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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


i am glad you are here, my nose needs to made crooked , and my money hoarded





I dont know about all that jew stuff











































And im gone for the night



peace in the middle east














































fa reals its a shit storm out there

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


moved this from other thread




well, not really random, but i was making sure people knew that its not pertaining to rentals situation, moreso to your comment about people being pussy's.


it seems like womens liberation really made women feel like they have to be more man like.

not attractive. not even cool.


now look back on the 80's. the emotional man thing. sensitive bullshit. and now there are these emo guys acting like women. and what's the metrosexual thing? man purses? wtf.


this may be an asshole like thing to say, but people need to learn their places in the sexes.

no more of this faggy bullshit behavior. no more women trying to muscle up and act all tough. it's total role reversal and that is not cool.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


moved this from other thread




well, not really random, but i was making sure people knew that its not pertaining to rentals situation, moreso to your comment about people being pussy's.


it seems like womens liberation really made women feel like they have to be more man like.

not attractive. not even cool.


now look back on the 80's. the emotional man thing. sensitive bullshit. and now there are these emo guys acting like women. and what's the metrosexual thing? man purses? wtf.


this may be an asshole like thing to say, but people need to learn their places in the sexes.

no more of this faggy bullshit behavior. no more women trying to muscle up and act all tough. it's total role reversal and that is not cool.



I see...I agree, I have met far to many "men" who are afraid to stand up for something.



Your never gonna make it in ODA with that kind of attitude.

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