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alright, at the risk of sounding like a crazy animal rights activist, did i miss the actual point of someone killing a shark? please correct me if i did, but what in the hell does killing a big shark like that accomplish? Do you need to eat it for survival? Probably not.


ANYWHO. Today was an ok day. I had my first weekend doing my volunteer work for school at a hospital downtown, doing massage in the cancer ward. Only had one patient, but shit was depressing. ........


school's almost over, in a few months, and im gonna party like it's 1999.

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Originally posted by »§ÜGÅR«@Dec 12 2004, 11:07 PM

uhh, u been to chicago lately? the southside is plenty overpopulated. It may be time to take matters into my own hands......




never been to chicago, but if you have a place for me to stay and money for me to get there, then ill come check out those overpopulated kids hah...i was only playing about the kids anyway, i dont really care if a deer or shark dies, if you care about them i think you should go out and help them out or something....but im not trying to start a kb argument, just stating my opinion

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the quote is pretty much the entire article about the shark. after i posted that last night, i googled looking for more info about it. all i could find was the exact same thing that i posted.



sugar, i came across a scuba diving forum when i was looking for the shark link, and they were saying the same thing. If its true, it sucks that they chose to kill it just for a trophy. well to be honest, i don't really care that people chose to kill it. it just sucks that it was removed from the gene pool and those genes wont be around to make huge killer robot-shark hybrids in the future.

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Originally posted by Nekro@Dec 12 2004, 09:55 AM

If a shark gets pulled backwards it dies. The water going backwards through the gills will force all its guts out of its mouth.



I've never heard of that before, at least the guts part...


But, sharks can never stop swimming or they will indeed run out of air. They need constant circulation through movement in water for oxygen . This shark probably tired out and simply could not swim anymore, hence drowning...it really is stupid the way we treat animals, this shark didn't need to die...

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i hear you, sugar.


but, i'm aware of how hypocritical this is, i just don't think fishing is nearly as fucked up as hunting.


i just don't really think fish know what the fuck is going on, and i don't think fish suffer in the same way that mammals do.


for example:


i caught a blue shark. fought him for 30 minutes, reeled his ass up alongside of the boat so my father could cut the leader. (you can leave hooks in sharks mouths to release them, they just rust out with no big problem for the shark) 40 minutes later, i caught the same shark again. 2 hours after that, i caught the same shark again.


so when people say shit like, how would you like it if you went to eat a hot dog and got a hook stuck in your grill and dragged you down the block. i'm aware that the fish isn't having the time of his life here, i just don't think they feel pain or are even aware of their existence in the way that some other animals are.


i still feel guilty about sport fishing sometimes. i WAS vegetarian for 6 or 7 years and have mixed feelings about aniaml rights issues. but i don't feel guilty like i'm being cruel. it's more like how i would feel if... like if you took a finely hand crafted old school clock, with all these little complicated parts, and just squashed it. not that i feel like your being cruel to the clock, just insulting to the creator of the clock. whoa, i'm getting deep.


anyway, i just think that busting a cap in a deer is way different than playing tug of war with a fish.

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i definitely agree.


I've always been told that fish dont feel pain, that they dont have nervous systems... how true that is, i dont really know.


Deers bein shot for fun, and bears and stuff, that makes me mad. If you need to shoot them to survive (eating them)like i said before, then I wouldnt be as pissy, but the trophy shit is lame..


Sorry if i sound like some advocate for PETA, but to me, i say live and let live.. I dont think the animals were put here for people to go buck nutty and have fun shooting them, but i'm not the maker of animals, so my opinion doesnt really matter.


::end rant::

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I know who it is nostra.......its in his myspace flicks....


and today sucked, went to comp lab for 2 hours, worked on an ad due tommorow, saved it, checked email, then went back, and it didnt save properly, somehting about end of file corruption.....fuck... o i gotta wake up early and do it.


yea, and i miss hunting.

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hey yo, i belong to peta... some of there policies are a bit eccentric but the core principals i believe in... dont say deer are overpopulated when man has done nothing but overexpand AND overdevelop.... hunting is just powerless willess and or overpowered fucks trying to show there inferiority over a creature dubbed "lower" than themselves... on some felling like god type shit... dont give me that "man is a killer by nature" bullshit, this aint the stone age mother fuckers... that shark didnt have to die, they ARE protected (in US waters at least) they can drown without proper circulation.. and catch and release is fine with me, i love fishing... but wtf, you know them dudes aint gonna eat no shark finn soup or have a fuckin great white burger... you just KNOW them dudes had no idea what they were doing when they landed that shark.... sorry yall i just had to rant a lil... why write i got your markers today, im still waiting on the book though... so your just gonna have to wait bro... goose, is that chief brody with your pop and gramps????

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