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start talking about bikes again you gays!


SCHOOL STARTED ASSHOLE WHERE DO YOU GET OFF TELLIN ME WHAT TO DO!?! j/k. On that note tho Im writing a journalistic piece for english about them bikes. A couple things ive learned in the process:


1. It was bicycle lobbists, not motorists, that pushed for Americas first paved roads in 1880.

2. It was a Fresno, CA bike shop owner who created the first bicycle courior business in 1894. When a railway strike stopped mail delivery for the Bay Area, six riders relayed the mail between Fresno and San Francisco, each cyclist covering about thirty miles, the last rider covered the final sixty miles from San Jose to San Francico.


As soon as I figure what the courier route they used Im thinking of holding a relay race along the same lines. Teams of six, two messenger bags filled with mail starting in fresno and san francisco and relayed to the other side. First team with the SF bag in Fresno and the Fresno Bag in SF wins.


Anyway, the whole piece talks a lot about bike history in America but centralizes around the bay area and compares a bicyclists relationship to the Bay Area, to a motorists. One example is how Cyclists have anthropromorphized the popular climbs like The Three Bears and The Seven Sisters. Heres the quote im opening my essay and closing this post with:


"It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them. Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motor car only a high hill impresses you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a bicycle."

~Ernest Hemmingway

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Personally, I hate them. I never wore one as a kid / teenager when I terrorized city streets and I never wore one as I got older and cruised through city streets. The I got into racing and had to use a helmet during all races... even during warm up on the same roads. I would still train without one but almost always I would get shit from someone passing by in the opposite direction on their bike out training. Then I joined a team where I had to wear a helmet even if I was training. Then I had several crashes and a few bad incidents with cars that all left my helmets cracked or destroyed... by my noggin in perfect condition. That was all it took for me to wear a helmet every time I get on my bike.





I recall a race like that being held years ago when I lived in the bay area. You may want to ask around because the race may already be something that takes place annually.

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Yeah anyone who says helmets are uncool or stupid can have fun getting spoon fed for the rest of their life.

A buddy of mine was involved in a low speed accident WAY under 10 mph hits his head against the car causing the incident and lost the hearing in one ear. Permanently fucked will never be the same. A helmet would have given him just a little bit of material to shield his ear from the direct impact. The real tragedy in this is he is a musician and very good one too. As if life isn't difficult enough he has had to learn how to work around his limitation now.

So imagine what can happen at 20, 30 or 40 mph when your head hits the pavement, a quarter panel or goes through a window.

For all you peeps out there who think they're hot shit on two wheels that's cool - What you always have to assume is everyone else has their head up their ass.

Bicycles are only fun if you can ride them.

Be careful.

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After seeing a chick getting hit, fly through the air, bounce off the top of another car, and crumble to the ground, and hear that she died later in the hospital, I wear one everywhere...and feel pretty uneasy without it.


Yeah, they're relatively uncomfortable...but man. That scared the shite out of me.

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Cycling is like a video game when you ride in the city... that's what scary - cool.


haha joker, you don't know how many times i've thought this when i'm running red lights downtown during a delivery and dodging all the pedestrians crossing the street... it's like game over if i hit one but i never do :)


by the way hesh, rest assured if i had the money and a buyer to take my current track drivetrain off my hands, i'd snatch up that 10-pitch. seems like it'd be a hassle to have to find more 10-pitch chains after that one died out though. if anyone's looking for some real deals, there's a pair of campy c-record crank arms at bike central in portland right now for $80... 175mm so not really do-able for fixed, but great for a guy with vintage italian steel. isn't c-record the most sought after vintage campy stuff?

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I gotta tell you, Bike Gallery is a great place for the average cyclist and sometimes even for the more experienced but I've personally had sub-par experience when it comes to fittings or anything along those lines. Veloce is another great shop and Demitri knows his shit, I would never say less about that shop or him. That said, I wouldn't go to him for a fit. River City... nope. Personally, I think any shop is going to give you a basic fit no matter how much they pump up the fitting process and the points of interest they use to get you where you need to be. I think for someone who is just using their bike for point of interest riding a shop fit is perfectly fine, hell... even a stand-over fit is fine. For someone like yourself who is riding their bike for eight hours and putting in some intervals from time to time... a good fit is your best option. But it will cost you. Anywhere from $125 to $200. You can go with a Wobblenaught fit or or with Bicycle Fitting Services. A lot more involved and maybe more than you need but definitely will put you exactly where you need to be on the bike. If you're not looking for something that involved I can guarantee you that the fitting that Demitri does at Veloce will do you well. It's a good fitting for getting you comfortable on the bike. Not as involved as the others but like I said... maybe you don't need that.


Wobblenaught -




Bicycle Fitting Services -


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2 Blue

She's too cool for you.

I've put more rides on her than any car car I've owned, and that's true


She was born in 1982

I love her but she's probably to old or ugly and used for you

Her number of riders as far as I know is 2

She treats me good and hasn't ever let me down, I don't want something new


Sure I could trade her in for a newer model with the same do

Something faster, something lighter, something to make me look cool

I'm not that kind of attention grabbing tool


When shes between my legs she takes away my blues

I take her out and show her off but no one thinks she's cool

No jewelry, old frame, and fancy things are few.

I've learned my lesson from watching others in my crew

That fancy, sexy one eats your cash can make you look feel like a fool


Don't hate me because shes too cool for you.

Shes called 2 blue

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2 Blue would be downright nice if it wasn't for those gay handlebars. And from the way you have your seat and stem set up I'd say 2 Blue is a little big for you.


But none of my bullshit matters. She's treated you well and you enjoy her so please continue to do so...

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escoUbastid, i rented the trek 2200 on vacation, hated it. but that's me. get an 80's road bike from craigslist for 5-600, you'll probably end up getting a better deal that way but if you don't know shit about bikes, have a knowledgeable friend come with you when you pick it up to make sure everything is cool. i swear i gave out the exact same advice 5 or 10 pages ago. FOR EXAMPLE: http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/bik/412828074.html . someone please buy this. i was, but just don't have the funds to do it and than have to change out the derailleurs / shifters a month in (not a fan of downtube shifters / friction shifting, but inconveniently i have a deep affection for classic italian steel).


and joker, i gotta say i'm with you on those flip n clip bars. these are what i like best in the city and they're noticeably better than 2 blue bars above:


good old pursuit bars, a.k.a. bullhorns.


has anyone used rollers much for winter training / improving pedal technique? i just ordered a set off performance and i'm pretty stoked, it's starting to near that time in oregon where the rain starts back up and although i like a rainy day ride, when it gets so bad that i can't see anything because all the rain drops are going right into my eyes, i stay inside and wait for sun.

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