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Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804

i just got my fixie together about 2 weeks ago and ive only ridden it about 5 times. yesterday i went on an hour ride on it and i did some pretty big hill and when you go down hill i know you have to apply pressure on the peddles to slow down the speed, but today my knees are killing me they feel like they have been ripped out of there sockets. do you get use to it or does it messed up your knees slowly over time untill they are nothing? and those things are a blast to ride but me and my cyclocross self was riding and there was a stick in the road and i tried to hop it not thinking i was on a fixie and i peddles kicked me up into the air and i road on my front wheel almost flipped over the bars. funny ish.



Yeah, I ride a fixie everyday in SF and the hills are taking their toll on my knees. And the fix will remind your ass real fast that you cant stop pedaling. Buck your ass like a wild horse.

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I got my Tour de France 2001 video the other day. I stayed up until 3 in the morning and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer watching it. Seeing those guys ride really makes you want to get on your bike. I was unfortunately out of town, without my bike, so I had to settle for dreams of rides to come.


Hesh, I finally got a helmet. It was a late Christmas present from my lady's 'rents. It should arrive sometime this week.


I'm going to start a training diet in the next couple of weeks. For the past month or so, I've eaten fast food for one or more meal every day. I'm starting to feel pretty crappy (physically and mentally). So I decided to go into full training mode (which I probably should have done a few months ago, but whatever). Does anybody know of any good sports nutrition diets that would be worth checking out? Books, websites?

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fuggin a man. i need to get on the diet tip to. this spare tire needs to go. im not looking for a diet tyhat will prepare me for the tour, more just healthier and condusive to non fatness. anyone got some good dishs (ahem devilush!) or links to a site w/ good dietary info and meals???i like food damnit!!!now if you'll excuse me i gotta go finish off my cookie pus from my birthday the other night.

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talk about hardcore


okay so we get up about 4 in the morning to try to win this KHS bike. it comes complete with a set of drop bars, a set of pursuit bars, and a selli italia seat. mostly stock though. but there was someone else that really wanted that thing so we had to wake up to sit there and battle with the dude with the highest bids and whatnot. needless to say, with persistence, dedication, and precise timing, we won. :crazy:

a diet?! we dont need no stinking diet!! okay, i will admit. i am on one too. but people are telling me that if i loose any more weight, i will magically disappear. i feel that if i cant climb the stairs without huffin and puffin, i need to get back into shape. but i dont have a diet supplement that i can provide info on. what i plan to do is run a lot (in which i ran a bit on friday, and nearly passed out but then this bum was watching me take off my sweatshirt and all hollering at me...so i ran away). and also i came to the conclusion, i love carbohydrates!! i love bread, potatoes, and rice. its my supplement of everyday. but then i realize that that is the one that is causing me to gain the weight. so i am cutting down on that too. i will miss it dearly.

oh yea, 5 alarm has quit smoking as of jan.1,2002. whooo hoo! but now he's all edgy and a little less patient. damn, i guess i cant win everything.

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you're talking to the mothaphuckin diet man


yo i just started the same shit you all are talking about. i've certainly never been fat, but it's time for this litlle flap of chub up front to get the fuck out of town. i'm 95% vegan (i know it's weak but it's extremely hard for me to kick the pizza-other than that i'm clean) so lately i've been killing the barbeque tofu and vegetarian chilis. mad bannanas and protein shakes- you have know idea how good those things can be. i've realized that i eat a good solid healthy dinner, BUT, then i always eat some shitty snacks for like an hour afterwards. the thing is, it's not about eating, it's about settling in and relaxing. so now i replace those snacks with a bannana, apple or shake and the shit works. i ride on weekends and now i'll rock 4 nights out of 5 on the trainer watching race videos that my LBS loans me for 20 mins 2 days and 40 mins the other 2. the shit has worked like a charm son. i'd say that my chub is already down by more than 50% and i've lost 6 pounds and my legs are getting stronger fo sheezy. and i've only been on this "plan" that i made up for 5 days. oh, and drink lots of water. this sounds really flamerish but whateva dude. i sympathize.

