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Suicide at Ground Zero


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Suicide suspected at WTC site

Friends say man was distraught over election results


Sunday, November 7, 2004 Posted: 9:48 AM EST (1448 GMT)


NEW YORK (AP) -- A 25-year-old from Georgia who was distraught over President Bush's re-election apparently killed himself at ground zero.


Andrew Veal's body was found Saturday morning inside the off-limits area of the former World Trade Center site, said Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.


A shotgun was found nearby, but no suicide note was found, Coleman said.


Veal's mother said her son was upset about the result of the presidential election and had driven to New York, Gus Danese, president of the Port Authority Police Benevolent Association, told The New York Times in Sunday's editions.


Friends said Veal worked in a computer lab at the University of Georgia and was planning to marry.


"I'm absolutely sure it's a protest," Mary Anne Mauney, Veal's supervisor at the lab, told The Daily News. "I don't know what made him commit suicide, but where he did it was symbolic."


Police were investigating how Veal entered the former World Trade Center site, which is protected by high fences and owned by the Port Authority.



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wow....thats really upsetting. but, I can't help feel a bit of gratitude. Normally I'd feel guilty about that, and I still do, but I think its obvious that he did this to bring attention to an unjust situation. So gratitude, as well as sympathy, both seem appropriate.



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Reminds me of the Kurt Cobain copycat suicide. This one is less pathetic, but still, a little perspective goes a long way. I had plenty of good times and painted a lot of trains under the first half of the Bush regime, despite a backdrop of darkness and grimness, and I will do the same for the next four years. The situation continues to worsen, and travel abroad will be more dangerous for Americans, and abortion will return to the back alleys, etc., but there will still be an America sans Bush in 2009 at the latest.

No need to off yourself.

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and more crazy protest:


Man Sets Himself on Fire Near White House



WASHINGTON (AP) - A man set himself afire Monday just outside a White House gate and repeatedly yelled ``Allah Allah'' after Secret Service officers put out the flames and one held him facedown on the sidewalk.


Alan Etter, spokesman for the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services, said guards at the gate quickly extinguished the flames, and the man had second- and third-degree burns on about 30 percent of his body.


The man had burns to his head, back, arms and face but was conscious when medics took him to Washington Hospital Center, Etter said.


``I can confirm that there was an ignitable liquid present on the scene,'' Etter said.


White House doctors joined uniformed Secret Service personnel in administering first aid until the emergency service technicians arrived. They transported the 52-year-old man, who was not identified, to the burn unit of Washington Hospital Center.


Lorie Lewis, a Secret Service spokeswoman, said the man ``set himself on fire on Pennsylvania Avenue on the north side of the White House complex.'' That section of Pennsylvania Avenue was recently reopened to pedestrians after being closed for security.


Witnesses reported hearing screams and seeing a man in flames. The man's right trouser leg was burned.


Afterward, he lay on the sidewalk about 10-15 feet from his partially burned raincoat, attache case and various papers. A fire extinguisher was there as well. Secret Service personnel confiscated the man's items.


A Florida couple with a video camera taped the incident. John and Beverly Beers, tourists from Palm Beach, Fla., say they turned the tape over to the Secret Service. Authorities also interviewed the couple in Lafayette Park.


Jim Clarke of Burke, Va., was walking his dog when the incident occurred. He said Secret Service agents acted quickly and used an extinguisher to put out the flames.


There was no immediate word on the man's condition or what led to the fire. There was evidence of an ignitable liquid at the scene, Etter said.


The Secret Service, which disclosed no additional details, is investigating the incident.



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Originally posted by symbols@Nov 15 2004, 06:25 PM

and more crazy protest:



A Florida couple with a video camera taped the incident. John and Beverly Beers, tourists from Palm Beach, Fla., say they turned the tape over to the Secret Service. Authorities also interviewed the couple in Lafayette Park.





thanks John and Beverly, so are you guys related?

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Originally posted by symbols@Nov 15 2004, 06:25 PM

and more crazy protest:


Man Sets Himself on Fire Near White House



WASHINGTON (AP) - A man set himself afire Monday just outside a White House gate and repeatedly yelled ``Allah Allah'' after Secret Service officers put out the flames and one held him facedown on the sidewalk.......



