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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


porcelain...... monterey is rad. we've got a little timeshare down in carmel that we chill at every year, that place is rad too.


my point is, i just woke up from a 4 hour nap, and realized that i have no homework tonight.

AND, both of my parents are in hawaii right now.

life is good.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


you think that sucks

right when i got done with a six page paper on "how to wash your hair"


i get stuck with a mid term that has to have a 2 pages paper in one hour.

aced both of those.

and now.

by the end of november i need another 6 page paper on

a person.

basicly psychologicly breaking them down into scientific perspective

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo



well nevermind then...

but i still hate my english teacher...

tell me why i lost my job at the school because

she marked me tardy to her class alone 16 times...

she marked me tardy cause i stood up to give my

friend her money when the bell rang...

now thats some bullshit...

well anyway good luck with that 6 pager....

i couldn't do it...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


its all good.

i didnt go to high school

well i did kind of.

i went half of freshman

skipped the second half

went half of sophomore year

skipped the second half

went half of junior year

skipped the second half

then went to contintuation senoir year

and then took some junior college and now transfered to monterey

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Pulled a muscle in my back, in the same spot that I pulled about 10 months ago.


Had to call off work.


This sucks.


I with you on this. Hurt my back almost two weeks ago and it's still fucking with me.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


try writing a timed essay about "buttons"

what the fuck is up with that?


and i just failed a chemistry test last period


damn aint that some shit.




this is whats next.this is just some guidlines.

its not has hard as the first paper but its still ehhhh


Title: “___________: A Psychological Case Study”


The blank can be filled with any real person you wish to write about, including yourself, a friend, a family member, an acquaintance, or even a public figure (living or dead) .


Important: If you are writing about yourself or someone you know, please protect confidentiality by making up a name or some initials.


The idea of the paper is to provide a complete psychological profile of an individual. Write as if you are giving a report from one psychologist to another.


The report may include anything you feel is of interest, but be sure it contains:


Basic physical characteristics: age, height, weight, health issues, etc.


Gender and sexual orientation.


Intelligence and creativity.


Marital and family status, relationships.


Cultural background.


Career, jobs, interests & hobbies.


Social behaviors & self-control.


Drugs, addictive behaviors, habits.


Personality traits: introversion/extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness to experience. (Go through the chapter on personality for more traits, or take an online personality test as if you were the person you’re writing about.


Finally, list any defense mechanisms, maladaptions, psychological problems and disorders.


Give examples, stories and quotations to back up your positions, (i.e. this person is an introvert, as evidenced by the fact they haven’t left their room in six years).


Try to emphasize the things that make this person an individual, different from others. Try to phrase things in terms from the textbook and lectures – This is a formal psychological case study and should be taken seriously. Respect the privacy and feelings of your subject, while learning and writing as much as you possibly can.


Enjoy yourselves.

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