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The Photography Thread


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It's from VIP but I typed it out so here:



The most important technical aspect of photography is exposure, it's basically how much light is captured in the final image.

Too much exposure will burn out the image making it white, or loose the details in the brightest areas of the shot.

Too little exposure will make it dark and loose the details in the darker areas of the photo.


Virtually all modern digital cameras automatically determine how much light is present and what setting should be used.

I'd also like to add that I thought it required math and instruction to determine how to shoot manually, but it's super easy.




These are three very basic main factors that determine exposure:



The first factor is Aperture, it is determined by a small diaphragm in the lens of the camera.

When this diaphragm closes tighter and makes the hole smaller, it lets in less light. It also increases how much of the shot is in focus.

The larger the hole in the diaphragm gets, it lets in more light, it also decreases how much of the shot is in focus.

I like to shoot at F/1.8 which is a very large hole, mainly because I like to blur out the backgrounds of my photo's.

Some photographers like Ansel Adams for example mainly shoot at high aperture (smaller hole) he even started a photography crew called the F/64's.

At that time, most photographers preferred the softer blurred look, he wanted to rebel or whatever and take super crisp shots where everything was in focus.


Shutter speed:

After the light makes it past the lens there is the shutter, it opens up to let the light in for the photo.

How long it opens determines the exposure, and just like aperture it also determines the look of the photo.

When the shutter is open, any movement during that time will result in motion blur.

It could be the subject of the photo moving around like a person at night getting blurred out.

Also, the camera moving around with the shutter open will blur out the entire photo.

To get crisp shots of moving subjects and prevent motion blurs you want a fast shutter speed.

The only way to get a longer exposure time is to use a tripod or stabilize the camera somehow.




ISO is the last factor the light deals with after entering the camera, it's the sensitivity of the sensor, or the film to the light.

On a regular film camera the roll of film you put in determines this and cannot be changed without switching film.

On a digital camera you can adjust this for every shot, making things much easier and allowing more flexibility.

Relatively speaking, ISO 100 would be a normal sensitivity, while ISO 800 is generally a higher sensitivity which is useful to capture more light faster.

The main draw back to having a high ISO is noise, noise is that grainy look, so in most cases you want your ISO as low as possible unless you like grain.

For a cleaner, pixel perfect shot you want that lower ISO, you might need to go higher on ISO to compensate for low light.



Now that that's covered....

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i'm pretty bummed i missed out in the little bickering on the previous page.


Spaceman! wtf, are you on that zone system tip? i'm not really into nature photography but your photos are always on point. *cough* ansel adams *cough*.









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Not hating, I'm just lost as why people who could actually take good photo's would use old film.

I mean your skills are good enough to not need any extra over editing hdr or expired film turd polish.

I guess it's personal preference or taste maybe but I generally dislike/don't get that kind of stuff.

Maybe it's because I've seen so many people who sucked in general use those types of techniques.

Or I'm not sure, it could be a "just for fun" type deal for some people.


Again, not hating, just confused.

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I ate some bad food once while shooting and made a nice warm brown unpleasant surprise.

I know what your saying about the holgas though, that and pinhole/lomography escape me.

It just seems pretentious and turd polish trendy for some reason when I see them.

I'm probably missing out on something cool when I instantly overlook them, but I'm OK with that.

I just enjoy taking photo's in general though, it would be better than not shooting I guess..

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i'm pretty bummed i missed out in the little bickering on the previous page.


Spaceman! wtf, are you on that zone system tip? i'm not really into nature photography but your photos are always on point. *cough* ansel adams *cough*.


I actually had to google zone system haha.


Read it, and don't understand it. But thanks!










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Mercer were you also talking about my photos?


Being a religious film user, i get the whole expired/shitty film aesthetic. But absolutely hate the holga lomo fad that's going on. My bad i'm late on responding about this.


Spaceman you plan on making the Medium Format jump any time soon?

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load limit thats how you shoot when your rusty? fuck thats tight.


Mercer were you also talking about my photos?!


I demand satisfaction i challenge you to a duel. Cameras At dawn!













Yo we should all shoot the same subject and compare them all to see our different styles with a similar subject.

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Get in on the photo hunt thread, I'll try and get shots for it done on Saturday.

And just so I don't sound like a total dick I'm just as unsatisfied looking at my own stuff.

I guess one of my friends switching up styles recently got me hating.

I liked his shots before when he was using an ancient D1 while most other people hated them.

Now he shoots mainly film and I don't like the photo's as much but everyone else likes them now.

I guess I'm at a point where after a year of having an SLR and being into photography I've developed preferences.

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thanks for fixin that load, but i didn't know we were being judged. i like em. i don't follow any rules of photography if thats what you mean. just point and shoot. i will admit, my pictures arent of prettiest subjects, endless fields, rolling mountains etc. just chicago and its people. i don't try to make an ugly city look pretty either. this is what i see everyday. not into tourist pics.

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being critiqued is nothing new to me and everyone has opinions i accept all and use it to build.but all you said was "these arent good" why not? what isn't good to you? what you see as imprefect i might have liked. whats more realistic then homless people in thier natural state? my flicks arent set up. i don't wait for the right light or shadows or any of that. its not like you can tell a bum "hey hold your cup just a lil to the right" at least i wouldn't. to me telling a bum(or any subject) what to do takes away from from the photo. and "artistic" means waaaaaay to many things to everyone else.people see art in everything... And Chicago is a random ass city. ive heard this before, people think im making fun of bums in some cases. im trying to show something that most people wouldnt give a seciond thought to look at. I'll post more "artistic" stuff in the future

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