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Originally posted by YG Blood

Do you have to pay for soulseek?


No sir. Although you can donate $5 and get priority downloads for a month. (When you're 50th in line dling from the same person .. you are automatically bumped to the top of the line)


slsk is the best for finding full albums. Holler.


Join the 12 oz. chat if you dl it .. !###-12ozProphet-###!

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Guest ctrl+alt+del



if im looking for just one song, i go for Kazaa, because you can dl from more than one user at a time.


if im lookin for a cd, soulseek.


if im looking for a NEW or notyetreleased cd, or a movie- mIRC....well i use Invision, but same thing.

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Guest ctrl+alt+del

i remember scour. that shit was gangsta. didnt they try to bring that back?


mIRC...there are some users that let you resume. i have a 2hour limit on my connection, so thats a bitch. it usually takes me 5 or so hours to get a 700 meg file.


to look for xdcc files on the mirc networks go to mydownloader.com


everyone be sure to get soulseek and head to the 12oz room, make it an auto-join.





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