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The Nonsense thread


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Oh dear lord! I really think I'm going to freeze to death one of these days! gaa! sooooo cold! My fingertips are like ice! I need something warm to hold onto! ...NO ICKY THOUGHTS! I so didn't even mean it like that! So, today was a pretty ok day. If you want to read about it in more detail, go read my journal on my tagged page: http://www.tagged.com/mypage.html?uid=253250 yah..So, I'm gunna maybe get some sleep tonight and try to warm my hands up...

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You are having a normal day, and school ends. As you’re coming out, talking to your friends, someone suddenly comes out of a doorway and grabs you. He or she puts a bag on your head as they drag you through the door. You feel something hard hit your head, and everything goes cold and black.

You wake up in a room. It seems to be a hotel room, what with the nightstand and two evenly spaced out beds. There is no TV. No windows. There are just the beds and the nightstand. You decide to explore a bit, when suddenly you hear footsteps outside. Someone is opening the door! What are you going to do!? Hide and surprise attack, or stay in the bed and hope for the best?

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The Baldwin Hills Reservoir was a water storage basin located on a low hilltop in Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles, California. It was constructed between 1947 and 1951 by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power on an active fault line. The design consisted of four layers above the rock foundation: an asphalt lining, a gravel drain basin, compacted clay, and a final asphalt layer on the top. The fault lines were considered during planning.


On 14 December 1963, a small crack developed in the reservoir wall. The surrounding portion of the wall was quickly eroded straight through, releasing 250 million gallons (1 million m3) into the surrounding neighborhood in a few hours. In the process, 277 homes were destroyed and 5 lives were lost. Frantic rescue efforts avoided a more significant loss of life. The reservoir failure was attributed to subsidence caused by over-exploitation of the nearby Inglewood Oil Field.


The reservoir is now part of Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area.

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Some people hear their own inner voices with great cleanness.

And they live by what they hear.

Such people become crazy, or they become legends ...

Tristan Ludlow was bom in the moon of the falling leaves.

lt was a terrible winter.

His mother almost died bringing him into this world.

His father, the Colonel, brought him to me.

l wrapped him in a bear skin and held him all that night.

As he grew into a man, l taught him the joy of the kill.

When the hunter cuts out its warm heart. -

- setting its spirit free.

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L.A. Live is an entertainment complex under construction in Downtown Los Angeles, California adjacent to the Staples Center. L.A. Live is slated to cost approximately US$2.5 billion and is being developed by Anschutz Entertainment Group, Wachovia Corp, and investment firm MacFarlane Partners with help from Los Angeles taxpayers. It will have 5,600,000 square feet (520,257 m2) of apartments, ballrooms, bars, concert theaters, restaurants, movie theaters and a 54-story hotel and condominium tower, on a 27-acre (10.9 ha) site.

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