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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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Originally posted by seeking@Oct 20 2004, 02:17 PM


when you said 'some advice i can give you', i figured you were going to tell him to just stop...that he was hurting america. your perpetual kindness is inspiring, but also confusing. how can you keep doing it? ha. don't you get sick of being nice? ha.


moving on...

you owe me an email homie. i got all amped up and excited then never heard back. that's not how a life changing volley of ideas is supposed to transpire. ha.



thanks joker, i have been working with more messy outlines and such,it seems to go together better


seeks- if i had a doller for every time u talked about me id be rich...if im such a ''poor'' artist....then just look at my stuff lol and turn ur head.....why go all the way out to make a coment....are u jealous or something...i dought it but it looks like it...get a life....you didnt see me take the time to make remarkers about your stuff, like the milduw on that white canvas...i do my work for for myself and others...ppl will like it ppl wont...its whatver...its art...but ur coments r just getting old


''when you said 'some advice i can give you', i figured you were going to tell him to just stop''


what r u 10?

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sorry homie, i just have a problem with people pushing a tired gimmic well beyond it's prime. this is graffiti, it's not art class, i'm under no obligation to be nice to anyone (nor are you for that matter. dis my 'mold', doesnt bother me a bit). is it unecessary for me to speak on the subject? no, of course not. but clearly you're not realizing that painting the exact same character in the exact same pose 100 times is not fresh, exciting, interesting, amusing or entertaining to anyone but the lowest common denominator of 'graff-art fan', on your own. if you were just some kid sitting in your bedroom passing time, i wouldnt bother to speak on it, but you're actually trying to sell shit. you're making stuff and charging money for it. call it tough love if you want, but i'm trying to get you to realize that expanding your horizons is a good thing. i know i could go about it in a 'nicer' way, but joker gives you 'nice' and you don't listen. you pretend to know everything already, or to be above his assistance. that annoys me almost more than this recycled 'art'. you also had 50 people in channel zero telling you the same thing. how many times do you need to hear it before you accept it might be worth listening to?


bottom line is this, if you're so sure of yourself and your work that you can see absolutely no validity in my comments, then blow them off and pay them no mind. if however, you take an honest look at your stuff and the criticisms i've made and you see a little bit of truth, then instead of being fucking lazy, act on it. try to expand what you do. look at what you're trying to express in a different light or from a different perspective. if all you want is to make a souless 'product' to peddle on your site, go ahead, but you obviously have a handle on the marketing aspect of things, you might as well take that next step and try to back it with quality work. if you can't do that, you might want to re-think your art-as-income approach to things.


then again what do i know?

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Originally posted by seeking@Oct 21 2004, 05:30 PM


sorry homie, i just have a problem with people pushing a tired gimmic well beyond it's prime. this is graffiti, it's not art class, i'm under no obligation to be nice to anyone (nor are you for that matter. dis my 'mold', doesnt bother me a bit). is it unecessary for me to speak on the subject? no, of course not. but clearly you're not realizing that painting the exact same character in the exact same pose 100 times is not fresh, exciting, interesting, amusing or entertaining to anyone but the lowest common denominator of 'graff-art fan', on your own. if you were just some kid sitting in your bedroom passing time, i wouldnt bother to speak on it, but you're actually trying to sell shit. you're making stuff and charging money for it. call it tough love if you want, but i'm trying to get you to realize that expanding your horizons is a good thing. i know i could go about it in a 'nicer' way, but joker gives you 'nice' and you don't listen. you pretend to know everything already, or to be above his assistance. that annoys me almost more than this recycled 'art'. you also had 50 people in channel zero telling you the same thing. how many times do you need to hear it before you accept it might be worth listening to?


bottom line is this, if you're so sure of yourself and your work that you can see absolutely no validity in my comments, then blow them off and pay them no mind. if however, you take an honest look at your stuff and the criticisms i've made and you see a little bit of truth, then instead of being fucking lazy, act on it. try to expand what you do. look at what you're trying to express in a different light or from a different perspective. if all you want is to make a souless 'product' to peddle on your site, go ahead, but you obviously have a handle on the marketing aspect of things, you might as well take that next step and try to back it with quality work. if you can't do that, you might want to re-think your art-as-income approach to things.