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snow cold misery


man i need some gloves. its snowing and i still ride to work everyday. sometimes i'll breathe on my hands at a red light but then they just get stuck to the break levers. this morning i though my thumb was going to freeze and fall off. the good thing is my hands get so cold that i dont feel any of the cold in my face. at least my ass isnt wet this morning.

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as far as diets i don't really go on them all i do is, first i eat anywhere from 4 to 6 meals a day this helps my motabilism do it's thing faster. its hard getting use to not snaking. what i usually do it eat breakfest cerral alll most ever morning but none of that sugery stuff(basic 4, raisen brand crunch good stuff) i don't drink milk so i go with the soy milk or water(it's not that bad) in between lunch and breakfest i usually have a bagel and some pretzels something small it's like a snack. lunch if im at college is usually a bean meal with rice(whatever healthy thing i can find) if im at home turkey sandwich no mayo (shit nasty) I don't drink soda and if i do it's deit (soda is so bad for you) i usually drink water or fruit juice. with lunch chips, cookies, but healthy stuff no little debbies. in between lunch and dinner usually a pb&j sandwich and a snake. dinner usually a bean or pasta meal no heavy fat meats or too much cheese( i don't eat red meat only chicken and fish) something along those lines and after dinner Ice pop instead of icecream. (get the eddys or dole pops those are the best)


i guess the key is for me is to eat healthy once you eat healthy for a good 3 weeks your body gets use to it and you don't feel like eating junk food anymore. i eat alot of times during the day no snacking for me. i do train at least 5 days a week on the bike in the winter months and weight train 2 to 3 days a week. in the summer i train 6 to 7 days a week. with all of the riding i do i do eat alot just eat the right things. also drinking alot of water helps. im six feet one inch and weight 150to155 pounds ive never go over sometimes i go under 150 but i try not too.

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Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804

i do train at least 5 days a week on the bike in the winter months and weight train 2 to 3 days a week. in the summer i train 6 to 7 days a week. with all of the riding i do i do eat alot just eat the right things. also drinking alot of water helps. im six feet one inch and weight 150to155 pounds ive never go over sometimes i go under 150 but i try not too.

god damn. freak;) hahah, sorry. im just upset cause since i stopped working i gained between 13 and 15 piounds. 6'1 and 180ish

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Originally posted by Jewish Task Force

bump for riding fixed gears when inebriated


yeah ridding a bike, any bike really, but i love ridding my fixie, comming home from the bar, my favorite thing is just long sweeping turns where you just sorta lay over and carve through it. feels like what i imagine fying would feel like.

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hesh i may need to ride i havent found a fucking job and feel like a scummmy white crack slut, still skinny tho the virus of the century cleared me out. i am like 30pounds lighter. thats the answer hesh, get the hell virus, and youll be cleaned out.


get up with me i have been spending all my money at moms.

freebird awwwwwwww yeah.

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Kona Stinky Frame




Thats says enought for that one.


Paramount frame

Time Carbon Fork

Campy Record Group

Spinergy wheels.

18.5 of sweet steel bliss.


Kona Ku Frame

Ovalized Scandium tubes

Just starting to build it, Xtr with a sid race and hopefully some egg beaters.

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Originally posted by Spade

Kona Stinky Frame




Thats says enought for that one.


Paramount frame

Time Carbon Fork

Campy Record Group

Spinergy wheels.

18.5 of sweet steel bliss.


Kona Ku Frame

Ovalized Scandium tubes

Just starting to build it, Xtr with a sid race and hopefully some egg beaters.


can you ride though


and what kind of bike is the first one is it road mountain or cross fixie?

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willy, you want a messenger job? call heaven sent if your that down and out. try Diamond, they're decnt, hourly wage, nextel$$...im in ct untill the 21st. sooooooooooo

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Guest Good Morning Captain

Willy, your in philly? Hesh I got no one to paint with, everyone is out of town till school starts, put this fool in the loop.

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