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The Nonsense thread


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ANDERSON: “u trashed my brand new prada purse dude not cool - how u managed to rip the strap off and put 2 holes in it is beyond me.”

SHEEN: “All I need is an Acct number etc and I will wire u 20k if u think that will cover everything … I really feel bad, u are as cool and sexy and as sweet and fun and friendly as they get!”

SHEEN: “Don’t worry about our mutual friends, deal with me directly and I promise u kind lady, all will be restored and set straight.”


SHEEN: “Just landed, perhaps we can speak tonite….?”

ANDERSON: “Yes u can call me. I don’t have a bank account believe it or not.”

SHEEN: “Oh, well in that case, lemme put together a plan to get u square and flush. Can u tok (sic) for a sec now sweetie?”

SHEEN: “Good news! My asst Rick is good friends with a cat named Mark In NY, he will get the wire, cash that bitch, and deliver it to u where ever it’s convenient … I’ll get the ball Rollin in am, and have data for u asap after that…☺”

ANDERSON: “Can he leave it somewhere secure for me to pick up? Like with a bank rep … I’m rlly nervous about all this.”

SHEEN: “Of course, whatever makes u feel better…”

SHEEN: “Lemme start that ball Rollin and I’ll get back to u with the details…”

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