then again what do i know?


thanks for the advice, i do take advice from ppl, just like everyone else should,cha=zero just gots alot of assholes in it that dont know whats up... all my work on my site is new, all my old stuff i look back and go wow that was me? just like anything ealse im building myself up and working on my work...i know i will look back a few months from now and go...that was me? damn...and then a few months from then say the samething, long as u push forward you can only get better, the reason my lil dudes r all faceing one side/looks the same, is becuase that it what im going for with my stuff, to change it up but keep it together like one big theme, i do sell alot of my work, i wish i didnt have to i would like to keep it, but i have to pay bills and its putting food on the table and a roof over my head, but i stile have to keep it real...so im always down to make a trade before a sell, and im also puting out free street art for others to enjoy and always hooking ppl up with free stuff...i dont know where im going with this im sorta getting off track, anyway you do u, i do me...



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On a much lighter note...


Willy Wonka, I like that. And Nomak, that's the best thing I've seen from you. Seriously, that style is much more clean than your usual stuff. Your other work looks sketchy/rugged/rough/etc. But that canvas is to my liking. But you should've layed off some of that orange. Self made drips don't appeal to me. Keep it up Nom.



with love,


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Originally posted by s.urkaleeno@Oct 20 2004, 05:16 PM


your missing some contrast. Right now all your shapes are in the same value range. Maybe add some highlights. I wouldn't suggest putting a white tag in the bottom, unless you have white somewere else on the "painting" ( is that digital or hand done?)


i still havent done anything else to it, worried i'll fuck it up, if i were to put my name to the bottom i'd actually do it in some shade of gray or something cuz ya white wouldn't look right only in the corner and all. its acrylics (obviously hand done). but ya i definately agree it is missing contrast, that is EXACTLY what it is missing, i just dont know wut to do to it without fuckin it up. so im leaving it alone right now

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good looking out angry kids ...



yellow feets good advice... ill keep sketchen that style up to get it more readible cause somepeople aint feeling it but i like that montana orange i got .. shit shows up on the camara so crazy like it did ... anyways good advice



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Originally posted by deceipt+Oct 22 2004, 04:26 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (deceipt - Oct 22 2004, 04:26 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-s.urkaleeno@Oct 20 2004, 05:16 PM


your missing some contrast. Right now all your shapes are in the same value range. Maybe add some highlights. I wouldn't suggest putting a white tag in the bottom, unless you have white somewere else on the "painting" ( is that digital or hand done?)


i still havent done anything else to it, worried i'll fuck it up, if i were to put my name to the bottom i'd actually do it in some shade of gray or something cuz ya white wouldn't look right only in the corner and all. its acrylics (obviously hand done). but ya i definately agree it is missing contrast, that is EXACTLY what it is missing, i just dont know wut to do to it without fuckin it up. so im leaving it alone right now



Nothing is "obvious" that can easily be done digitaly. As far as not wanting to fuck it up, I understand that, that's all part of it. You need to learn how far to push something, and the only way to do that is by ruining alot of paintings. If your really serious about the art thing (not grafitti) you need to drop the whole "pressious" concept. The only way to really develop an idea is to keep pushing your medium. If you ruin it, you can always recreate it. That's how you learn how to paint, it's a process. O.k..... I'll crawl back into my computer now.

-oh one more thing, if scan the image and print it out on card stock you can paint over it and figure out what needs to change. (just don't use alot of water / hint:sparay fix)

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hey i make like $100 a week of my stuff and i suck, it's just about being the best they actually know lol, then they think it's cool to buy it haha, seriosuly, i'm from a small city of like 50 000 so it's easy, man you never know...some people will by anything, for my sake thank god haha...

