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The Nonsense thread


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uh some of you should really look at the first page post of the thread and read the rules...


and with that said..



ya know i have this reacurring dream where i'm kurt russel in that movie big trouble in little china.. and you know how at the end he's in his semi and that yheti-type monster reaches out from the truck bed...i dream he reaches through the glass and grabs my skull and crushes it...but all i feel and hear is a loud beeping noise and my head feel really numb..


not really nonsense but just a dream i've been having at least once a month for the past year...does it mean anything?

that and i noticed i'm repeating my 12 oz phaze once again..

i stop for a year then pop back up//post a little here and there then i reread all the posts i missed in the whole forum..minus the metalheads..then i begin to post more frequently until i spend at least 4 hours a day on 12 oz and then i lurk for a week or two and then stop coming on tottaly..i would figure that since i can see and identify my own habits and rituals that i would break them..but why?

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  • 4 weeks later...

visions of hot dog assimilators and demonstrators, menstruation fluids puked in putrid mutants, inoculate to ovulate bob's toupe, robbed two gays eatin yoplait off some ho's plate, usin rogaine in propane tanks with no name plates, stop off to drop off in barstow california, gastric ashes with placid masses passin gasses, sittin on on a mattress readin maxim lookin at asses, questioning my assets, the past gets on my nerves sometimes when i come to unnerve and unwind, heard some rhymes the other day about how a mother's place is in the home, she isn't allowed to roam or use the phone unless the fusion's chrome, music's prone to lose its own homegrown bastard children while masters instill winning spirits while jimmy hears it from jimney cricket, "rim me and stick it" is what most girls say, whoever wears pearls is gay, it's all about clorox from women dumb as a doornob squeeks, rum and some more scotch please, rubbin the whores knockers with floor doctors screamin i want some more ostrich, positive opticals lodgin the nocturnals at hop-scotch urinals

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poppin clorocetin ready for more beatin store defeatin leavin your whore bleedin, pez dispensors break his sensors, piss measures 44 gallons next to the jizz dentures, kids adventures, burning enourmous crack rocks, cookin crack pots and lacin them to crack spots, and crack rots, alphonso's teeth, meet the beast, injectin your anal plumage with yeast, BIATCHHHHH

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  • 3 weeks later...

A true XX hermaphrodite presenting in adulthood with male sex gender identity was found to have separate vaginal and urethral openings in the perineum. A total vaginectomy was performed at the same time as total abdominal hysterectomy and gonadectomy because the vaginal opening would interfere with a urethroplasty to repair the hypospadias and chordee phallus. During this procedure prostatic tissue was excised in the area of the anterior vaginal wall adjacent to the urethra. Recommendations regarding this rare XX true hermaphroditism are put toward and observations on some bizarre features of the entity are made. The authors plead for the formation of a national register to study this interesting condition

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I knew a little more about science, a little more

about biology, a little more about animals, and a

little more about insects my life would be completely



(Imagine dream sequence from television now.)


My name would be Gerald Oxford Donnell, and I would

try my absolute hardest, with my whole heart and my

whole brain to get the eggs of female flies and the

sperm of male dragons to have tons of intercourse and

spawn off a real dragon fly. I'd show all the jerks of

the science, biology, animal, and insects communities

that I was king of the laboratory. They'd call me by

my initials, Gee Oh Dee. They'd say things like, "I'm

running to the starbucks, Gee Oh Dee how do you take

your coffee?" and I'd reply "Out your ASS-HOLE!"


While dragonfly would be the obvious name and my

favorite for it, I must respect that it has already

been taken. The next best name would be Dragon Fly,

but you must pronounce the space in it, Drangon Space

Fly. Which would be fitting because frankly it would

look like something from "OS" (outter-space).

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