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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m@Dec 21 2004, 06:07 PM

hey fuckers.


my computer decided it would be a grand idea to blow up on me for a christmas gift. yay. been board as fuck. goddammit. some one send me a power switch. ill be back around when i get my shit back working again. peace owls. stay up blacks.



ok, first you send me something dammit. you mean power supply right? did it actually blow up or start smoking or anything cool? i bet Pikl could help you fix it. if it was actually the power button, maybe you could "hotwire" it to turn your computer on.



Earmuffs, i like the first picture after the skatepark set, reminds me of Oregon.

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its not snowing in kentucky..........the shy is hitting ice for the past 12 hours and its not supposed to stop til tomorrow morning. So far my truck has a 6 inch thick layer of ice on top of it. Fuck winter. So I am locked in my house with a liter of makers and 2 cases of coke's and the new 1200's.


that also means I am selling 3 numark 1910 direct drive turntablesif there are any interested nightowls that want a good entry level turntable.



but yeah. fuck winter....props to bourbon.

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what's happenin owwlleeezz.


well, i'm still not in the 'christmas' spirit,

even though i bought gifts for the relatives and all.

it's just standard now. if i didn't have a good-paying job,

i could probably get away with not giving anybody gifts.


i don't feel like being around them this year. i really don't.

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