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I just copped a 50mm 1.8 that I have been steady using. I love it. Next will probably be a 80-200mm 2.8, anyone shoot with one of these?



yup we rented one a while back and the damn thing was heavy as shit but the flicks it took were awesome.



heres one i took with that lense its just some random kid on the highway



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Guest Ginger Bread Man

i own a nikkor 300mm f2.8. posted a couple pictures i shot with it a bit back.


phenomenal investment, worth more than my car

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Some pictures from the last week. Got a pretty legit assignment for cash from a local businessman, unfortunately i believe my 'street' photos will have to take a backseat. the almighty dollar and all that.



sunset from my roof.





a big part of my project is figuring out how the old plays into the new. i took this picture hashing out what i want. i don't think my client will be interested in a sewage pipe being built into the ruins of an old building...





last time i was here, i took a photo of a girl looking out of her red door against a pale blu-ish/green-ish wall. that orange house is now what it looks like.



the ironing spot.



i also took some pictures of a house that collapsed last year. now, these carpenters are turning that old wood into new tables for bars and cafes for the rich. the saga continues....



if i wasn't lazy i woulda uploaded some pictures i took of this kid last year. hes grown up a lot. dropped out of school for a construction job, but then again, if he had graduated, he woulda had a construction job anyway. hard to see where harm has been done.



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if i wasn't lazy i woulda uploaded some pictures i took of this kid last year. hes grown up a lot. dropped out of school for a construction job, but then again, if he had graduated, he woulda had a construction job anyway. hard to see where harm has been done.


the story is the same in the town where my parents are from in mexico 16 years old drop out of school and work construction jobs. they work govt jobs like helping build and pave roads they really bust their ass but its either that and help bring income for their family or become another drunk in a small town.


Great flicks mayor

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