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Yard Safety

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i don't paint yards, just photograph, but even that's dangerous if you are into that. Don't ever underestimate the yard. Freights can go in either direction, so even if you don't see the locomotive the end car can still move. Don't trust the rail-signs either. I used to think that if the lights were red the train couldn't go in that direction..got a nice surprise when the freight moved that way anyway. Like everyone has said, dont cross under trains, thats just plain dumb. Some of the best writers in the world who knew "everthing" about yards have been killed. Never let your guard down...i walk like that cat on Charlie Brown Christmas with my head back and forth at all times. Plus don't get caught up in the action and not be aware of your surroundings, a lot of times I see graff and go straight for it not noticing all the bums around...not a good idea. Always remember that trains can come at any time...you may know the schedule like the back of your hand, but trains are late and early sometimes and freights are unpredictable.

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Can anyone provide any insight regarding cabooses?


I've never had the chance to go inside one except really old models with a bed for workers and whatnot. If a caboose that normally sits at the outlet is sitting behind a layup, should I worry about anyone being inside it at the wee hours of the morning -- sleeping, waiting for the next line to arrive for humping -- or did the railworkers just leave that shit there for the next day?

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  • 4 weeks later...

bump! this thread is very helpfulL! ive learnd a lot just sitting here and reading shit like cars humping ,live yards,ghost cars, air stuff , engines. very very helpful!


i came here to read about trains cause last night i was in a train yard that was VERy alife and kicking! i was taking flicks of a train that was passing by , and then when it passed by i dicited to paint on the box cars next to it and then as i was painting it starts humping! and shit my pants and run to the bushes . then i decide to go back and finish my hollow it humps again!!!!!!! and crap my pants again and run to the bushes sweat like 4 pounds of sweat. then i just decide to get the hell out of there cause that thing was alive!! o yea im not going back there tonight after i read this thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This helped me out when I saw it, so I thought I might as well share it... These are the numbers that people keep talking about for those of you that do not know...









Follow what is being said in this thread, and try not to end up like that...^^^^

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

QUICK HIDING METHOD--- If you here a railworker coming down the line, checking numbers or pressuring up the hoses. You first thought is to panic and run as fast as you can, DONT. If the worker is on the other side of the car just simply climb the ladder on your side. Make sure you make asleast noise as possible. Stay there until your sure he has made his way totally down the line, or has just left. Another way to avoid capture is simple. If there is a boxcar behind you that has an open door just slide you and your paint in there silently, just chill in one of the corners until the worker is atleast 20 yards away. Sounds a bit lengthey, but better safe then sorry. And if you decide to use the latter option make sure that you leave no evidence on the ground, plus make sure you're above the sturup, and your feet are not hanging out from the bottom of the freight.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

well maybe you actually wondered into a baseball dimond.... and find ur own yard then lol.


Luckly the yard I hit up is way out of any highway/city/town so you have to drive to get their. This prohibits younger writers from using the yard because they have no way there. Not to say young writers arent good but Most writters start young.

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