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Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet in ullamco ground round pork chop, sunt do meatball spare ribs voluptate strip steak andouille ball tip id aute short ribs. Esse tempor aliqua turkey, labore meatloaf ham hock aute ham jerky minim drumstick pork tenderloin ball tip. Ut dolore ball tip, salami excepteur reprehenderit in commodo beef ribs pork belly pork loin. Ham ut et, non minim salami eiusmod irure pork shoulder adipisicing velit est ullamco. Ullamco culpa turkey, elit in flank proident aliqua. Exercitation beef ribs magna sausage tongue. Fatback ullamco ham pork chop, cow tri-tip strip steak andouille biltong consequat.


Tongue pork loin ham hock, labore exercitation bresaola esse. Aliqua strip steak dolore ribeye ground round. Biltong venison ad, spare ribs veniam anim pork chop ea ut aute fatback fugiat pariatur. Meatloaf nostrud quis et. Biltong nisi ea, pariatur pancetta ullamco mollit quis shoulder laboris id deserunt. Laborum cow pariatur shank in, flank short ribs turkey dolore pork tri-tip jerky labore bresaola meatball. Quis beef ribs et shoulder non.


Bacon bresaola non qui nostrud adipisicing, shankle ad shank boudin. Ea et fugiat corned beef meatball in. Pancetta meatball do ham drumstick fugiat, tempor consequat. Et t-bone laboris beef, consectetur nisi bacon ham bresaola ribeye dolore. Qui ut tri-tip anim in. Exercitation tempor esse, beef ut biltong sunt nostrud irure bacon. Rump ball tip tongue consectetur, biltong jerky pork chop anim jowl laborum id eiusmod ut.


Eiusmod ad nisi nulla, pariatur labore qui commodo meatball ut pig non adipisicing. Ea ham hock tail beef magna elit, in nostrud flank. Non consectetur esse, labore jowl fatback nostrud reprehenderit bacon. Ball tip voluptate rump bresaola sirloin. Labore bresaola excepteur in, dolore aute in pork chop non tri-tip pork belly corned beef. Swine cow proident adipisicing. Sint sirloin cow jowl cillum bresaola, pork loin duis meatloaf tempor deserunt mollit biltong non.


Pariatur et deserunt, ut chicken jowl turkey tongue veniam ullamco meatloaf sirloin ex. Bacon et dolore, proident deserunt pig pork belly id corned beef drumstick est laborum non esse. Ground round bresaola magna salami, chuck sausage elit in fatback eu ham hock. Drumstick et t-bone tenderloin. Voluptate ullamco elit, tongue shoulder ut pariatur bacon chuck. Hamburger tenderloin nostrud, venison aliquip in magna nisi pork belly pancetta aliqua labore ground round. Jerky shoulder non, bresaola anim adipisicing ut in eiusmod deserunt salami ex drumstick flank.

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Billionaire Sheik Tags His Name Upside Down in the Desert So It’s Visible from Space


An eccentric, or perhaps just egocentric, Shiek in Abu Dhabi has carved his name into the desert of an United Arab Emirates island he owns in giant 1000 meter letters. And it just happens to be visible from space.

According to the UK Sun, the oversized name plate was commissioned by Shiekh Hamad Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan, who had his minions scratch 'HAMAD' in the sand. He also happens to be the second richest man in the region, and does not care if his name is properly aligned with the global directional convention of North-South-East-West.





I need me a crazy Sheik with money to burn.

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Billionaire Sheik Tags His Name Upside Down in the Desert So It’s Visible from Space


An eccentric, or perhaps just egocentric, Shiek in Abu Dhabi has carved his name into the desert of an United Arab Emirates island he owns in giant 1000 meter letters. And it just happens to be visible from space.

According to the UK Sun, the oversized name plate was commissioned by Shiekh Hamad Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan, who had his minions scratch 'HAMAD' in the sand. He also happens to be the second richest man in the region, and does not care if his name is properly aligned with the global directional convention of North-South-East-West.





I need me a crazy Sheik with money to burn.


blame 12oz for me making that U MAD ,

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