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I dig it Pesk, my only issue is, and always has been is that the fill is too busy.

You should flick or scan your sketches before you go intergalactic on them. My opinion.

I especially dig the orange/brown areas, and the eye is a nice touch. Now lets see that Jamak joint...This should be interesting.

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Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I tend to lose the outline of the letters amongst the fill in the Pesk pieces. Maybe the fill is too busy, maybe the fill is just too dark. I mean they're sick, don't get me wrong and I love that orange/brown fill up there, same as the tahat 3D, fucking wicked. However it's the same colour as a lot of the fill so it all tends to blend in to one.


I'd just like to see it with lighter, simpler fill and a darker, more defined outline so I can work out WTF is going on.

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That gray and colored dots is killing me smalls. The eye could use more detail but old school means a little bland so it works.

3D is good BUT it is too close to the fill color blending them together making toys confused. The orange blends are nice the blue compliments it nicely.

A little busy but that's your style, all good.


Opinions vary.

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Picture279.jpgcome on son top five in this bitch lol where u at jamak...i was gonna go wild style on this but decided to go with some straight oldschool funk figure if i do take u out rather it be that oldschool style i get critz on ...good luck tho mang!!


As much as i hate 2 say it this is sick!weres the jamek 1?

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Picture279.jpgcome on son top five in this bitch lol where u at jamak...i was gonna go wild style on this but decided to go with some straight oldschool funk figure if i do take u out rather it be that oldschool style i get critz on ...good luck tho mang!!




Here we go boys my entry may the best writter win!



lets get soem votes going people

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Here's my scorecard:



Outline: Jamak, smoother flow and better balance


Colours: Jamak, brighter and don't overpower the visibility of the letters themselves. Don't like the arrows, though.


Fill: Pesk, neither piece has the kind of fill that I really go for but that orangey-fire with lightening on Pesk's piece is wicked


3D: Pesk, really fucking tight but also really let down with the lack of contrasting colours on the letters


Background/Bubbles: Jamak, by a mile. Those bubbles/clouds are fucking sweet


Overall: Jamak, just has better flow, colours and balance.


Jamak has it in my eyes.




Just my opinion, both pieces blow away anything I could do

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i think you're colours are a bit too all over the place theres no consistency,blue and orange works if you pull it off right, but the grey ruins it. The eye in the 'O' is pretty damn terrible and the weird cosmic symbol on the 'F' is completely out of place.the letters have structure but at the same time are ruined by the weird extensions,to be honest i just aint feeling anything from the piece as a whole i dont think it has any flow and i dont think you put as much effort into it as you could have.




the colours work pretty well, the fill is solid and not too distracting, the orange and green work well its funny how you both used almost similar colour schemes,over all jamaks colour scheme and fill work much better than pesks.not alot to say about the piece itself the letters aren't too complicated,not too many add ons its quite simple with a nice funk to it.the background could be changed to fit it a bit more something more interesting maybe.and im not too sure about the jizz staine clouds.


overall i think we can all admit jamak took this one,he brought the heat the style and put the work in.


say what you want pesk but no bullshit here i know you could have done better man.

jamak props you're shits nice.

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