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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by fatalist



im at skool trying to learn a little sumthing..let me tell you about my weekend...couple of friends and i went to a club... and i got pretty wasted when i went to the restroom to apply my lipgloss..i found a nice sanford king size marker instead...so i tore up the restroom with my usual tag..but this time i threw up nightbats and drew lil bats everywhere ....man i was gone....anyhoo..gotta run to class

;) peace




j/k. keep it sexy.

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Originally posted by iquit



jesus look how gay that piece is. it looks like the cover of a debbie gibson album. anyway. fun was had. owners were happy. jockers were jocking. bitches got wet.



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friday was shitty. a carload of 23 year olds started trouble with me at a party when i was far to faded to defend myself, luckily homeboys came back in the knick of time.


saturday was fine. got drunk. friend walked in on me banging his older sister. he made the situation surprisingly comfortable after bursting out laughing.


sunday was meh...work, dinner at gramps house, back to school.

anyone else?

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Bats, i have a dilemma:


Tomorrow, my favourite football team (Paris St Germain) are playing one of the best teams in the world, Chelsea FC.


Today, i bought a pretty expensive ticket to go see the match. I originally wanted to be in a zone where some people i know will be sitting, but that area of the stadium sold out. So i said to myself : "what the heck, i'm leaving in 4 days, let's go crazy and buy a more expensive - but obviously better - seat".


The fact i payed quite a bit of money for this seat sort of annoyed me all day, but i always rationalized it by the fact these seats can really turn out to be pretty good.


However, this evening, i speak to the dude i was originally supposed to sit with, who told me he had extra seats in his zone he was planning on selling out on the street for a higher price just before the match. He said he's willing to give a seat to me so that i don't have to sit alone in my fancy expensive area of the stadium. Furthermore, that way, i can sell my own seat and the whole "spending too much money on a seat" problem would be solved.


On the other hand, if i'm watching the fucking match, do i need to be sitting with people ? Shouldn't i just enjoy my fancy seat ? Especially since the guy is not a real friend, just someone i get along with ?


Don't even bother reading this.

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Originally posted by Pinup





Bats, i have a dilemma:


Tomorrow, my favourite football team (Paris St Germain) are playing one of the best teams in the world, Chelsea FC.


Today, i bought a pretty expensive ticket to go see the match. I originally wanted to be in a zone where some people i know will be sitting, but that area of the stadium sold out. So i said to myself : "what the heck, i'm leaving in 4 days, let's go crazy and buy a more expensive - but obviously better - seat".


The fact i payed quite a bit of money for this seat sort of annoyed me all day, but i always rationalized it by the fact these seats can really turn out to be pretty good.


However, this evening, i speak to the dude i was originally supposed to sit with, who told me he had extra seats in his zone he was planning on selling out on the street for a higher price just before the match. He said he's willing to give a seat to me so that i don't have to sit alone in my fancy expensive area of the stadium. Furthermore, that way, i can sell my own seat and the whole "spending too much money on a seat" problem would be solved.


On the other hand, if i'm watching the fucking match, do i need to be sitting with people ? Shouldn't i just enjoy my fancy seat ? Especially since the guy is not a real friend, just someone i get along with ?


Don't even bother reading this.



just enjoy your fancy fuckin seat.....kisses;)

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My roomate is getting me sick. But, its freaking me out. Last year I had this horrible pseudo punk moronic 12 year old acting 22 year old for a roomate [yeh, I didnt like her] that would have this weird half cough she would do all the time [due to me chain smoking in the room in hopes she'd get the fuck out with her "The Best of Ramones" cd].


My new roomate, who I love and is one of my sisters [sorority, and spare me the bullshit.. please. especially you Gliko. I'll clothes line you,] has the same fucking cough. Its making me want to slap her in the face.


Yeh, I get easily pissed off. And there really wasnt any reason for me to post this other than Im bored, my throat hurts, and Im procrastinating.


Which reminds me, one of my biggest pet peeves are people who dont cover their mouth when they cough. Were these people taught manners growing up? No, probably not.

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Originally posted by gatita

My roomate is getting me sick. But, its freaking me out. Last year I had this horrible pseudo punk moronic 12 year old acting 22 year old for a roomate [yeh, I didnt like her] that would have this weird half cough she would do all the time [due to me chain smoking in the room in hopes she'd get the fuck out with her "The Best of Ramones" cd].


My new roomate, who I love and is one of my sisters [sorority, and spare me the bullshit.. please. especially you Gliko. I'll clothes line you,] has the same fucking cough. Its making me want to slap her in the face.


Yeh, I get easily pissed off. And there really wasnt any reason for me to post this other than Im bored, my throat hurts, and Im procrastinating.


Which reminds me, one of my biggest pet peeves are people who dont cover their mouth when they cough. Were these people taught manners growing up? No, probably not.


quit whining girl...you'll be far more adorable if you stop doing that

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Originally posted by gatita

Eye4: I should have elaborated... I wasnt mad that she listened to the Ramones, but she had this tendency to listen to it on repeat when her boy was around, and then put Madonna on when he'd leave. Figure it out.


Anyway, Im eating a banging fish burrito right now. :yum:


Ramones to Madonna, that is quite weird. Her punk rock card should be handed in

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fatalist. my wardrobe is indeed lacking in variety.


2blazzed. there is NO graffiti scene here. well, it's HURTIN. people were buggin out. i'm redoing the wall in a month. there will be magazine interviews and possibly a tv news crew. should be interesting. it's awesome how a loser from new york can move to china and be cool.


ps- i hate the ramones. they are the misfits without the awesomeness.

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i just found all of the furniture needed for the new apartment that i'll never move into because i dont know how to save money, for a mere 2500$. I'm fuckin AWESOME when it comes to shopping. All of the furniture is from pier1, where i work of course. I stare at the different types of furniture/vases/etc, all day, and take mental note of what i want. I'm a weird one...


I'm considering selling my car once school is over with in march to pay off my student loan and have a clean slate. Who knows though..


I hafta keep my nails cut short for school(massage therapy), and somehow i always manage to cut too far down, almost to the point of bleeding to death. :yuck:


I had to change my profile picture on myspace, because it was a pic of masuimi max, and a bunch of fuckin weirdos were always messaging me. :mad:


uhHhg.. I wish i had like, a month with nothing to do. NO work, school, nada. Maybe i'd actually paint again? WHO KNOWS..

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Good score on all the furniture. Are you getting bedroom sets and living room sets and such?


I bite my nails til I almost bleed to death, I should stop, but meh.


I'm glad I'm not a girl on myspace, becuase there are tons of creepy guys on there. My friend got one where this guy said "can i use your ass as a can opener" fucking creeps

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actually, I just threw everything together. At pier1, we don't really have just a big set for a room, it's like, related stuff that can be put together.


And random people from chicago that i've never met in my life keep tryin to be friendly and talk to me on myspace..uhhh no. If someone wants to add me, my first question is always "are you on 12oz?".. if they answer no, then theyre probably getting rejected. What a NERD i am.





not to scare you, but if you bite your nails too much you have a big risk of getting an infection from fungus that can grow under there, due to the bacteria from your saliva getting trapped under there. Nasty stuff.

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