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Northwest Superthread II(without crappy flicks)


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Originally posted by ogcorndog

all that bitch talk is one the reason why the older genereation despises your generation. you waste all your energy talkin ish on the net, seems like some of you are in it for the "scene" and the drama losing the essence of graff.


this is actually coming from a dude that you all jock... graffiti is just that, vandalism, thats why you look at this site.. you wanna see some dude who puts in hella work and talks on this site get stomped? right? am i right? some dude, rather you hate or love or dont care about his shit, some dude who consistanytly speaks his mind, not out of some ego shit, but a guy who some one always has something to say about. i mean come on, search the posts, its not like pores just randomly speaks out,(well sometimes, but provoked) dude posts under his own name when shit involes him, .... so yeah, he got beat up," jumped" ... who knows or cares if it was a fair fight if he would of won, does it really matter? actually? well, reguardless, me and this dude, and his "bitch" where stealing shit bigger than your little sister, "blowing up" all your

favorite spots,(hhah) and painting shit you couldnt even tell your girfriend about and having a great time,in citys you have never stepped foot in. and still are,and your in your at home looking on Kazza for a video of some kid you supposedly"dont give a fuck about" getting beat up.. like, i can see what you guys are all hyped about, but shit, i have seen like 30 videos of a ton of fucking writers getting stomped, but it wasnt like the next fucking day a ton of fools where on the fucking interweb talking about putting it there fucking crew videos. i dont know what i have ever done to any one in GPK for them to want to "serve" me, ,but if any one of you have a problem... like all the beef i have, (internet derived) email me at theslummyloser@yahoo.com . you guys are looking like nerds on here discusing this shit, (myself inculded, you too pores), but hey, thats what the email is is for, but its way more hip hop to talk shit on 12oz... (yo OG Corn Dizzle, email me, i got a good joke about mormans you would like)...



yeah, anyhow.. fill in the blanks with all the "fuck you Life" and um "Toy this and that" fuck i forget, i would just rather talk to the dudes who i hear about talking shit about me and my crews, you know, the dudes i have never fucking met. oh, and the all the people i have never dissed, and um... yeah... all the people who are like"dude is like, ...... um crew with pores..... like, um, i read some shit on 12oz (god) that said dude is like some sort of snitch..... so im all about beliving that shit.... cause yo, shit was on the 12oz.." oh... or that dude i made fun of on myspace who took it sooooooo personal, that he said something about on this site, join the masses big guy, you fucking cock....



love forever and always, done with you nerds....



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Originally posted by Cory Feldman


wow u r gay. pussy didnt help his lil friend and now is scared of beef he cant handle and wants an email so he can appologize to as many as people as possible to save his own ass.:lol: "fuck pores, peace out im saving my own ass your on your own!"

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Those of you who are defending Pores are missing a simple point; many people, myself included, enjoy watching someone get the shit stomped out of them, regardless of the situation. Having it be Pores is just an added bonus. Don't tell other people what graffiti is or isn't. It's not yours; people can decide for themselves.

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The thing is its not because the person but the people that brought it up is making the bigger deal about it and making people more interested in the situation..Not just because it was a certain person but whoever started all this wanted everyone to know who got stomped...

I seen four fights just last weekend, all which were clean one on one.Why brag about it though if no ones interested in reasons etc.. one got thrown through a table another in a parking lot got picked up and repeatidly bashed into hoods of cars.. and even one kid said fuck it you beat my ass its over and he ran off ..Whats the point to say this though when no ones listening? People just like drama, its the way the world revolves

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Re: round 2's a KO


Originally posted by littlezane

dude, your more of a jackass then our current president. Fuck jock faggots like yourself. Dont tell people whatgraffiti is??????People fucking know what graffiti is. Its graffiti. what yall got clowned on for was that you are riding this played out story to try and act like Pores is through. Wouldnt that be a dream come true for you and your pathetic mates to not have to see pores doing things and being reminded of how sorry you sleeping beuties are. Yoou just said it was just a fight with a bonus. Is that really worth 3 pages of hype from brand new screen names acting like the world hates him. Your done. Post the video and go smoke crack. Yall are some real live idiot motherfucko's who should go back to college, get generic wives and move tot he the burbs, and for yourself, take that one jhalf stepping foot out the circle and put it somewhere new, maybe videogames or small buisness. caus how old are you?, and are you famous from this nightmare yet?


Being told to go back to college by someone who struggles with the use of "you're" vs. "your" is pretty funny. :lol: Get over it. Three pages is just the begining. This shit is gonna be hyped for the next twenty. Why don't you run a grammar check as you head back to college, and tell me, are you famous yet? :rolleyes: :lol:

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Originally posted by Pharaoh145th


EST. 1982 - BRONX, NY



FC : FIRST CLASS 1982 Prez: THUD / PHIL 167


FCK: FIRST CLASS KINGS 1986 (Manhattan Chapter) Prez: WEST ONE


That Fake FCK best fall back, before I start makeing Phone Calls.



The Everpresent Fame City Kings


^^...I know he's not the first writer to point this out, but he certainly is the most important. pay attention?..:confused:


those virus and dedos flicks are classy. that one with the chiquita lady character is hot. I think it was in a mag or something way back, anyone remember?

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Just to make some things clear, I met Asic only a few times, briefly, probably a good 5 years ago now and we painted together once. We tried to go out another time, but we almost got caught (he was too scared to run, so he blocked me and we all had to hide). That pissed me off. Anyhow, we never really talked much at all, but while I was still doing my site, I started getting emails from all these people. People not even from this country (canucks), talking shit. Personal shit. Mostly, shit he didn't even know first hand, but shit he'd heard about me from others (like the whole 'emo vegan' thing.. which, BTW, I'm neither). That's a big reason the site doesn't exist anymore. I was sick of being in the spotlight. I don't know what I ever did to INITIALLY piss this guy off, but I do know that he's been a known shit talker for years. He even talks shit on his best friends.. and his crew!? I'm not gonna go into details, but rest assured, if you know this guy at all, chances are, he's probably talked plenty of shit TO you AND about YOU. Think about it..


