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Originally posted by THE LAW

does anyone have any experience with the KHS track frames?

my friend owns a khs pursuit frame, nice looking bike,inexpensive, but a common ride,alot of people have khs frames here. if youget a good deal on on it mr law, i say go for it. shoot i would ride one in a heartbeat over my old trek "fixie upper".

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thanks for the love homies. i certainly find myself using the bike as a coping mechanism. it's weird, i just go out there, and everything just is what it is. i'm moving, but almost unconscious, and i've gone 15 miles before i've even realized it. which is scary, because on the bike i'm usually hyper-alert. it still feels good to get rid of all this excess energy that is just eating at me. causing me to stay up late at night thinking about all of the awful permutations of what death might really mean. i gotta stay on the bike... plus, i've been eating like a team of jan ullrichs. i always do when i get sad like this.


what do people think of the common belief, espoused by the likes of paul sherwin and phil liggett, that cycling is a metaphor for life... anyone else ever thought in these terms about their bike riding? it's at least interesting to think about whether you choose to refute it or defend it.... whatever, i'm just extra sentimental and pensive lately....

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Guest Jan Ulrich

boo hoo


i just heard jan ullrich won't be competing in this years tour due to a nagging knee injury. that, and he apparently got crunked and smoked his porsche in france recently. what a badass.

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Heres the article in reference to the accident in procycling:



I especially like the "two unnamed women" bit. Bar whores? Kick ass. Sucks to hear he's out. Is there going to be any competition for this years Tour or are they just going to give it to Lance?


Did my first group ride after being sick for a week. Hi-light: Blasting along at 34 mph.

Lo-light: got dropped about 3 miles from the end of the ride.

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Originally posted by DIBS

my friend owns a khs pursuit frame, nice looking bike,inexpensive, but a common ride,alot of people have khs frames here. if youget a good deal on on it mr law, i say go for it. shoot i would ride one in a heartbeat over my old trek "fixie upper".



ended up passing on the opportunity. it was pretty worked over i think by the guy who owned it. that and THE LAW realized one of the main reasons he wanted it was because it was orange.


THE LAW = sucker for an orange ride

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whatever though, if the tour was held in america you know ulrich's gangster life style would shoot him straight to the podium. fuck lance, alcoholism, porsche 911's, and unammed bar whores, for life.....

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i have greatly enjoyed the Giro d'talio so far..today's was the best so far.


but i have a problem...i have ridden everday this past week and it took till today for me to figure it out...see my rutian since monday has been going to bed around 12 then waking up at 8-9ish then watching the Giro till it's over then riding... mon. tues. wed. while riding i felt like i was going really slow and having to put in to much effort to go fast.. the rides were just blah not once durring the rides did i feel like i was really going fast (not like on down hills) like on a gradual climb or the flats.. then thursday i had a great ride..i rode 60miles i had a 30 min. climb in there that kicked my ass but i still felt solid when i made it to the top...the way back i had a head wind that made me work a lot harder but i still felt strong..then today i did an easy 2 hour ride but again i didn't feel strong at all...while i was riding it clicked.....what's happening is. when i wake up i just wash my face then go downstairs, eat breakfast then lay on the couch for 2 hours or so watching the giro..then i get my stuff on and go for a ride right after it's over...what i think is happening is im transfering the laying on the couch and tiredness right to my ride...and thursday was a rest day for the giro so i just got up ate then went on my ride and felt great.. I don't know what to do i love watching the bicycle races on tv. but is affecting my training


im just happy i figured it out...i was thinking maybe i should get on the trainer and just lightly spin while im watching...i need to talk to my father.


anyway i hope everyone is well...and the race up in philly is going to be on OLN but not live...i forget the date but im sure it's on the website

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Guest Jan Ulrich
Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804

i have greatly enjoyed the Giro d'talio so far..today's was the best so far.


but i have a problem...i have ridden everday this past week and it took till today for me to figure it out...see my rutian since monday has been going to bed around 12 then waking up at 8-9ish then watching the Giro till it's over then riding... mon. tues. wed. while riding i felt like i was going really slow and having to put in to much effort to go fast.. the rides were just blah not once durring the rides did i feel like i was really going fast (not like on down hills) like on a gradual climb or the flats.. then thursday i had a great ride..i rode 60miles i had a 30 min. climb in there that kicked my ass but i still felt solid when i made it to the top...the way back i had a head wind that made me work a lot harder but i still felt strong..then today i did an easy 2 hour ride but again i didn't feel strong at all...while i was riding it clicked.....what's happening is. when i wake up i just wash my face then go downstairs, eat breakfast then lay on the couch for 2 hours or so watching the giro..then i get my stuff on and go for a ride right after it's over...what i think is happening is im transfering the laying on the couch and tiredness right to my ride...and thursday was a rest day for the giro so i just got up ate then went on my ride and felt great.. I don't know what to do i love watching the bicycle races on tv. but is affecting my training


im just happy i figured it out...i was thinking maybe i should get on the trainer and just lightly spin while im watching...i need to talk to my father.


anyway i hope everyone is well...and the race up in philly is going to be on OLN but not live...i forget the date but im sure it's on the website



do you not have a job? i wish i could wake up and sit on my ass in front of the tube all day. i work 8 hours a day picking up garbage, then i come home and if i'm lucky i can muster up enough juice to go for a ride.

