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Tearz... my interval training is pretty rough but I noticed a huge difference in my sprinting after just two weeks. And I only do my sprint intervals once a week. I find a nice quite road where the telephone poles are kind of far apart... more so than city poles. I pick one pole for my starting pole, then the second is my 100 meter mark, the third is 200 and the fourth is the finish line. I do my first three sprints like this...


... come up to the first pole rolling along and get going as I pass it. The second pole I kick it up a notch. On the third pole I kick it up a few notches, hop out of the saddle and gun it to the line as fast I can.


My second three like this...


... track stand in my biggest gear at the first pole and then gun it all the way to the line.


And the third three are a repeat of the first three. Now I gotta say that I have thrown up by the third set. It really takes a lot out of you... pardon the pun. Your legs and lungs will be killing! So if you like the idea of this set... don't try to do a long ride as well. Just find your spot, ride to it and then ride home. The energy you put in to the intervals will be almost similar to an easy two hour ride. Then I've also been doing hill intervals that are kind of similar. Find a 9%grade or lower hill. And one that has four telephone poles to mark your 300 meters and the finish line. The first two go like this...


... roll up to the first pole at a decent pace. When you get to the 100 meter mark, kick it up a little. At the 200 meter mark kick it up and sprint to the line. This is going to hurt... I have no time to lie. Well, it hurts for my fat ass.


Second two...


...roll up to the start with a fast pace and gun it from the start line. Hold that pace as hard as you can till the finish line. Yeah... pain, baby.


Third two...


...roll up to the start in a semi-easy gear that you can hold the whole way up.


I do each interval once a week. Mondays are the hills and Thursdays are the sprints. Tuesday is race day and Wednesday is long and steady. I usually take Fridays off. and sometimes Sundays. And on my rides I usually sprint to the top of every hill... any hill. Especially if there's someone in front of me. I've scared the shit, as well as amazed the hell out of many people doing that. What they don't know is that it takes me about two minutes to recover from the effort, depending on the hill. Cinnamon or Steve... any advice on quick recovery over hills?


Hesh... buy the damn bike already!!!!


Jan... I just raised my seat a little and moved it back just a tiny bit and the knee pains I was having, as well as the back pain went away within a few weeks. So it's something to consider. If you have a cool LBS I would definitely go in there and have them check out your positioning on your bike. They'll be able to tell you if someting obvious is wrong. But ultimately... it's how you feel.


Mr. Law... you're a bad ass, hunh?

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joker... yeah i'll be home all summer and in richmond for school the end of august on...but reston is only an hour and half from charlottesville and probably closer from richmond. let me know and we'll ride


about dude movining up and you wanting to move up too.. you have to remember there is more to life then riding bikes..(my mother tells me this everyday) but somethings turn up and you can't ride as much...look at some of the riders in the GIRO they are in there late 30's and still killing shit..


jan... i had lots of back discomfert (i can't really say pain) but the more i got use the riding position less my back hurt..


yeah um...me and some of the other riders on my team are getting picked up by ORBEA for cyclocross...we're not getting a pro deal or anything but we get there best cross bike with a carbon fiber fork and a jersy's all for 500$. ah still have to spend 500$ tho...


and i just signed my lease for my first apartment in richmond va...oh yeah...im going to be living without parents

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Originally posted by Joker

Mr. Law... you're a bad ass, hunh?



haha....oops..that came out wrong...


the end of the handlebar (untaped and kinda sharp) put a scratch in the side of the guy's car as he turned, not THE LAW on purpose. fuck him either way though.




bikes are cool, wind sucks.

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cinammon dude, you really are going to blow up... haha, keep it up man, and remember your lowly cutter friends when telekom is throwing 10 pinarellos a year at you...


joker... i actually did another interval workout tonight. i did descending intervals, two full sets of the following on the trainer while watching the giro (after my commute home of course).... 3 minutes 100%, 3 minutes rest; 2 minutes 100%, 2 mins rest, 90 secs on, 90 secs rest, 1min on, 1 min rest, 30 secs on, 30 secs rest. so i did two sets, the idea is that you do not fully recover, especially near the end which is supposed to increase your vo2 max... i'm not really sure what that shit means, but dudes talk about it a lot in the books and magazines. :) haha, anyway, it hurts, especially in the 90 and 1min sections in the second set.

BUT, i promise to try the joker plan and let you know what i think... i'm sure that you won't be happy unless i earl, which i probably will. that sounds like a TOUGH plan. goddamn right i'm gonna go straight home after that shit.

i have a crush on the eddy merckx team sc bike.

THE LAW is the true bike outlaw, scratching beemers, runnin over jr high girls, hawkin loogies on SUVs and throwing his ride in a fit of rage after getting stoopid pissed when his mr tuffy tire liner fails him. hahaha.

and i have a sneaking suspicion who friend mr. jan is.... shoulda known he was riding steel....

