully wake up friday, and sleep through this whole turkey evilness that everyone is doing.


But seriously, how the fuck are you not going to tell me a close friend of mine died? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with my friends? I ended up bitching some people out over this the other night, they fucking suck. I fucking hate heroin, really, I have lost to many friends over the years, and way to many of them get clean, stay clean for a while, then go out and use one more time and then die.


Yeah sorry, I just had to vent a little bit.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


im telling you dude

the shit in a box is a good idea


it's shit in a bag, fill the bag with her clothes then place it i nside a box so she doesn't notice until a little while after she moves...

Fuck I hate having to find new places to live... Seriously, it fucking sucks, I have been looking all month with no success...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


thanksgiving report:


so apparently thanksgiving tomorow at my parnets house is going to be the feast of feasts.


shes making me, my dad, and my little brother individual desserts. i toldh er to make misssissippi mud brownies for meh.


oh man i cant wait to blaze this dank before i go chow down

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


fuck this shit. my whole night got ruined due to fucking little girls

i was planin on going othe city and what not, and having fun

and tring to find blaise pascal in the bar hahahaha /nohomo

hahahhah shit woulda been fun if my night didnt get ruined.





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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


My brother is such a dumb fucking waste of life.


He got some fucked up virus on his laptop and got it to the point where it wouldn't turn on.


I let him use my computer twice for like 15 minutes.


The next day my computer won't stay on for more than 2 minutes without freezing.


So I just had to reformat the whole shit.


What a fucking retard, how could you crash a computer using it a couple times.

God damn.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


this is kinda random, but does anyone ever watch that show ''small people little world''? its about a family of midgets that do normal people things.


right now the kid midget is playing in a soccer tournament against other teams....all midget players.


i love this show, dunno why....

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