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strangest/craziest thing you seen while bombing...


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i was walking around a shopping center with my marker and i was buggin out cuz i thought this security car saw me so i started to sprint towards my car, then all of a sudden a cop comes out of the alley and tells me to put my hands on the hood. he cuffs me and puts me in the back of his car ask for my id and shit, but spelled my last name wrong.


he eventually let me go cuz i told him some dudes were trying to jump me thats why i was running

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  • 2 weeks later...

i saw a train hit a car at a crossing while it was going slow as fuck coming into a yard, and was the first to call 911 and get up to it. the driver wasn't hurt but he was trapped inside. i stood there talking and joking with him through the window while waiting for paramedics+police to show up.


drunk black dude thought the train had stopped on the tracks and drove his shitty honda station wagon right in front of it, he probably would've died if he'd driven 2 or 3 feet farther up, the train pretty much crushed the front of his car and the passenger side


some dudes came out of their apartment complex to watch the scene and were smoking a blunt standing in the middle of the road with blue lights all around, like it was nothing

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was painting my first piece after 2 years of retirement and what happens, a fucking copper chopper flies over the top of me. at this point i think fuck this so i bolt with my mates and we're walkin through the back streets to get a feed from maccas and we see a paddy wagon speed right past us and pull the guys down the road from us over .. haha!


not a great story but ah well.

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this thread rules, it's time to contribute.


I'll start with the downright freakiest story: So it was about nine o clock one fine evening last century, and I was crossing a bridge by the grocery store, over to the train spot below on foot. This dude walking on the bridge stops me and asks me if i'm looking for a girlfriend. I had to turn his offer down cause the hot steel was waitin'.


other weird shit spotted around the spots:


-porn, lots of porn

-barbie dolls (Wtf is with all the dolls on the rails?! Everyone has these stories)

-a purse with makeup still in it, up in a weird spot above a highway, creeped me the fuck out

-an entire dragnet set up around a neighborhood, like 20 cop cars on different blocks from the side i could see, never found out what it was for

-an old industrial site in trenton new jersey with most of its buildings gone, only one building left. for some reason the whole area was creepy as fuck, i was scared as hell to go into that remaining building even though it was tiny, like 20x40ft. something just pressed on me to get the fuck out of there the whole time. ghost story material for sure

-not really that strange, but scary - a 120 mph train on the tracks next to the wall i was painting (gotta love Acela)

-a bunch of geese at a layup, no water nearby, they were just chillin on the tracks.

-cops parked on a RR access road going to the trunk, back to the cab then out of the cab and smoke pours out... east precinct famously corrupt, i heard more stories about them but they're not bombing related

-coming through a spot, saw this dude playing a saxophone under a bridge in front of a piece i did earlier

-mexican illegales offered me beer under the pimp's bridge from story #1

-some rail workers getting out of their yard mule that ran right in front of a quickie mart and going in for snacks and drinks

-almost got hit by lightning once in PA walking near rails in the woods, hid under a rail overpass bridge from a T-storm and 10 seconds later the pole i was at got struck while i was looking at it

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-almost got hit by lightning once in PA walking near rails in the woods, hid under a rail overpass bridge from a T-storm and 10 seconds later the pole i was at got struck while i was looking at it


^ Fuckin' A..!


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  • 2 weeks later...
i was out bombin one night and saw a car roll by with all his tires popped sparks flying like a mother fucker sirens were all over and eight cop cars were chasing this dude me and my homie were just stading there stunned as fuck,

so we know the caps arnt out and bomb the fuck out this busy street cars honking and us just painting away.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Same shit happened to me the other night, this is the best feeling. Knowing all the piggies are occupied and you got a good 15-30 minutes to go wild.

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Shit son, I was out the other night on a regural mission and there I see a bum kneeling, butt ass naked down on the dirt. Mother fucker looked like he was about to get raped and shit. Same thing happend like 6 months ago around the same spot. Freaky ass shit.... havinh to walk next to a naked ass kneeling bum with hairy ass legs... chewy status.

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not me but some mates were doin a piece near a river/creek and a bunch of young teen girls come riding past on their horses so my mates hide in the bushes and the group of girls + some teachers decide to cross the river/creek and it is quite deep and one of the girls horses just like gives way or passes out or someshit in the middle of the creek haha and the girl is screaming for help but non of them can help as they are all crossing and in their saddles haha


and as for a weird story for me doin a underpass with a dirt track right next to me when about halfway through all these rally cars start racing past... so i bailed!!

