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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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yeh that 40 bottle is dope, at first i thought it was 3


once again with spelling jokes...i chould care less how i type or spell on this board...this is a fucking graffiti message board not a job application. so if u wanna rank on my work go a head,but leave spelling out,im sorry if u are running out punch lines to boost your E-ego...but its getting old....im not gunna bother to reply anymore...im not gunna feed the fire, this is my last reply 2 u...

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Originally posted by seeking@Feb 15 2005, 08:21 PM

i'm not trying to 'pick' on you, but c'mon bro, earth to the fake take...i'm accused of being too harsh, not blind. just let it go....maybe spend some time learning how to spell the words 'still' and 'canvas' or something.





those are dope.




not to mention 'Coffee'...


or am i out of line?

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I am not going to tred on what Seeking and Coffie are talking about

But Seeking has a few points, tell people how it is, they will thank you

later on for being a true critic, and helping them see whats wrong with

their work, cause they only want to see the good (so it becomes easy)

when in fact it is not easy.


Giving someone a harsh critique can do one of two things, 1)break the

artist's spirit, and you make him throw all his paints in the garbage.

or 2)he says fuck it i can make this piece 30x better now that i have

different perspective. and next time i paint a canvas i already have this

knowledge so im one step up on the ladder hallelujah only 1578 steps left.


Coffie Crave if i had to critique that painting with the dunk(i haven't looked back

at previous pages to see your other work) The dunk right away sets up a stereotype

for the painting, before even looking at the rest of the content. The drips and

background, look generic hip hop, along with the dunk. you could have painted

the shoe melting instead of relying on the spraypaint to produce an effect, that

when visually read it only reminds me of spraypaint, not anything melting.

The characters im not going to critique. but hopefully this short critique helps

you look at the painting through a different perspective. Keep it Moving


Propers for showing your work, and for putting your idea on canvas.

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SEEKING just out of curiosity , cause i usualy=ly like what u kick on here what are your opinions/critique of the ewok stuff which is very blodly displaying his 'name'/ lettering on the piece. i personaly think the pieces could do without the big whit ewok thro-ups, its look kind vien, or like a brand name type shit..like rockin sum ol shirt with HILLFIGGA giant across the front(nope i dont) anyway,,give us the low-down..

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I just looked at that painting again and my main problem

is that the drips are a central aspect to the painting not a

background image (as they should be). the one diagonal

in the painting created by the sole of the shoe and the

dowslope of the characters is intersected by the drips

creating tension, and it makes your eyes focus on the drips


just an informative bit. Damn and i wanted to keep my crit short

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id like to answer that question

personally i would never buy any graffiti artist canvas that had just letters

even that CES which is amazing technically speaking, just wouldn't. As far

as Ewok's i dont like them, looks like he did took a blackbook page(and not

a good one at that) and put it on canvas. the characters holding the letters

are good. I kinda like that canvas with all the characters on it but if i had

a choice i would have went with just the Yellow Character and put him in

a setting where he really didn't fit in. Oh yeah and the Jersey Joe is Fire.

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my take on ewok's stuff, or graff on canvas by any 'big name' writer, is that if you buy one of their pieces, you're buying it because of what it represents, not necessarily how it looks. if you all found out that those 'totem' canvases were actually done by 'steve oner', no one would care nearly as much about them. the 'alure' of the pieces is that it's totem, not that it's particularly spectacular (which of course is arguable).


anyway, i dont object to graff on canvas, what i object to is seeing poorly executed boring shit done by kids who have no grasp of letters. no one would look at a thread full of shitty wall pieces, why would they want to see them scaled down, ya know? there are a number of writers i'd love to have work by. hell, i'd come out of pocket just to have a serf or jon156 paint marker 'throw up' on a canvas, cause to me, even though they're simple, every time i looked at it, it would remind me of the fact that every time i paint, whether its a piece or a throw up, all i want to do is be as fresh them. i know that sounds corny or whatever, but it's the truth.


so yeah, if anyone knows serf or jon156, get at me.


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colt45oe800- thanks for the postive adivce, i will take that into note...im not gunna lie the canvas was a last min thing for sneakerpimps and had to mail out the same day...its just a cool peice to look at,


seeks- i got alot of canvases with just artists throws/along with a lot of old back-white photos...ill post them later

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Originally posted by colt45oe800@Feb 16 2005, 06:33 AM

Giving someone a harsh critique can do one of two things, 1)break the

artist's spirit, and you make him throw all his paints in the garbage.

or 2)he says fuck it i can make this piece 30x better now that i have

different perspective. and next time i paint a canvas i already have this

knowledge so im one step up on the ladder hallelujah only 1578 steps left.


Yupp..I agree with you playa..

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Originally posted by netster@Feb 17 2005, 12:47 AM

dude, I was blown away by that 40 bottle when I thought it was 3 seperate bottles. Don't get me wrong, it looks nice, but I was a little dissapointed once I realized it was only one bottle. You should try spreading a piece over three bottles and post how it worked.


thanks for giving me an excuse to drink three forties. :D

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shit eh - thread's been busy.

my old pc died..so i've been offline for about a week...halfway through a few canvases..will post em when i'm done....


Coffee - Hammer Striker is killer!!


Useurname - i'm diggin your style mate..nice work


Ramble On - 5Faced is sweet...lovin the weight of it

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Guest professor poopatronic

where are all the goddamn zombie drawings? you guys are really disappointing me. can we at least get a wizard or a dragon or something? pirate ships would be cool too.

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personally - i prefer proportions to be fucked up - the more fucked up the better....art school teaches you how to 'copy' 'life' and give a certain generic proportion to anything associated to human forms (with a little le-way of course)...most anyone can learn this given the time..and therefore it becomes redundant and boring....if proportions are fucked up in style, with style..whatever...i reckon that's good shit......just my opinion - it's def ok if you disagree...no t-bones here

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