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Joker, the one thing that helps me with my recovery is proper breathing techniques. Make sure you draw air in through your gut and not your chest. Chest breathing will restrict the amount of air you take in. By taking air in through your gut you will get alot more air flow. I know that sounds kinda corny, but it definitely helps. It takes a little practice for it to feel normal. I actually tell myself to breathe after any serious effort. It really helps calm me down and get my heart rate down. That and spinning an easier gear.


Your intervals training sounds killer. I think I'm gonna take a few extra days off and then go back in hard. I've felt kinda beat up this week. There is this one guy that keeps beating me, Its driving me nuts. At the end of last season we were right there together...back and forth every race. Since I lost a few months due to injury....he's jumped ahead and I just can't real him in.


Cinnamon, congrats on the new sponsorship and apartment. It might not be pro deal, but it still sounds pretty sweet. That bike has to easily be worth more than $500 at the end of the season. Sell it and buy another new one next season. The team I want to switch to next year...every single one of those guys sells their team bike at the end of the season and makes good money on it. You can't ask for much more than that. A brand new bike to race on, good money for it when you sell it at the end of the season, free maintenance, clothes and hella deals.


Jan, does it feel like you are supporting your upper body weight with your fore arms? (More so than normal that is.) If so, that would definitely point to the wrong stem size. I'm sure if your in good with your LBS, they'd take a look at your riding position and be able to tell right away if there is something wrong, but like Joker said...its ultimately about how you feel.

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holy shit did you see the giro today?


gilberto simoni just sonned everyone on the final climb. he climbed in the big ring the entire 3000+ foot climb, while everyone else was spinning out in small gears. he attacked constantly and just punished the entire field, and if that weren't enough, when he led out the sprint with casagrande on his wheel (the only guy who could mark his moves), dude just got a second burst of power and beat casagrande in the sprint. i was completely impressed.

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man, i jsut rode a bike for the first time since i was 14.. it was madd harder than i remember.... i think i need new pedals... or the things that attach the pedals to the bike anyway.. do they have extensions for those? i felt like homer simpson at clown college.

i went like a mile and a half, and was dead after.

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i got some clipless yesterday. wow what a major difference over some cages. riding my bianchi is like a new world. though i did have one fall tonight...pulling up to a stop light a bit drunk....clipped out on the wrong side leaned over and bam on the ground....im sure many more will come.

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Originally posted by bl4ckh4m

i got some clipless yesterday. wow what a major difference over some cages. riding my bianchi is like a new world. though i did have one fall tonight...pulling up to a stop light a bit drunk....clipped out on the wrong side leaned over and bam on the ground....im sure many more will come.

hahahaha, been there done that. i would always seem to topple over infront of crwds.

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I about bet most everyone has at least one good story about falling over in their clipless pedals. Hell, first time I was on clipless, I fell about 30ft down the side of a rocky hill. Landed on my back with the bike still attached to my feet. I loosened my pedals after that incident.


Another time I was fucking around skidding as close as possible to some guys I ride with. I had been messing around with my cleat position and didn't get it tight enough. Needless to say...after a few times of doing this it loosened itself enough that my shoe turned but the cleat stayed put. Fell right over, in front of my friends and rush hour traffic.

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Guest Jan Ulrich

it's almost a guarantee that your worst/most embarrassing falls happen before an audience. it's usually the humiliation of eating shit that's worse than the actual physical pain too.


but you have to admit. it's pretty funny to watch someone fall off a bike.

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Originally posted by Jan Ulrich

hey tearz, what you got against steel mofo?


nuttin' mofo, i love the steel.... just thought it provided me a clue to your identity, but i guessed wrong i suppose....

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haha, dude you have no idea how biter i was when i posted that. i'm so out of shape its pathetic. watch out for me in SF in july, better yet, telll your couch to watch out after devilush gives me the boot from hers. also tell the G-man im gonna be slinging some cash money in his face and i want my arms spatered in tatty-boom-balattys.

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Guest railroadjerk

for the last week of school i didnt have socks because i couldnt afford to do laundry, i bike to school everyday, its about 5 miles roundtrip. i had two classes that day, and i was wearing flip flops hahaha.


3 times in one day, two on one foot and one on the other, they slipped the pedals and my achillies slammed into the grip teeth, blood starts pouring down my feet by the end of the day. horrible.


one time downtown i tried to hop a wide lip from a parking lot to an alley, thinking id look the badass in front of a couple girls i pull the wheel up too soon and it lodges between the lip and the ground of the parking lot and stopped, the back wheel and i end up at a 45 degree angle from the front wheel. i manage to prop down, look at the girls and get off my bike and CARRY the bike over the lip, as if to say "it won." they laughed and i biked away as fast as i could.

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I leave town for a few days to where I can't watch the Giro and next thing I know... Simoni is out. What the hell happened? Did that huge effort kill him?


And Tyler Hamilton must have been taking some lessons from Armstrong. He was pushing a big ring today but still had a high cadence. I hope he at least gets a podium place...

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