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question#1: is it OK for a guy to spend more time

with other girls than your gf and lie to her about it


no. no. no. lying means you have something to hide. if it's innocent, then there wouldn't be lies


question#2: do you think that its OK for him to call

a girl (not his gf) 67 x's a month




question#3: is he cheating?


odds are yes, but maybe not. stranger things have happened

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Excoriating Abdominal Emanation



Vilely I defile, chastise, humiliate

Writhing, agonised as I violate to impregnate

With lathering soaps and suds I slowly emenize

Innards gurgulate as they're sickly baptized...


Your rectum I will flood

With bleach, detergents and suds...


Rupturing your gall-blader

Liver bleached and soaked

Lungs now flooded

With bicarbonates and boiling soap

Orifices pumped and plugged

Rectal membrane split

Evaporating your bowels

Anal muscle rips...


I grope in the grime, the evaporating motions slush

Pulverising your gut, in my rubber boots and gloves

Your nates purple and raw, brillo pads scour and cleanse

Sticking plasters on abrased organs, to try and make amends...




Your innards I corrode

This process you will loathe

Your innards I evacuate

With my crude methods of hate


Anal track acidically removed

Along with rotten entrails and stools

Disembowelling in my rage

in your colostomy you suffocate




Sadistically sodomizing with my instruments of grime

Force-feeding it down your throat if I find the time

Vaseline and talc soothe the gored ano-obliteration

Sardonically I gloat on your rectal dislocation


Seething with carnage lust

As the plastic tubing in enthrust...


Rupturing your gall-blader

Liver bleached and soaked

Lungs now flooded

With bicarbonates and boiling soap

Orifices pumped and plugged

Rectal membrane split

Evaporating your bowels

Anal muscle rips...


The anus sucked inside out, my victim now distraught

Rectal tissue I scald, as I boil the inner core

The orifice now clean - sanitised, red and raw

Brutally impaling your rectum, this process I adore....



Your innards I corrode

This process you will loathe

Your innards I evacuate

With my crude methods of hate

Anal track acidically removed

Along with rotten entrails and stools

Disembowelling in my rage

in your colostomy you suffocate

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question#1: is it OK for a guy to spend more time

with other girls than your gf and lie to her about it


No, girls/guys.. its just people, spending time isnt a big deal unless theres something else going on. Why lie?




question#2: do you think that its OK for him to call

a girl (not his gf) 67 x's a month


No, i think its pretty odd.. who the fuck calls someone 67 times in one month.. dude, thats a bit much.


question#3: is he cheating?

By making phone calls?

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The funny thing is I bet you actually counted a cell phone bill or something to see how many times he called. Stalker much??


Ditch the fucker if you think he's cheating. Nothing more too it. Without trust there is no relationship.


Girl as friends=ok


Talking to Girls that are friends more than the girlfriend=DUH!!

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Heres the scoop:


youre boyfriend/girlfriend is supposed to be your best friend.


Now, if he isnt cheating, but just became close friends with these mamas, that means hes closer friends with them, meaning something is going on in the relationship that isnt be verbalized, meaning you need to talk to him or kick his ass to the curb, like was said before.


^run-on sentence extraordinaire^

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Originally posted by »§ÜGÅR«

kick the bitch in his teef...


how are you going to even ASK is it ok to call some bitch that many times a day?.. I'd kill him if he was my boyfriend, then chop his body up and feed it to my neighbor's dogs.


Hi, that comment cannot get any better.



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Originally posted by gatita

Heres the scoop:


youre boyfriend/girlfriend is supposed to be your best friend.


Now, if he isnt cheating, but just became close friends with these mamas, that means hes closer friends with them, meaning something is going on in the relationship that isnt be verbalized, meaning you need to talk to him or kick his ass to the curb, like was said before.


^run-on sentence extraordinaire^


this is true, unless they were already friends b4 the relationship in question.

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Originally posted by »§ÜGÅR«

kick the bitch in his teef...


how are you going to even ASK is it ok to call some bitch that many times a day?.. I'd kill him if he was my boyfriend, then chop his body up and feed it to my neighbor's dogs.



word up

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your boyfriend is a fuckin bum. he had to stay to smoke some blunts. i actually kind of believe thats what he was doing, and what kind of excuse is that... i mean if you really care about him not coming home so late... if you dont and thats the norm then whatever.. but i mean... he didnt want you to distract him from smoking blunts?? using that one example, you can see how any way you flip it, its pretty retarded.


and now i just read the thing about the text messages asking for directions to the studio.


please tell me you can figure out what to do on your own... you need to AT LEAST confront him with this shit. i want to say you should dump his loser ass no questions asked but there MAY possibly be some almost decent explanation and id feel bad for the guy if he wasnt as bad as you make him seem and he got dumped on some dumb shit.

