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Rodney Mullen


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ive been skating 4 like ten yrears now and let me break it down for those who never heard of skateboarding till tony hawl pro skater came out for ps1...

#1 tony hawk is related to skateboarding like kelly slater is related 2 surfing, however tony hawk sucks! hes a padded up vert skater who did a 900 air one time and got rep...he sux!

#2 rodney mullin who i might add wasnt even in the first tony hawk game is the inventor and pioneer of modern day street skating, he invented and performs all those special tricks in that game. he laid the entire framework 4 modern skateboarding. he invented the fucking ollie 4 goodness sake!

#3 rodney vs daewon round 1 & 2 r classic, round 3 just came out recently and is actually called the almost video round 3. almost is rodney and daewons new company. u have 2 watch 2 belive but i will hands down say rodney mullin is an alien, the stuff he does is not human<-------------

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although Allen Gelfand is credited for being the first to air on tranny, Mullen is one of the first on flat, and if he didnt invent that, he still invented EVERY flip trick we do today and is still creating new shit at like 37

i seen him at a demo once and he was talking to his board :huh2:

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i read his autobiography a couple months ago. i suggest folks go and read it. he's definately a wierd guy, and to read about all the shit he went through to get to where he is today is crazy. i definately have a new-found appreciation for him, and a helluva lotta respect.


rodney mullen is the daddy of modern street skating

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well then let me be the first to say i'm not really into rodney mulen's style of skating at all.


he is definitely an amazingly talented athlete, and insanely good at we he does.


pesronally tho, that kind of skating doesn't do it for me. he spends a week filiming one trick or run, just to do it once. he is graceful to the point of making it look like ballet. the kind of skating he does just doesn't look like fun to me.


i am way more into guys who go big, do gnarly shit, and are just solid as fuck.


i've been skateboarding for about 15 years and i think there's a lot of subtlety in skating that people who don't skate might not notice... just the way the some people do basic tricks like kickflips and 360 flips, is just so fucking tight and perfect and clean. i just prefer people who skate solid and consistent then people who do crazy technical shit.


anyway, rodney mullen is rad. but rodney vs. daewon 1 &2 both go watched once and never again.

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i hear ya about the technical tip,

but thats who he is,

he never really went big ever,


the only times you saw him go big were just for video parts sake...just to say he could kickflip a 14 stair...


but thats not his stee.


it amazed me that he was even doing table tops in rodney vs dae...


especially now,

hes too old to fall from height like that.


jamie thomas is the only geezer that can still take a hit.

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Originally posted by iquit@Jan 10 2005, 01:12 PM

well then let me be the first to say i'm not really into rodney mulen's style of skating at all.


he is definitely an amazingly talented athlete, and insanely good at we he does.


pesronally tho, that kind of skating doesn't do it for me. he spends a week filiming one trick or run, just to do it once. he is graceful to the point of making it look like ballet. the kind of skating he does just doesn't look like fun to me.


i understand what you're saying completely. i used to think he looked far too uptight when he skated. after reading his book i have a better understanding of the type of person he is, which is reflected 100% in the way he skates (seriously, read the book).


you'll notice in alot of his newer footage his style is alot more loose and comfortable looking. and after having seen him skate in person, i can tell you it doesn't take him a whole day to nail a trick. you don't skate tech for 20+ years and not have a certain level of consistancy (that goes for daewon too...real consistant. he even skated vert padless when i saw him at a demo!)






koston still craps on everyone though

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  • 2 weeks later...

everything has been said but i double recomend reading the bio. amazing. guy is a genius on so many more levels than skateboarding. in the early days his dad stopped him from skating because he had to much intelectual potential but... fuck it if i get into it i wont stop. read that shit yo

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  • 1 year later...
Originally posted by fillysfinest@Jan 9 2005, 03:09 PM

ive been skating 4 like ten yrears now and let me break it down for those who never heard of skateboarding till tony hawl pro skater came out for ps1...

#1 tony hawk is related to skateboarding like kelly slater is related 2 surfing, however tony hawk sucks! hes a padded up vert skater who did a 900 air one time and got rep...he sux!



not that this at all needs to be quoted or refuted, but this is just insanity. as someone who was skating almost 20 years ago, before there was a such thing as videos, i can assure the world that tony is the magic johnson/michael jordan/larry bird/isiah thomas of skating. he got 'rep' for setting the standard for vert skating, and inspired every single vert skater ever to drop in on a halfpipe. 'fillysfinest', on the other hand, is a jackass.


ok, now that tony hawk is safe from the internet, rodney is awesome. i need to get this biography you all spoke of. i wasn't aware it existed.

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Originally posted by iquit@Jan 9 2005, 10:12 PM

i've been skateboarding for about 15 years and i think there's a lot of subtlety in skating that people who don't skate might not notice... just the way the some people do basic tricks like kickflips and 360 flips, is just so fucking tight and perfect and clean. i just prefer people who skate solid and consistent then people who do crazy technical shit.




I know what you're talking about.....check Guy Mariano's ONE trick in the Girl video Yeah Right.......backside big flip over a trash can.....its fucking perfect. I had to rewind and slow mo that shit like 3 times to fully aprreciate how fucking clean it was.

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Originally posted by PUMPKIN ESCOBAR@Jan 26 2006, 11:44 PM

I know  what you're talking about.....check Guy Mariano's ONE trick in the Girl video Yeah Right.......backside big flip over a trash can.....its fucking perfect. I had to rewind and slow mo that shit like 3 times to fully aprreciate how fucking clean it was.

I know exactly what you're talking about and i haven't watched that video in close to 2 years if i had to guess.



edit to say that mullen is really good, but i don't like watching him for too long. it goes from, "oh fuck, how did he do that?" to, "this shit is way too tech and its not actually that fun to watch him skate flatground for his whole part."

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