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Originally posted by uncle-boy

what da fack is this thread about?





i went on a killer mountain bike ride today...we did an 8 mile climb to the top of elliots nob..it's in virginia..but shit me on a mountain bike..it was funny..i kept on riding off the trail and running into trees..it was fun tho. i got the hang of it about half way up..but the cool thing is i have all these cuts on my legs...you don't get those roadbiking...the cuts remind me of when i use to skateboard all the time and come home with lots of cuts and bruses..ahh the good old days

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my legs are absolutely trashed from mountain biking. when I shave my legs, all these scars from the past magically appear.


I think I've been riding my road bike too much. I had a brutal race yesterday. Ended up in 9th or 10th...I was too exhausted to really figure it out for sure. Lots of creek crossings and mud. I'm still zapped today, but looking forward to my nice easy recovery spin tonight.

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Ninth or tenth? Nice job!! Isn't it funny how you don't realize how cracked out you feel from a race till the next day? Recovery is real important though... so is stretching.


Been racing a bit but nothing worth giving reports on. Got an eleventh place and a thirteenth place and a I don't know what place yet on the last one. I race tonight as well but I'm feeling kinda groggy so we'll see if I can stay with the pack at all. It's a masters race too... and those guys don't fuck around. I was hoping that being over thirty I could ride easy with the big boys but it ain't so. These guys move.


Been riding a little bit as well, but not enough for this time of year. (Averaging 150 - 180 miles a week) I'm considering taking the month of June off so I can get some pieces done for this Germany gig. And I feel like I'm wearing myself out anyway. Cinnamon, or anyone... have you ever taken time off the bike? What did you do to keep from completely losing your endurance and strength? I'm curious.


The Giro has been great but I'm waiting for it to go uphill... that's when things get interesting. I'm kinda hoping that Julio Perez can finish in the top ten this year. And why can't Tyler Hamilton stay on his bike? That guy crashes more than me!

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joker...ive only been riding/training for about a year now and i haven't really taken a considerable amount of time off the bike..but my guess would be to just ride as often as you can...even if it is only a half hour to an hour a day...those little times will add up..but if you don't ride the bike at all for a month..you will loose most but not all of your indurance

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Alright, guys, I'm not claiming to know everything here, but I can tell you a little bit about the problems you both (Joker and Cinnamon) are having.

Firstly, Cinnamon. The reason that you are having crappy rides when you watch TV in the morning is basically the same reason that you have a hard time digesting food when you don't eat breakfast. You wake up in the morning and sit on your ass, your body says to itself, "Well shit, if this is all we're doing today, I don't really have to get ready for anything." You're not producing the proper amounts of adrenaline or endorphins or whatever until about the time that you get home from your ride. Does that make sense? My suggestion would probably be to ride almost first thing in the morning (invest in one of those Tivo things to record the programs you will miss ... my friend has one and he says it kicks ass) or, like you said, warm up on the trainer while you are watching TV.

Joker, from what I've been told, and from personal experience, you can take about a month off without losing strength. At some point, your body has a hard time building more muscle. You reach a plateu, and no matter how hard you try, you probably won't make much progress. That's probably why you feel like you are wearing yourself out. Take some time off and enjoy it. To keep your endurance, you'll need to do some aerobic activity and possibly some cross training (you may want to do some research on this). Like it has been suggested, hop on the bike when you can, but keep it simple ... don't even dress in your normal riding apparel (this will be more of a psycological trick to keep you from over-doing it). Wear a t-shirt and ride to the store or something. The idea is that when you get back on the bike after a month, your muscle tissue will be fully recovered, and building more muscle will be a snap. It will also reduce the risk of injury. A lot of my climbing buddies take about a month off once every year or two.

I'm not sure any of that was coherant, but hopefully you get the point.

As far as riding for therapy goes, I'm a big believer. When I'm really stressed out, my dad and my lady always say, "I think you need to go ride your bike." It always works. I just start riding. Most of the time I get lost, but I always end up remembering why I ride bikes in the first place ... it's simple. You can do it without thinking ... like breathing or blinking. And somehow that ends up transfering into my normal life. My bike makes big problems small and small problems nonexistent.

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so i was hating on the giro because i didn't have OLN and was on a serious bender. now that im at my parents house for a few weeks and on a sobriety bender im hooked on the fuggin race. i love oln!!!!

