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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Re: When


Originally posted by ARCEL

i hold in my hand what looks like an ordinary allen wrench bolt, except there is a raised piece of material in the middle of the hole where the allen wrench goes, what do you call the special allen wrenches that fit these things ?


hell yeah, having one of these would be so useful, i see them everywhere

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Originally posted by ARCEL

i hold in my hand what looks like an ordinary allen wrench bolt, except there is a raised piece of material in the middle of the hole where the allen wrench goes, what do you call the special allen wrenches that fit these things ?


i know exactly what youre speaking of

but i honestly dont know what the special hex keys are called


you dont run those bolts often


try a tool supply store

or find a snap on tools truck


but if you cant find the wrench youre looking for,

you can either...


-stick two flat blade screwdrivers

that fit snug inside the head on opposing sides of the center pin

then put a pair of vise grips holding the two screwdrivers together

and twist




-take a normal hex key (allen wrench)

and using a drill press bore out the center

so it makes a hole for the center pin to fit in

you could probably also accomplish this with a vice and hand drill

just be sure to use a bit made for metal

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no worries

in all serious though, was last week or something i think though ?

jager and coke is nice

what else can it be mixed with ?

red bull's are costing me too damn much! $10AUS for 4 sucks.

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Originally posted by krie

no worries

in all serious though, was last week or something i think though ?

jager and coke is nice

what else can it be mixed with ?

red bull's are costing me too damn much! $10AUS for 4 sucks.

yeah, you aussies got that awesome plastic money, i wouldnt drop that for anythin, does it fold in your wallet nice?

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urm, well my wallet they dont get folded really. they sort of just curve a lil where the leather of the wallet folds in half

they dont go dead flat

just sorta curved slightly

i rekin having paper money would suck, doesnt it get ripped easily ? then becomes useless ?

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Originally posted by krie

urm, well my wallet they dont get folded really. they sort of just curve a lil where the leather of the wallet folds in half

they dont go dead flat

just sorta curved slightly

i rekin having paper money would suck, doesnt it get ripped easily ? then becomes useless ?


nah, its not bad, people take care of it, and its made to be durable actually, so it lasts, you have to have like 80% of the bill and its still good

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Originally posted by EarMuffs

since birth.




for some reason this made me think of a scavenger hunt through 12oz not for photos but sifting through old threads and what not, tryin to find certain shit. I dont know why that made me th ink of that though

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