This didn't have anything to do with the outcome of the election. The man who set himself on fire was an FBI Informant who was distraught over his inability to return to his home in Yemen to visit his critically ill wife. He told the paper by fax and telephone that he was "going to burn my body at unexpected place". He also faxed a letter to an FBI agent in New York who has had contact with him. Read more




Something similar to this happened in my city back in June outside of the courthouse.


"An Iranian immigrant whom friends described as ill and worried about his bills set himself on fire just before 10 a.m. yesterday outside the Hall of Justice. Morteza Mehrpou, 48, shouted something repeatedly - witnesses differ on what they heard - and then poured gasoline over himself from a half-gallon plastic jug before igniting it with a lighter."

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Originally posted by DITDxCULT+Nov 16 2004, 04:48 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (DITDxCULT - Nov 16 2004, 04:48 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-symbols@Nov 15 2004, 06:25 PM

and more crazy protest:


Man Sets Himself on Fire Near White House



WASHINGTON (AP) - A man set himself afire Monday just outside a White House gate and repeatedly yelled ``Allah Allah'' after Secret Service officers put out the flames and one held him facedown on the sidewalk.......



This didn't have anything to do with the outcome of the election. The man who set himself on fire was an FBI Informant who was distraught over his inability to return to his home in Yemen to visit his critically ill wife. He told the paper by fax and telephone that he was "going to burn my body at unexpected place". He also faxed a letter to an FBI agent in New York who has had contact with him. Read more




Something similar to this happened in my city back in June outside of the courthouse.


"An Iranian immigrant whom friends described as ill and worried about his bills set himself on fire just before 10 a.m. yesterday outside the Hall of Justice. Morteza Mehrpou, 48, shouted something repeatedly - witnesses differ on what they heard - and then poured gasoline over himself from a half-gallon plastic jug before igniting it with a lighter."


Yeah I remeber that Iranian guy. He had a sign that said "Who's responsible?"

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Man Jumps Fence at White House



Washington (AP) - Just hours after a man set himself on fire outside the White House, another man has jumped the fence onto the White House grounds.


Around five this afternoon, the man scaled the six-foot high fence. When he landed on the other side, the uniformed Secret Service pounced.


There's no word on what this man wanted - or what another man had in mind when he torched himself outside the White House on newly re-opened Pennsylvania Avenue.


Witnesses say the Secret Service put the flames out in about a minute, using a fire extinguisher. D.C. Fire and EMS spokesman Alan Etter says the man is 52 and suffered serious burns to his head, back, arms and face. But he was conscious when medics took him to Washington Hospital Center. Etter also says there was evidence of an ignitable liquid at the scene.


Tourists from Florida with a video camera caught the incident on tape, which they turned the tape over to the Secret Service.

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WAIT a minute. You guys are kidding, right? Three wack jobs do crazy shit at the WTC and the White House and somehow it's Bush's fault? That's completely crazy. These people are solely, 100% personally responsible for whatever they did to themselves. Nothing George Bush says or does could possibly make me want to kill myself, or set myself on fire, etc., etc.


The 25-year-old who killed himself over Bush's reelection----man! What a pathetic response. "MENTALLY ILL DUMB ASS."


The guy who wanted to go to Yemen, what the fuck? He never heard of Canada? Mexico? He drives to Canada, boards a plane for Yemen, and it's "Honey, I'm home!"


I'm not buying this shit. These guys were idiots.

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^hahaha a compassionate american.



ok, i knew the white house stunts weren't about the election.

this is just a good place to collect what is hopefully a rising tide of nutjob stunts in the wake of our RADICAL RIGHT administration.


these people aren't idiots.

they want their voices heard.

i'd say they did at least a halfway decent job of that. after all, we're discussing it, no?


so, kabar2, i guess you don't know shit about immigration.

