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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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okay, okay, let me get this right, your lips hurt, from sucking to hard, from a movie...i don't think you should share that much of your personal life with us. maybe you could go help rage and nekro answer some questions in the "ask a gay dude" thread... :lol:

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i know, it's because i'm tired, but can't get off the damn computer, and what's with the post with just my name? my name is up in your post, my sack up on your chin, i don't know about you onesec, i don't know, just come out, we were all accepting of both rage and nekro, we aren't gonna hate...

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onesec is welcome to chill and post here, but he will never be down. he has threatened to wage war on the knightbats before, and that's some never forgive type shit. like dissing a fat albert character on a wholecar.


on another note...


i bought an xbox yesterday. a special halo2 edition xbox. it looks sick. and it came with halo one and 2. i fuckin SESSIONED that shit yesterday. i'm not even allowing myself to peep halo2 until i beat the first one. shit is so much fun.


i just hate when you kill all the bad guys but cant figure out where to go. that always happens to me with those types of 3-d games. i got no sense of direction.


i also bought the lotr rpg because i heard some good things about it. i like strategy games, and i LOVE that game diablo... i never got down with any turn based games like FF tho. but i heard it was cool so i'll give it a try.


unfortunately, i got no time for video game sessions. and rockin out on halo for 45 minutes just isnt enough time. 45 minutes is like video game blue balls.


maybe i'll take a sick day tomorrow...

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shit has cooled down a bit. basically, my boss likes me and couldnt give a fuck about our shithead production dept. it's just a little uncomfortable working with people you'd like to strangle, but really, no problems.


also, i'm developing 2 new lines of toys which were both completely my concept and they are both looking like very strong canidates for some big sales. these projects could make serious loot for this company. like whole new levels of loot, if we can sell it to wal-mart US. it's not all because of me, but i am playing a role in doing good things for this company. so lately there's been a lot of positive talk about what i've been working on and i've been getting some respect from the team. but regardless.. fuck em.




sorry i didn't get back to you, i remember you asked me about my job and that you were into design. you have any questions? sorry, i forgot exactly what u said.

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2 more weeks and Gats is home free! Well, not really, but I'll finally have some free time. For about 5 minutes, then I have to finally figure out whats wrong with my website and I have to design + print out my portfolio, including my own identity which is always a bitch.


I cant wait till I have a decent job. But I just need one before graduate from here.


On a side note: I saw Kinsey on Saturday. It was a good movie, I really wished it talked about human sexuality a little more ( on a learning level ) but it was solely based on Kinsey's life and how he revolutionized human sexuality/psychology. My boy thought it was amazing, I walked away wanting my masters in sex psych even more. Eh, whats a couple more years in school and a couple of grand in debt going to do?

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