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sometimes people make things more difficult than they need to be.

Somtimes making things simple to the very core is the best thing to do.

Like what if somebody was to like, draw gridlines on the paper before they started an outline to make sure everything followed the same pattern.

Or i mean, what if you could like, build your letters with seperate bars or something, and then like only outline the outside of the letter and fill in where it overlaps.

That would be pretty cool.

I think that might work pretty well.


*EDIT- forgotten star, dope but wrong thread. toy paint thread man.

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I love crazy ass idk what the fuck that says your fucking with my mind bro wildstyles. I love extreme complexity and think it has become a less cool thing in graff but ill always love it. Like i know fads come and go and shit but theres always a want for crazy shit. From me at least. And wild shit that is still legible to us writers i love as well. Like bacon, crazy shit but you can see his letters. Also guys check out the att thread at phers in brick slayers, and the icr thread in metal heads. Crazy shit.


Also i think alot of wildstyle pieces have extentions making it increasingly crazy for just that reason. I like to at least try to give my extentions a purpose so not to let it be a randomness. But if any of you have done a piece with little thought but still put in effort its so much fun and rewarding even if t

The letters are ass.

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kluse, or kline, or beast or sic or whatever the fuck. you don't have to sign in with a new handle every time you change your tag. although, it seems you do it every time you are almost banned, because you have so many negs. try actually using bars. or not giving shit no-nothing crits. a year of writing and every fucking piece looks the same.

edit. seriously. you don't see that that's the worst piece of shit? there is no structure. sloppy and that giant outline of color you always do makes it look even worse. just 'cause this dude kisses ass....the rest of you sees this shit, right?...right?

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