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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by EyeforAnEYE

That he was. One sick mother fucker. Whats up with your computer? My shit has been kinda weird lately too, sometimes my web browser won't load, and on start up the other day, I got some weird massage, about siftware not being installed correctly.


it just fucked up all of a sudden because i was trying to get some new software for free off of some internerd shit. I thought the virusprotect was in full effect, but i thought wrong.



Originally posted by iquit

i'm so sick or rice and fucking noodles. i can't wait for a slice of pizza in brooklyn. actually i'm hittin chicago right before nyc, so maybe i'll get some chicago style pizza too. fuck yeah.


i know how you feel. i lived in a filipino household for almost 2 years. altough i was free to go get "regular" food, when I moved out, i wasn't used to eating with a fork and knife (spoon&fork represent!), and i didn't feel full unless there was a nice dose of rice thrown in on the side.

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Originally posted by iquit

dude, i'm at work trying to design a line of ultimate ninja action figures. where are all the other clowns who claim KB? being a knightbat is more that a flashy sig, people. seriously, heads are gonna roll.


Seriously, we need to make an example of someone :lol:

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Originally posted by iquit

feel free to take matters into your own hands. i let my crew handle the dirty work.:lol:


Well it's official.




You have officially been exhiled by order

of the Knight Bat Supreme Court of Awesomez.


You have 5 days to vacate the premises and change your signature.

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Originally posted by Crimsøn

Well it's official.




You have officially been exhiled by order

of the Knight Bat Supreme Court of Awesomez.


You have 5 days to vacate the premises and change your signature.




heartless. exactly the kind of man i need as my VP.


ODS, sorry bro, you have been voted off the island.

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Originally posted by iquit

damn. just downloaded a sneaker pimps with portishead song. shit is ahhight. where is everyone? looks like even the mountain dew fueled gliko crashed on me. pussies.


Shit Im still here, only because I decided to

take a nap at midnight :lol:


Do you use slsk??

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i think pinup was calling out the owls, rather than calling yall owls...


and glicksome, don't ack (yes i said ack) like you ain;t never posted in the NO thread...


i however, will call out some bats... it's 3 am or so here... i just spent several hours at the bar... with several torn muscles in my shoudler... and i am wide awake and making pasta...


sheeit, yall call yerselves some night dwellers?



cheers fuckers...

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

i think pinup was calling out the owls, rather than calling yall owls...


and glicksome, don't ack (yes i said ack) like you ain;t never posted in the NO thread...


i however, will call out some bats... it's 3 am or so here... i just spent several hours at the bar... with several torn muscles in my shoudler... and i am wide awake and making pasta...


sheeit, yall call yerselves some night dwellers?



cheers fuckers...


hows the shoulder?

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apparently i shoulda been in a sling the last couple of days... i get one tomorrow...

there's some fancy word for it that i can;r remember, but apparently i popped it almost all the way out of the socket, then it popped back in...

and i also tore atl east two muscles...

and just remember, if anyone asks, it was a sex related injury...


it hurts a bunch, but that's what beer is for...

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

apparently i shoulda been in a sling the last couple of days... i get one tomorrow...

there's some fancy word for it that i can;r remember, but apparently i popped it almost all the way out of the socket, then it popped back in...

and i also tore atl east two muscles...

and just remember, if anyone asks, it was a sex related injury...


it hurts a bunch, but that's what beer is for...


i have really loose fucked up shoulder joints. i could get surgery to get it tightened, but i'd rather rough it. my doc says if i fall on it funny or something, it's gonna rip right the fuck out. it doesn't hurt or anything, it's just weak. hope for the best i guess.


how the fuck did you tear muscles in your sleep? you're a freaky dude.

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no, i didn't tear muscles in my sleep, i tore muscles by trying to open a very, very stuck window while drunk and awkwardly leaning over an equally drunk and equally naked girl...

all while trying to keep from waking up her kid in the next room...

i think that was the most entertaining part: me sitting on the edge of the bed, trying not to scream and vomit cuz it hurt so bad, and her laughing cuz i was trying so hard...

whatever, she's got a big ass bruise across her chest from me falling on her after my shoulder popped...


the sleeping thing was just the start of it... i slept on my arm funny so it was already sore and a little fucked up...

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Yeah i have messed up shoulder sockets aswell. Its better not to rough it apparently. I saw a doctor about it after they had popped out a few times. She told me what happens is the "cart-ledge" in your shoulder that holds your arm in your socket gets messed up and if it isn't properly fixed ( i.e. either surgery or lots and lots of physio to build the muscles around the socket) your arm rolls around inside your socket and just wears the "cart-ledge" down further and further till it eventually gets to the point where if you bump into something, your shoulder comes out, just like that. But yeah I'm roughing it too, so far I've been more or less fine.


* I just read that last post, sounds like if your going to pop your shoulder out, thats the way you want to be doing it. Kudos drunken robot man. :lol:

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ayo its the thugged out night bat/ holdin mad gats/ got mad cats shook /readin them like a book/ minus well call me a crook/ how im catchin a jouks/ on u and ur crew/ pass me the 12oz brew/peace to my knightbat crew/you know how we do....yea yea...its friday....the blunts are rolled....wheres my damn lighter...

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Originally posted by EyeforAnEYE

That he was. One sick mother fucker. Whats up with your computer? My shit has been kinda weird lately too, sometimes my web browser won't load, and on start up the other day, I got some weird massage, about siftware not being installed correctly.

i got this to... it helped if i pulled the power cord out of the CPU and then

plugged it back in...

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iquit akka johnny nickels

deto aka peter pistols

crimson aka jimmy jumpoff

i patch aka benny bottles

eyeforneye aka willy live


what up fam....more later...


2blazzed/im that nigga that sol' coke that nigga that sol' dope that nigga that shot dice went broke and sold soap...

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So i was at the club last night and got up with this 29 year old woman.




She is fuckin hot

big booty

nice tits

she can put sentences together with out LIKE or YOU KNOW


can dress

manages a tattoo shop


in the middle:

2 kids



has to drink to have fun...well thats me too but what ever

just broke up with her boyfriend of some years



okay knightbats, you be the judges. Does Yuck get up with this girl or does Yuck steer clear?

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