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i was shooting a lambo i saw parked on the street the other night, and litterly 5 second after i had walked on the curb a drunk driver slammed into the back of it....i was so flustered i couldnt get any really good shots of the after math but yeah.....


not as high of a cliber shot as i would have preferred but this is the last shot, literally seconds before the drunk ass dude slamed into the corner, if i would have teken more time with this shot i prolly would be dead haha.....didnt have a tripod so this shot is pretty bad.....



dude was desperately tryna drive away, switching back and forth from drive to reverse even before he realized he hit the lambo LOL, stumbled out the car looked at his damaged rental, lookd and realized he hit a lambo and booked back in the car and tried to drive away again...needless t o say he was field tested, failed miserably and was taken away....he had two child seats in the back seat of the car too......sucks to be him....


the body damage was not that bad, and initialy i thought the lambo was fine aside from that scrape. came back an hour or so later thinking if it wasnt towed i could take some better pictures but the owner was in an suv behind it and there was a police escort. the back suspension was cracked, chunks of titanium and what not were on the ground behind it and the wheels were cockeyed out in opposite directions, the left wheel had been knocked off the rim.....certainly gonna fuck homies insurance up, if a drunk driving charge wasnt enough hahaha

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i was shooting a lambo i saw parked on the street the other night, and litterly 5 second after i had walked on the curb a drunk driver slammed into the back of it....i was so flustered i couldnt get any really good shots of the after math but yeah.....


not as high of a cliber shot as i would have preferred but this is the last shot, literally seconds before the drunk ass dude slamed into the corner, if i would have teken more time with this shot i prolly would be dead haha.....didnt have a tripod so this shot is pretty bad.....



dude was desperately tryna drive away, switching back and forth from drive to reverse even before he realized he hit the lambo LOL, stumbled out the car looked at his damaged rental, lookd and realized he hit a lambo and booked back in the car and tried to drive away again...needless t o say he was field tested, failed miserably and was taken away....he had two child seats in the back seat of the car too......sucks to be him....



Oof that sucks for that dude. I'd imagine that's gonna cost a lot to get the Lambo fixed. Also I didn't know you live in SF. I'm in Oakland we should maybe meet up and shoot sometime?

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Oof that sucks for that dude. I'd imagine that's gonna cost a lot to get the Lambo fixed. Also I didn't know you live in SF. I'm in Oakland we should maybe meet up and shoot sometime?


im always down to shoot ill send you a pm




lense was hella dirty.....looks like the lockness monster haha


random shots

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