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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by gatita

I just want to say... I have a larger ass than that girl in Maxim, my waist might be a tad larger, but that just means more cushion for the pushing


By the way, did I mention Im drunk and at my friends in the LES nyc.. and did I mention Im dork enough to go online and check 12oz while Im drunk and with my friends? well, I guess I just did.

:crazy: :lick: :lol:


too bad your not drunk on LI near me, we can be drunk togehter and have fun w/ the digi.....:yum: :lol:

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[ mood | excited ]

[ music | "Cupid's Victim" - Tiger Army ]


Name: Jackie

Age: 20

Butch/Femme/String-O’-Identities: Femme

Pronoun Preference: She

Location: Allentown, PA

Sign: Cancer

Status: Polyamorously partnered to the other mod. ::kiss::

Interests: Books, music, all sorts of sex, crafting, tea parties.


What’s sexy, to you, in a butch/femme? I like a butch with expressive eyebrows and big strong arms. I like the look of a butch's naked back, especially when said butch is wearing just jeans. I like hard topping butches who know how to both punish and please a femme like me. A good smile and good hair is pretty sexy, too.


What kind of porn gets YOU off? Pretty much all of it, except bad lesbian porn... the fake stuff with big-haired girls who produce candy-colored vibrators out of thin air and then coo while they use them on one another. Any kind of penetrative porn gets me going. ::grin::


What’s your best bedroom (bathroom/kitchen/backseat/forest floor) skill? I give a mean blowjob.


What’s a song you like to play while giving a striptease/giving a lapdance/getting it on? During a lapdance, "Pony" by Genuwine...

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wait, you REALLY want to laugh hard??








































































i had to edit out my face.




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I made a girl cry last night, I almost feel bad. Ya, almost.


Telling your "best friend in the entire world" in a drunken moment of absolute sincerity "It's sort of fitting that you would turn a gesture of friendship into a way to try and fuck me over, I never expected anything less from you. So just pour me the drink like I'm any other dude off the street, cause basically thats what I am. You don't exist to me..." I can't believe she started crying at work. This is a bar at 12:30 AM, there are customers galore and now I look like an asshole...


Awww Well, just another day of being me...


Milton: BigAssholeOner

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Originally posted by Glik0

Hey dickfaces, way to send me a message on myspace with the KB account.





send me your link foker, and i will add you, that goes for the rest of you crazy people.


ok shower time, haircut, pick up the bike from the bike shop, ride, work out, shower, be lazy, possibly another ride and some sticker action.

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