I was BARRRED entry from canada due to FBI LIES ABOUT ME.

and if a person cannot be granted a VISA from our government to leave, whether it be canada or mexico or yemen, once they leave, they CANNOT come back.


so fuck off with your selfrighteous judgemental bullshit.

and as i've seen you say, just because you don't agree or don't understand doesn't make them "dumbasses"


just like most republicans, you can talk about that kind of politicking, but can't seem to put it into practice

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The FBI cares enough about you to lie? Come on, man, why would they need to make shit up about you? Isn't the truth enough to keep you out of Canada? I think the deal is that the Canadians don't want a bunch of malcontent Americans living up there. When the draft resisters from Vietnam first got there, they were all grateful that the Canadians let them in, and then after the shock of leaving the country wore off, they started bitching and sniveling about the Canadian government and Canadian governmental policies. It's all fine and good for them to wail and moan and gnash their teeth about racism in the American South, but when they start bitching about the way the Canadians treat the Inuit, or the discrimination against the Quebecois, that's different. It doesn't matter where they go or what the government is doing, the malcontents would bitch and cause trouble no matter WHERE they lived.


Which is why the Canadians didn't welcome you with a kiss on both cheeks. You apparently fucked up enough to get on the radar of the FBI, and that means that the RCMP doesn't want to have to deal with you either.


Welcome home!


Here's the good news. If you keep a very low profile, by the time you're fifty or so they will have forgotten all about you, and you can sneak up there for a long weekend.

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yes, mr.highandmighty all knowing kabar.


the fbi cared enough about ME to LIE to the canadian government.


what the fuck do you know about me?

not much.


i was entering canada last spring with a valid passport

the canadian border cops stopped me because of an fbi record they had.


they SHOWED ME what the fbi had on me.

and yes, it was LIES.

a dropped case from 4 years previous was showing that i was a fugitive from felony charges.


the original charges were not felonies, nor did i flee, the charges were ALL DROPPED by the prosecution.


since then, i contacted the public defenders office from the city where the charges originated and got a raft of paperwork stating that the fbi's info was bogus. i went back to canada a few weeks ago and they let me in without incident.


so i guess here's where i tell you the FBI doesn't know shit, what they do know is wrong, and you are a fucking cocksucker for trying to play big daddy and talk down to me like i'm your fucking child.


get over yourself and your patronizing advice.

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Well, symbols, I guess you told me off good, eh? Now why in the world would the mean, nasty FBI bother to make up lies about you? Inquiring minds would like to know. And further, why in the world would the mean, nasty, lying FBI rectify your records once they had put it all down on paper that you were a fugitive from justice and all? I mean, I probably have an FBI file as thick as a phone book. I doubt seriously they are going to change one single comma, no matter what I did or didn't do.


Of course, in my case, it's probably all true, LOL.

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Originally posted by KaBar2@Nov 21 2004, 11:49 PM

Well, symbols, I guess you told me off good, eh? Now why in the world would the mean, nasty FBI bother to make up lies about you? Inquiring minds would like to know.



Probably the same things that makes your hick buddies think someone wants to take away their assault rifles...seems a bit far fetched and paranoid doesn't it?



That said I have a friend who was persued to a ridiculous extent by the Justice Department via the INS because he had lied about his citizen status on job application. He had been here for like 15 years, was my boss when I was a boss to others, ran his own buisness on the side and had never had any radical behavior either politically or criminally. He had an American wife of two years and was by all arguments an upstanding citizen. Then your boy Ashcroft decides to investigate all Muslims no matter what <yay Cat Stevens!>. This court shit cost them everything they had, years of savings and reputation. At the end he was given a green card by the judge and completely exonerated. Kabar, he makes more money than you ever have and it's all on his ethics and drive while never geting into trouble - why would the Justice Department go after him...you're a walking contradiction, you seen to support the government only when it supports you - there is no regard for principle in your arguments AND still I support your position on gun rights...

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kabar you are so fucking patronizing and sarcastic that you paint yourself to be a totally unreasonable asshole.


i proved your assumptions about me and my situations were bullshit.


if i was trying to tell you off i'd talk about how much of a cocklicker you are.


if you'd have bothered to open your eyes and READ before you made a judgement you'd see the fbi hasn't rectified anything.

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