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On a more serious note and since you are obviously too young to sleep with me I'll advise you in the ways of relationships. A lot of people who are in their first very serious relationship don't understand that it's a give and take. It's not he gets to do whatever he wants and you have to be okay with it or you're being possessive and controlling. Fuck that. You have a right to stand up for what you want.


Let me give you an example, my first serious girlfriend in highschool used to want to hang out wiht her friends all the time. Like she would hang out with me less than she hung out with them. That shit is not right. If you "love" somebody, they should be your number one priority, period. The councilor at our highschool tried to gas her with some you're each your own person with you're own needs and wants. Bullshit. I say fuck that. If you need something (I'm not saying every little thing that you can bully him into) but if you really need something for you to be happy, tell him straight up. You have to be honest though. If you want him to stop hanging out with other girls, you have the right to tell him that. He also has the right to say no, and then its your decision again. But think of it this way, if he cared about you the way you care about him would he do something that he knows hurts you?




I think I'll listen to the Cure...


(Edit to avoid ubertones...)

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Originally posted by faulkner

--thanx 4 advice

i really needed to hear it from another perspective

i guess i just didn't wanna become one of those

controlling gf, but lately i've been suspicious

of things....and my bf said that he's just hanging

out with this girl 'cause she paints too.

i've never been with any other guy, so i really

don't know if it's normal or not ( one case in particular that really hurt was when he told me not to come to his studio one friday night,which is something i ususally do....but this time he said that i'm not

invited and i'll distract him....then he came home

really high and went to sleep...he told me that one of his friends came with shit and he had to stay to smoke some blunts.....now i did something i know i should have never done, which is to check his call history on his cell and there was about 10 text messages from her asking for directions to his studio)

please understand the guy has no $$$, delivers pizza, goes to school twice a week, lived with

me for four years, never payed for rent (even had his own room), food, or other bills.....

now i'll let you on a little secret...the girl is Miss17 so if you know if she's sleeping with other writers let me know



from my opinion he sounds like an absoloute tool, but thats my opinion. you should do wat you want to do wat you feel is right girl, shit if you think hes cheating on you ask him straight up see wat he says. he sounds like a complete prick which has no time for you wat so ever, i would kick in in the teeth for shit like that!...........put it this way its cool to hang around with other girls etc etc, but why tell you not to come up to the studio? and about the history thats fucked up really................shit if all gos wrong you could hook up with me maybe:rolleyes: :crazy: :crazy:...........no but real do wat you feel is right;)

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bunch of Benedict Arnolds up in this bitch!


faulkner- listen girl, thats just what writers do- hang out with other writers. You should probably cook for him more, and give him head everytime he is home. This behavior is normal, I seriously doubt he is cheating, however, it sounds like he is afraid you will think he is cheating and put him out since you are obviously a bit paranoid, and probably psycho. If you go to give him head everytime he walks in the door, you will eventually find out if he is in fact cheating. Until then, relax and stop seeking advice from people removed from the situation that are only hearing your side of the story. It's also not cool to put peoples names out there like that, because ignorant people will automaticlly start assuming things about the named young lady that may not be true.

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if it was me i wouldn't put up with that kind of behavior, but that's just me.


have you seen this girl and him together? wait until you see how they are together to react to this though. just tell im if he has nothing to hide to invite you to hang out with both of them, and see how that goes.

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Guest willy.wonka

im a guy and i think she may be exciting him more than you are these days..flip the tables...get all nice and sexy and go out,,, come to hawaii and stay at my place, that should piss him off.


i voted he just wants to fuck....if she's hot, yes is the answer.



follow your intincts :king: rule the world around you

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Guest WebsterUno



bkuz we r all kewl graffers dewd!




im web james bitch...

show rodney your titties...

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Originally posted by MurderSluts

no fucking way....im paranoid enough as it is and i havent exprerienced shit like that with the hubby...not even close. If i was you he'd be out on the curb right after i found out he was lying. no trust = no love


so fuckin true.


If he has to prance around lying and telling you to not come to his place, then he's a douchebag.. yes, i said it, a douchebag..


I hate liars.:mad:

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