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Elena Delle Donne

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Everything posted by Elena Delle Donne

  1. pan-seared scallops in a lemon butter sauce with smashed fingerling potatoes
  2. yeah it's super warm here too, i'm in a t shirt. we fucked this planet up
  3. about to go BACK to the freakin' hardware store!!!!!
  4. feel like ive been seeing fewer street fights in my neighborhood
  5. have not, the premise looked funny? but it seemed like it came out too soon after Space Force launched to be well-written. might need to check it out anyway
  6. its crazy that no one else has gotten to the moon to fuck with our flag, if nothing else
  7. when thinking about covid skeptics it is also worth pointing out that ~25% of americans probably think the sun orbits around the earth
  8. his old tweets are crazy. a king of OG twitter
  9. watching my cat knock shit over and be a real fucking bitch, not to mention an e-thug
  10. the only people i know who were intubed/put on a ventilator were over 50. one under 30 i know was hospitalized. others sat it out at home
  11. yeah i know people who've had it and some who have had it bad. this shit is real
  12. i'm probably gonna wait a few weeks just to be sure nothing goes wrong but yeah, i'm itching to get back to the dirty routine shit i used to do
  13. the new moderna vaccine is reportedly 95% effective, which means the united states could have two vaccines at > 93% effectiveness before the end of the year:
  14. this website is WILD! i'm about to make more coffee and make some holes in my walls
  15. resting before chores. handyman coming at 8am tomorrow. it's sunday! the fuck
  16. i wanted to make this a good post because you made some points that are worth talking about! i'm going in reverse order, dealers choice. this is on the money and ties back to us really just not understanding alcoholism, addiction, or how they intersect with mental health issues at all. we don't have a cure for alcoholism; we have a support group that has a 5%-15% long-term success rate (depends what study you read) at stopping people from continuing to drink. the craving is still there. i would say... sort of? there are a lot of parts of AA that are just rote repetition of things to get simpler people to stop drinking and those always chafed. And i couldn't care less about a god and i certainly wish i could get back the time in my life spent reading "we agnostics" when that was assigned to me—so much condescension in so few pages! but there are parts of it that were helpful to me, so i kinda picked and chose and continue to. the higher power thing i interpret as being about de-centering myself from my recovery and my day to day life; actively and intentionally trying to live my life to make others' better (even as i occasionally troll on this website) and be present in peoples lives which sounds corny but it is really a thing i try to do now. that helps me not drink and feel better, more broadly, about existing on this dying planet. more on that: i am somewhat up to speed on a number of current topics and certainly could argue myself into believing that none of life is particularly worthwhile and you might as well burnout and die asap and enjoy drinking while you do, because the world isn't getting better, i am not important, and i won't have kids to watch starve as the planet boils. but aa helped me see how selfish and myopic and lonely and painful (!) that is, too. i think i drank in part to turn my brain off. it's not that i was particularly smart, but it was always going—i was always thinking about something, often myself, and that's tiring! it gets old. i needed something to do with my hands at all times, too, which was graffiti as a kid and then became drinking and is now split between graffiti and a phone and a cup of coffee and sometimes fixing something simple like my bike. i need to be occupied; that probably intersects with being an alcoholic but again, we don't really understand. i needed a way to numb and stall my body and boy alcohol does that. very effectively. it also makes some things more fun. so really it was perfect for me. aa is a simple program and people are complicated, largely. i was told early on that if you cannot control and enjoy your drinking, you should be in aa. i agree with that and still am and try not to let myself outthink that simple, effective bar. by all means—if you can control your drinking and do not do harm to people and do not feel that there is a problem, there isn't a reason to be here. if you can go on a bender and not do harm outside of what that does to your body (it's not great, but it's not my body!) i wouldn't tell you to stay here. you're welcome here, but this is an abstinence program; it is an extreme option. most of us end up here because we've exhausted the other options, you know?
  17. undoubtedly masks that aren't N95s/aren't filtered, leak. but they're better than nothing? i think that's the point. you need to breathe in thousands of viral particles to get sick and that becomes harder when one or both parties are wearing a mask, even a cotton one. you don't project spit or aerosols as far when you talk through a mask. masks are a relatively cheap and scalable effort to temporarily make things less bad.
  18. i mean "drain the swamp" didn't happen unless you believe in Qanon drops. government agencies just got abandoned to institutional rot as the republicans played a favorite game: defund and brain drain and then point at an organization of any kind and say "see, it's not working." they appointed lobbyists and corporate execs to oversee the agencies that allegedly regulated them. steven fucking mnuchin! dc's trump hotel became the oozing center of the swamp, a place where influence and favor was traded and curried in side rooms; nations rented out blocks of rooms for weeks, leaving them vacant, to gain a sympathetic ear with the president. look at the 2016 inauguration! his presidency was an incredible onslaught of grift that we'll never know the extent of. there was just too much at once. that said—i am on board with this being a chinese bioweapon. but i don't think they would have released it to take care of trump. china could control him; the next four years of a trump presidency would have been good for them. he and mitch mcconnell and his chinese shipping magnate wife would've kept selling americans down the river and smiling about it.
  19. found a weird 10 week program that might be good for my career or might be a risk and catapault me into unemployment? skrrt
  20. updating 50 pieces of creative because someone got the time for their own fucking event wrong 🙄
  21. my dude. you've been coming in and out for as long as i have been here—give it a shot! hit me up however you need to, you have my instagram, it's injury. you don't have to hurt every day, that's not a great way to live
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