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Not really a bombing story.. but i was walking down some tracks with my cousin blazing and he turns around for whatever reason and starts trippin and tells me there's someone behind us and i said no way man you're trippin dude. you're faded. and he said nah wtf. turn around man there's fuckin someone behind us. so i look back cuz he started to trip me out and there's this fuckin tall ass bitch with a short pink skirt and a wife beater on, and carrying a purse. i turned around and said dude its all good and he said nah man shits sketchy why the fuck is she following us? so i turn back around to take another look at her and she was closer now and walking faster and i noticed her makeup was all fucked up and she was a little too muscular to be just a woman so we started bookin it. not alll that funny but not the best thing to run into when you're high considering i was only 15 and he was only 13 at the time and it was way too fuckin late for us youngins to be dickin around some train tracks

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Me and my friends were bombin today on a playground, and we heard "HEY! What are you guys DOIN?!" We got mad scared so we ducked down, and he was pointing the other way at some other teenagers tagging, heard a gunshot, bounced outta there..


New York for ya..

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Not really a bombing story.. but i was walking down some tracks with my cousin blazing and he turns around for whatever reason and starts trippin and tells me there's someone behind us and i said no way man you're trippin dude. you're faded. and he said nah wtf. turn around man there's fuckin someone behind us. so i look back cuz he started to trip me out and there's this fuckin tall ass bitch with a short pink skirt and a wife beater on, and carrying a purse. i turned around and said dude its all good and he said nah man shits sketchy why the fuck is she following us? so i turn back around to take another look at her and she was closer now and walking faster and i noticed her makeup was all fucked up and she was a little too muscular to be just a woman so we started bookin it. not alll that funny but not the best thing to run into when you're high considering i was only 15 and he was only 13 at the time and it was way too fuckin late for us youngins to be dickin around some train tracks


This nigga wa about to get fucked by a tranny! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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LMFAO, Deezed black *gay guy or what?

I swear to God, all gay blacks, are jacked as FUCK.


Hmm, weirdest thing I seen...

I've seen some girl breaking up with her bf in her car ( It was obvious )

You could see their screaming faces and shit, then the guy starts hitting her.

The guy opens the door and screams, "You need me bitch!"

He started walking away and the girl literally hit him with her car.

Guy fell, girl drove off.

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  • 1 month later...

i had just painted a wall and pulled out onto a main street and a dude on a motorcycle comes by doing about 80 with cops following. i look down the street and watched dude smash right into this minivan which flipped, and of course the biker died.

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middleaged man on rollerskates a pink speedo and a my little pony backback and sunglasses (still dont get the sunglasses part in the middle of the night)

the usual teens fucking in the parking lots while im lurking and masturbating to it.

blues playing homeless guys


the random toiletbrushes.

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did you get close enough to see the magazine during, or did you inspect it after he was finished?

funny shit!!!

seen some funny ass shit, like bombin with my boy, and hearin this tweaker bitch screamin out the 3rd floor of these tenament joints, "he's gonna kill me, and i yell up "who" and shes all him, him so my homie says i dont believe you... she says i swear to god, and i say prove it, whats your social sec. #, and she yells it out loud as hell, and im all birthdate mam? she yells that out, and "just send someone fast, i think she was alone...

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I'm from new orleans wierd shit goes on during the day here so seeing wierd shit is pretty much the norm but last nite me and my boy were walking and they have a few bums sleepin in allys n shit n we hear foot steps we turn around n there's a big ass dude bout 6'6 with a baseball bat and a polo shirt on just lookin strait up. we keep walkin and the nigga gets closer turn around again n he's just gone don't know where he went or why he had a bat freaked me out.


then were walkin and we see some tourist sittin on a curb drunk as fuck laughin and eating a box of chicken with a hobo. the hobos like tell me again where u got this chicken hahahahaha n nudges the lady, then the guy gets all serious n he's like don't fucking touch my wife you piece of shit n there's an awkward silence for the 3 of them n the 5/6 other people on my side of the street waitin for the light to change. then the guys like ahhh I'm just fuckin with you feel them titties they're brandfuckingnew and hands him the box of chicken


I fucking love nola

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I'm from new orleans wierd shit goes on during the day here so seeing wierd shit is pretty much the norm but last nite me and my boy were walking and they have a few bums sleepin in allys n shit n we hear foot steps we turn around n there's a big ass dude bout 6'6 with a baseball bat and a polo shirt on just lookin strait up. we keep walkin and the nigga gets closer turn around again n he's just gone don't know where he went or why he had a bat freaked me out.


then were walkin and we see some tourist sittin on a curb drunk as fuck laughin and eating a box of chicken with a hobo. the hobos like tell me again where u got this chicken hahahahaha n nudges the lady, then the guy gets all serious n he's like don't fucking touch my wife you piece of shit n there's an awkward silence for the 3 of them n the 5/6 other people on my side of the street waitin for the light to change. then the guys like ahhh I'm just fuckin with you feel them titties they're brandfuckingnew and hands him the box of chicken


I fucking love nola

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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