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scoe,my advice to you is to stop the coloring. its cool to do it every once in awhile, yeah, you got these nice markers laying around, fun to use, etc etc. but really, if you're just laying down the framework on it, (so to speak) there is no need to waste the markers on it. sketch some shit out a few hundred times, and when you get to the final, and you really like it, sure, burn some colors on it. but yeah, just hold off on the colors, i mean, it looks like you inda know what yo're doing, but its not neccessary at this early point. if i still had all the markers from back in the day that i wasted on sketchs, i wouldnt have to buy/steal any on a reg basis. keep up the good work though.

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Those criminls are dope


That piece is doo doo brown, and not that i know much about throws, but i like 'em, they are okay, but nothing special, work on your L the most. oh and the hands are ugly.


oh and work on straight letter simples, bro. For your piecing, i could critique that, but it's dookie, CRIMINAL.. <-- do it like that but with a drop down 3d n shiznit. Keep all your bars as a consistent width and height, for the individual bars and the whole letter overall.



har har har, it feels like old times saying straight letter simples every time i come to this site.

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dope as fuck but i cant bbegin to read it..



did this yesterday...dont like the letter structure 2 much..and didnt know wat to do with it in terms of fills


Space your letters out more doggy, but I like it. the Letters just look a little squished. and that fill is mad hot, just hard to read, but i know your name so i can read it.



Lol fuck, the pic didn't copy over from the boston thread... but it was that blue n white one if you remember.

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That piece is doo doo brown, and not that i know much about throws, but i like 'em, they are okay, but nothing special, work on your L the most. oh and the hands are ugly.


oh and work on straight letter simples, bro. For your piecing, i could critique that, but it's dookie, CRIMINAL.. <-- do it like that but with a drop down 3d n shiznit. Keep all your bars as a consistent width and height, for the individual bars and the whole letter overall.



har har har, it feels like old times saying straight letter simples every time i come to this site

Thanks for the tips, but I almost sense a bit of hate in your writing. The fact that you said you don't know much about throws proves a point that maybe you shouldn't even be giving advise. I'll take criticism from heads that know what they're talking about, thanks.

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lovin' this! i feel like the R is missing something or is barely off somehow, maybe try NOT connecting the C to the R and keep the R to the I connection, but change it up in one way or another. Or not. but other than that, your structure is really good, shits evenly spaced, clean as fuck, and its all way better than i could ever do, so... KEEP IT UP!!


PS. wut do you use for your initial outline, pencil?


Yeah, I hear ya. I felt like there was something wrong with the "R". I just finished a new one and fixed the "R" I think. I kept the same letter structure, though.

And yes, I have been using pencil for my initial outline, but I erase it all before I go over it with paint pens.

Thanks for the critique and and props, much respect!


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