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word i like that speak..like u said the K and S arent too consistent with the other letters..also id prob make the A lowercase since the p and e seem to be..or rather the E uppercase ..but that would probably take away from the thing u have going with the P and E.and the 3ds off in the S in a part..

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Yeah ten months along and I still suck at 3d. But actually thanks for suggesting to do that I like the style I got going there. I'll admit it I haven't done too many pieces on walls and they all suck, maybe I should try something this simple on walls before trying other simple styles.


and I seriously can't tell if Romero is trolling or not....but most rollers look damn similar soooooo

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give me a dime for every toy that writes "speak"...


Yeah its kind of unoriginal but if any other toys wanna contest it I'll be happy to be bested by one. And there aren't any super well known writers that use it as far as I know so who gives a fuck?


and kasc I hope I can get that exchange in today but it'll just be my usual shitty unfilled sketch. One I give a fuck only about lettering right now and two todays hectic and this weekends worse.

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^Yup though I felt bad and so I google imaged it and all the speak shit is terrible and I'll be burning it by this time next year easy. Then I searched what would be my second choice-Keas and theres good shit. It's funny how what you expect to be original isn't that original...shit I'm not gonna post in here again without linking a flick.

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Not sayin your Q's bad. It's a decent simple, but you'd see x'd o's but not q's you know? most likely because the Q has a tail on it. Lastly it looks like your letters have all sorts of different styles to them. try to give all something a lot more in common. bars bars bars.


My latest. Gunna scan it, edit opacity, make changes and trace. But thought id post this for some crit. Goin back to an old style i fucked with mixed with some new shapes and letters.


I'd drop a lot of those extensions. they seem like they're cluttering it up, more than taking up negative space. I like a lot of your painted pieces more than your sketches (dont take that the wrong way though) they're just a lot cleaner. Another thing, your T is sort of lopsiding the whole word. check out your R, drop the leg and you already have a T, flip it and keep the whole thing balanced. when you look at your sketch, make a central line, then picture it as a physical object, if you stood it up on a pin, would it balance or would it tip one way or the other? It's not so much about making both sides symmetrical, it's about weight distribution from the central point. As far as your A and N go for letter structure, I can't make them out at all.

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A couple recent blackbook pieces



First flick, straight up drop the I to K connection.


Second, The H to E connection is clever, but it leaves the H looking half finished and naked. Try to steer away from connecting letters to one another.


Second and Third, practice your E's. Use bars and bend later when you're comfortable.

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Lastly it looks like your letters have all sorts of different styles to them. try to give all something a lot more in common. bars bars bars.



yea just fuckin around really. giving different letters characteristics to "describe" them so to speak. it eventually turned into "lets see how many different styles i can do"






3ds on point. i would say its structure thats lacking. maybe take a step back, a little more simple. also if your going for symmetry, commit to it. otherwise it just looks.. off.

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Yeah i like fucking with different styles. This one is a throw back you could say haha, havent played with it in a minute. And i feel you on the symmetry, its hard to do especially because i dont want to have the same extentions on each side. And no its not rast haha. The n came out stupid because besides the middle bar i modeled it off the a. And thanks about the 3d i shat that out just to fill negative space to make it easier to analyze ya know. Contrast.

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Yeah i like to fuck with different styles. I mean i have a basic main style but i like experimantation. No not rast, the n was just a retard because i modeled it off the a and had troubles. I love symmetry but its hard, really its the extentions and scribbles that throw it imo. And thanks for the 3d i just did that to fill space that wasnt a letter and make it easier to analyze

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vassenato. worst straight letter ive ever seen. honestly.

mutant rancor. kill yourself. please..


Ahhhh the kid from the Louisville thread? How can you come in here and be negative with a bunch of toys? Doesn't seem right in my book. Quit being harsh, there is a reason this thread is called TOYS POST HERE, because they are trying to develop, idiot!

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