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you make $100 a week off selling your art? you make roughly $5,000 a year off the stuff you paint, that you admit full well is not good?

and you dont have any moral problem with selling bullshit that has your name on it?


either i have a hell of a lot more integrity than some people, or the world has hit a new sad low and joker and i were the only ones who weren't told. either way, this thread is bumming me out. i know people gotta eat, but i'll never pimp myself for shit. i'd rather break into peoples cars and steal their stereo's than paint some bullshit i dont believe in, stick my name on it, and put it out in the public. to me that's just disgusting. it's not even an issue of 'selling out' it's an issue of just straight up being dishonest with everyone involved. i've had plenty of chances to do paid murals and art work before, but i've turned every single one down, or handed it off to someone who i knew was more capable. maybe that was 'dumb' of me, but i would never charge someone for any creative serive that i wasnt personally happy with. i've done design work i didnt particularly care about, but i still made sure that it was on 'the level'.


im not trying to criticise anyone and their choices, if yall can sleep at night, hey, it's your soul, i just dont understand that mindstate at all. it's not even 'getting over', it's something else...something rotten and empty. i dont know.


just my (overly serious) .02

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before my site...people seen my work around shows/freinds houses/buyers houses...so on...people demaned a site to be able to view my work...i sell stuff off my site now people contact me...also on myspace i didnt want a photo of my face so i posted art...then people just started to ask for it, i never really name a price...i just ask..well whats it worth 2 you? i sold stuff for 300- i sold something for 5 bucks...its whatever its only worth whatever its worth to the person that buys it...art as no $ value...its whatver someone is willing to pay, i love to take canvas trades over a sell anyday and i do

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Originally posted by seeking@Oct 22 2004, 12:23 PM

you make $100 a week off selling your art? you make roughly $5,000 a year off the stuff you paint, that you admit full well is not good?

and you dont have any moral problem with selling bullshit that has your name on it?


either i have a hell of a lot more integrity than some people, or the world has hit a new sad low and joker and i were the only ones who weren't told. either way, this thread is bumming me out. i know people gotta eat, but i'll never pimp myself for shit. i'd rather break into peoples cars and steal their stereo's than paint some bullshit i dont believe in, stick my name on it, and put it out in the public. to me that's just disgusting. it's not even an issue of 'selling out' it's an issue of just straight up being dishonest with everyone involved. i've had plenty of chances to do paid murals and art work before, but i've turned every single one down, or handed it off to someone who i knew was more capable. maybe that was 'dumb' of me, but i would never charge someone for any creative serive that i wasnt personally happy with. i've done design work i didnt particularly care about, but i still made sure that it was on 'the level'.


im not trying to criticise anyone and their choices, if yall can sleep at night, hey, it's your soul, i just dont understand that mindstate at all. it's not even 'getting over', it's something else...something rotten and empty. i dont know.


just my (overly serious) .02



basicaly this is what went through my head, i wont do something for someone unless i have the time and what i think is the ability to make it look good and how i feel it would be if i was going to give it to someone i knew or something. I couldnt sell some crap like those ol ebay painters did because it was crap, Remember those seeking, i think you made the thread.


Bottom line, no matter who you are selling to, if you have your name on it, it better be up to par in your own standards

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when it comes to my art on 2d surfaces (paintings, drawings, walls, even tattoo flash) i gravitate towards seeking's view on this issue. i think there's a serious lack of integrity going on these days. as a professional tattooist, i have to swallow my pride all the time and do stupid shit that i hate. however, the main objective of tattooing is to give the customer something they'll want to wear forever. whether or not i think it's cool is secondary. and even when i'm stuck doing dumb flash for days at a time, away from the tattoo machines i'm still spending time drawing the kind of work i love. i think if you view shitty commissioned work as a kind of necessary evil that most people who make a living off art have to deal with, it's ok. it's happened to almost all of us at one time or another. but when you lose sight of what you really want to accomplish as an artist, and you're only making things because you think they will sell, or you're following whatever is the cool thing to do...i don't understand that at all. if you have the freedom to do what you want to do and to really push yourself, which you have when you paint a canvas, why would you want to waste that opportunity on some bullshit? i don't know if i seem like i'm contradicting myself but i hope not cause i don't see it that way.

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wow, some serious discussions between seeks and coffee crave going on here. you know, it's hard to see middle ground sometimes....


it's sometimes surprising what gets sold as art, and it's even more surprising how much it gets sold for sometimes.


there's a between place though....there's the point where you have to get your name out somehow and if there is a market for it...i dunno...i think you guys know what i'm saying.


which would be good because this flu medicine is making me type fucked up things.

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