Oh.. and as for me being a 'real' writer, lemme just say this; I might not be some all-city king, but there's a good chance you know my name if you live in the city. Asic really has no idea how talented or how up I am. He just makes this shit up and for some reason people believe him.


That's pretty much all I have to say. Believe what you will. All this interent bullshit is going to ruin graffiti. Save the beef for the streets.

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Originally posted by dowmagik

youre quite full of yourself. and now that i know youre life dont be talking shit about my boys "small" freight pieces cause we both know he could burn your bitch ass.


i wasnt talking about me, i was talking about the person i quoted, like i said, hit the email if you wanna chat... funny how i dont know who you are or what your talking about. fill me in.

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man, fights happen on the daily, get over it. it was an unfair fight. if it was fair then you probably still would have won. regardless, it doesnt make me any more of less of a graffiti writer. i will battle whoever, however, whenever or fight anyone. you all know my email and can get at me any time but instead you have to set me up like some little bitches. funniest thing is you dont even know why you did it. i was with the person who started your crew a few days prior. get over this shit. i know who you ALL are and you are nobodys. scumdog=mine fugazi=4get...you guys are a joke. the guy who beat me up was nurose. tell me now, has anyone seen anything good by any of these guys or even know who they are? you think that beating someone up is obtaining some form or fame. i am still here; still getting over just as much, and i will continue to do so. there is cops all over these boards and they HAVE used text and photos in court cases. showing a video and saying that guy is pores is no better than turning picutres of me to the cops. stop acting like kids and act like adults. you all know how to get ahold of me and you ALL know i have never ran away from a mother fuccing thing so get at me if you wanna handle shit like me. otherwise, continue... poreroners@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by justjedd

Just to make some things clear, I met Asic only a few times, briefly, probably a good 5 years ago now and we painted together once. We tried to go out another time, but we almost got caught (he was too scared to run, so he blocked me and we all had to hide). That pissed me off. Anyhow, we never really talked much at all, but while I was still doing my site, I started getting emails from all these people. People not even from this country (canucks), talking shit. Personal shit. Mostly, shit he didn't even know first hand, but shit he'd heard about me from others (like the whole 'emo vegan' thing.. which, BTW, I'm neither). That's a big reason the site doesn't exist anymore. I was sick of being in the spotlight. I don't know what I ever did to INITIALLY piss this guy off, but I do know that he's been a known shit talker for years. He even talks shit on his best friends.. and his crew!? I'm not gonna go into details, but rest assured, if you know this guy at all, chances are, he's probably talked plenty of shit TO you AND about YOU. Think about it..


Oh.. and as for me being a 'real' writer, lemme just say this; I might not be some all-city king, but there's a good chance you know my name if you live in the city. Asic really has no idea how talented or how up I am. He just makes this shit up and for some reason people believe him.


That's pretty much all I have to say. Believe what you will. All this interent bullshit is going to ruin graffiti. Save the beef for the streets.


Why are you trying to cause ill will?


I know Asic personally and I've never known him to be a shit talker or a backstabber you're basically talking from your ass.


Why do you make posts about "not starting internet beef" and then you're gonna go post a page about what a piece of shit Asic is.


I doubt Asic gives a fuck about you and I'd say the same about you except you went and posted a book, so clearly you're butthurt to some degree.


Just drop it.

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Originally posted by justjedd

Just to make some things clear, I met Asic only a few times, briefly, probably a good 5 years ago now and we painted together once. We tried to go out another time, but we almost got caught (he was too scared to run, so he blocked me and we all had to hide). That pissed me off. Anyhow, we never really talked much at all, but while I was still doing my site, I started getting emails from all these people. People not even from this country (canucks), talking shit. Personal shit. Mostly, shit he didn't even know first hand, but shit he'd heard about me from others (like the whole 'emo vegan' thing.. which, BTW, I'm neither). That's a big reason the site doesn't exist anymore. I was sick of being in the spotlight. I don't know what I ever did to INITIALLY piss this guy off, but I do know that he's been a known shit talker for years. He even talks shit on his best friends.. and his crew!? I'm not gonna go into details, but rest assured, if you know this guy at all, chances are, he's probably talked plenty of shit TO you AND about YOU. Think about it..


Oh.. and as for me being a 'real' writer, lemme just say this; I might not be some all-city king, but there's a good chance you know my name if you live in the city. Asic really has no idea how talented or how up I am. He just makes this shit up and for some reason people believe him.


That's pretty much all I have to say. Believe what you will. All this interent bullshit is going to ruin graffiti. Save the beef for the streets.



asic talks mad shit yo! hahahah

straight boon coonin it


my niggah

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Originally posted by Malice

Why are you trying to cause ill will?


I know Asic personally and I've never known him to be a shit talker or a backstabber you're basically talking from your ass.


Why do you make posts about "not starting internet beef" and then you're gonna go post a page about what a piece of shit Asic is.


I doubt Asic gives a fuck about you and I'd say the same about you except you went and posted a book, so clearly you're butthurt to some degree.


Just drop it.


i dunno asic didnt say shit to me when he saw me going over his good pal elleg which is a friend of mine too at the garages but he sure did go call deal because my phone rang asking if i talked to him and i said no, i only know of him..anyways i just feel like talking. Cops sweated me that day and i played it mad cool. Never got to finish what i was doing though

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