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Good advice guys. I definitely plan on atleast commuting to work, which is about 15 miles round trip, five days a week. I figured that'll keep my legs familiar with the motions of riding and putting in some kind of effort. (It's all down hill to work, but all up hill coming home) But if I don't take this time off I won't be able to get done what I need to get done. This gallery gig in Hamburg is freaking me out and I just got another job today doing some designs for a sticker booklet for Nike. And I have designs due to Tribal this Friday. I'm loaded with shit to do and no time to ride. My main rival in racing is talking about moving up a catagory, and it's got me bugged out. I should be moving up with him but haven't had the time to train like he has, or race as much as he has. I guess supporting myself is a little more important than riding my bike, but man... I wanna be out there.


Cinnamon... there's a chance that I'll be in Reston, Virginia for about two weeks this fall for work. My hours will be long but it's pretty certain that I'll have at least one day off. If I go, I'm bringing my bike. Fancy a ride? How far are you from Reston/ Dulles?

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i basically just got back on the wagon after about a week off. funerals, wakes, shitty weather and laziness kept me off of my machine.

saturday i rode for a bit after putting on my new record pedals (which kind of suck) and fitting cleats onto my new, completely hot, white world champion sidis... which are so hot i'll probably have to post pics.... anyway, nothing serious.

so sunday is my first day back where i'm excited to ride. beautiful day, everything is straight, and you guys and that chris charmichael shit i read everywhere has me feeling like a herb because i haven't really included intervals in my training. so i'm set on doing some intervals. problem is, when i get on the bike i feel like total shit, right from jump street. i warm up for 20 mins, just spin, and then i do my first interval. goddamn. it brought back traumatic memories of doing full field sprints from soccer and basketball. i psyched myself up and told mysel that cycling was about suffering, and i managed to do 5 sets, 3 minutes 100%, 3 minutes rest, but they wore me THE FUCK OUT. i had set out to do a decent ride but had to turn back because of how spent i felt and did only 22 miles and was on the bike for only an hour and a half. and i felt broken and discouraged. it's been okay though... i'm done the commute the past couple of days, 22ish miles roundtrip, with a major climb on the way home, and today i actually felt really strong after the climb, with a full 10 lb backpack strapped to my back. things are looking up, and you're right al, just riding makes everything seem better than it was before you started.

it's really nice to read what you guys are doing/ going through bike related (even you he$h :D)... it'd be fun to ride together sometime.

ps-where's ohno?

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Originally posted by alkaline

. don't even dress in your normal riding apparel




hahahhaha...... that struck THE LAW as really funny for some reason.



in bike news....put a nice long scratch in the side of some asshole's beamer who decided to make a right turn into THE LAW without signalling. no other news.


finally broke down and bought a bike repair book. suppose it's about time to learn something about the steed.

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Guest Jan Ulrich



i've recently been experiencing some back pains while riding. after 1 1/2 to 2 hours on the bike my lower back usually begins to hurt really badly. now, i only started to seriously train at the beginning of may and am now averaging 90-130 miles a week.


i'm guessing the pain is caused by saddle height but i've also heard that back pain is caused by riding too much to early on. anyone else experience back pain early in the season?


any suggetions on how to resolve the problem?

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my back pain was not induced by cycling, BUT riding has a tedency to make it hurt sometimes. i haven't found a orthopedist, psyologist, or physical therapist whos down w/ bikes yet. but when i do i'll let you know. as it stands i have yet another perscription for 8 weeks of physical therapy (best thing to do if your hurt), a ton of refills on some anti inflamatorys, a few refils on some muscle relaxents, one dwindling bottle of narcotics, AND more x-rays of my lower back in which you can see my bird than one could shake a stick at.



oh btw, the hesh expensive bike purchase drama is still going strong.

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Back pain on the bike is usually due to the wrong saddle heighth or the wrong stem. Do your knees hurt as well? If the front of your knees hurt then your saddle is too low, if the backside of your knees hurt, then the saddle is too high. If your knees don't hurt then its probably your stem angle and or length. A lot of bike shops have a stem sizer or a complete bike fit kit. I'm sure if you went in to your LBS and told them whats up they'd proabably help find ya one that works.


If all this shit is spot on and your back still hurts....do lots of crunches and that will help alot. Another thing that might cause it would be a stiff aluminum frame and thin ass tires. Only options there being a wider tire or a more forgiving frame (last resort).


When I first started riding my back hurt all the time. Once I got enough miles under my belt it hurt less and less.


Hope some of this helps.


I'm real lucky, one of the guys on my team is a doctor. I'm always calling him to get his opinion.

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word to steve on the basics of sizing. its retarded how many different conventions there are for a proper fit. unfortunately my back pains are the result of a snowboard injury, then the ignoring of that injury. now its something i live with...YUCK!

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Guest Jan Ulrich

thanks steve. i ride a steel frame so i know that's not the problem. my knees don't hurt either.


i guess my best bet for now is to start working my upper body.

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