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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Shit The Shit Thread


Currnetly in Life


Working every day at a job that I am not to happy at but do it anyway cause it pays the bills.


Indebt and working to pay it off, cause I cant do anything that I want to do.


Unhappy and unsure of the future.


Going to school for something I dont even know if I really want to do.


Always tired all the time.

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Guest nutsonmychin!

Re: Shit The Shit Thread


thinking of going to school to be a hair stylist


it's become clear to me that i need a job i can make alot of money at and have visible tattoos.

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Guest spectr

Re: Shit The Shit Thread


wondering why my boss became a crackhead and hating the fact that i have no job


trying to figure out how i am going to pay rent and bills


trying to get regulators so i can fucking blow glass again


in debt trying to figure out how to pay it all i owe so much money i got denied for a guaranteed regardless of how bad your credit is credit card


wanting to go get drunk today..

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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


Currently in Life


trying to motivate to do some minor home improvement


pondering purchasing a vehicle


i've actually been pondering pretty much everything, i'm about to turn dirty thirty


work is alright

boss took us out last night and he's gone for the next three days

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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


Currently in Life


Saving money at a dead end job that will end up killing me if i let it.


Doing a few things to better myself job wise.


Became single again and feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders.


Still working plan b.

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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


Currently in life


Delivering meals on wheels, good hours small complaints.


Fucking up the college 'career', thinking of just dropping it all

and go to a trade school or something


Spending all of my $ on drinks, traveling, and concerts


Associating with people I have known for less than a year


stopped making art completely, no motivation no will

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Shit The Shit Thread


I go to bed at 9:00, I have to or I wake up grumpy as shit with a headache. I also wake up at 5:30am five days a week. Stupid work.

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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


I guess it's better than sleeping in school (or work)..



I would also like to shoot the shit about how much i fucking hate listening to people on the train ( who talk extremely loud) have conversations with each other.. and the woman that sat next to me who had more perfume on then i thought humanly possible...



and the ghettoass retards in my classes that don't listen, ever, and ask questiosn such as "ay yo, whatchu mean..whats a mattboard?!. Where I get dat shit at??".


dear god.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Shit The Shit Thread


Catface, get an IPOD with some good noise canceling headphones, problem one solved.

Problem two, your out of luck.

Problem three, they are everywhere....even where I work in Super Secret Squirrel Goverment World there are ignorant assholes.

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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


well i'm trying to be good and actually pay attention this time around in school (lectures)... .


i'm just totally dumbfounded as to how these retards get into these schools.. it's not like it's cheap here..



and sneak..wait. you work with squirrels??


i love squirrels.


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Re: Shit The Shit Thread


I was riding a military bus the other day and these three little fucks get on. They mustve been like 15 or some shit. Their parents were colonels or some shit. And one says to the other. "So whats crackin nigguh, how Gee is you." The other says nigguh what? And he says "You know dawg...Is you ride or die" "bitch im from texas" and so on and so forth. ignorant fucks run rampant in the GI JOE LIFE.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Shit The Shit Thread


I wish I worked with squirrels. I would feed them acorns and watch there galivanting all day,

Unfortunaly I dont.

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