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Elena Delle Donne

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Everything posted by Elena Delle Donne

  1. the joe budden podcast had a spotify deal and their take on the JRE thing was interesting. in short, they have a chip on their shoulder because spotify gave him such a lucrative exclusive deal and really went cheap on theirs (no bonuses! no vacation!) —but they, as talent, were also wildly mishandled by spotify execs. they really painted a vivid picture of how bad a company could be with talent (especially black talent)
  2. mans on the corner let off one gunshot, just to keep rent down
  3. gonna be this kind of friday night on here huh
  4. agreed here—this is about the 2024 field and more broadly about placing a bet on the trump wave. he cannot hold office if convicted in the senate, which would make a run much harder. for republicans, impeaching him and removing him also means believing that the trump movement has hit its high water mark. i think this is correct—eric and don jr have nothing to offer besides watered down versions of dad, and that this was true before the riot, too. trump will be old in 2024 and, as demonstrated, doesn't give a shit about republicans and will happily bleed their voters and donors for cash and airtime. (ivanka could probably run but isn't mean enough, i don't think, and she doesn't want it either.) meanwhile, other republicans have found that a nativist/populist can win elections. josh hawley and ted cruz and tom cotton and matt gaetz and anyone from the GOP's rotating crop of Gun Women are all in the wings. mcconnell and others are probably ready to take out the trash. there will be lots of republicans who vote not to impeach but they are scared of the men with rifles and need trump voters to stay in office; it's political calculus
  5. from what i know, it's technically possible to impeach a former president, but untested. this paragraph is a good summary from
  6. pelosi was tossing challenge coins at national guard members who don't have sleeping pads 😭😭 she sucks so much man
  7. i don't believe the NYT report that mcconnell wants it, and even if he does, gop senators are scared to vote for it because the folks with rifles say not to. i am entertained but unsurprised
  8. ^^ it's been fun/depressing to watch liberals rediscover that they actually love the carceral state. me, i would prioritize the people who injured and killed USCP cops and stole/damaged/destroyed property and the dudes who stormed the capitol with weapons and zip cuffs and other shit. slap the rest with a big fine. plenty of video of capitol police letting them in
  9. i feel like this is the beginning of the return of sites and forums. obviously you can still pressure a web host but it gets harder to even discover content you find objectionable when they're relegated to forums. i do not necessarily think this is a bad thing; i just watched a big meme page i follow launch a site.
  10. the cases against each of these companies are somewhat unique and fairly interesting, do recommend diving deeper if you're interested. facebook has the instagram acquisition. amazon takes apart your products and figures out how they're made and then sells clones as amazon basics. google owns online search and digital advertising, which is problematic. the list goes on. i am a shithead, not a lawyer, but i think all have a good bit of merit
  11. i have seen others say that this is not a particularly good explanation of what exactly happened, and i'm not tech literate-enough to know. but the end result was in the neighborhood of 70tb of user data
  12. they SAY they can't get any support but i am certain there are people in eastern europe who will take their money. that said, it sounds like no one will want to go back to parler
  13. black rifle coffee is pretty open about what they are. dudes are into some bad shit
  14. i'm not dirtying a pan for a tortilla like some kind of aristocrat
  15. no one should call the cops. imagine calling the cops!
  16. all these tough guy "fight me!" conservatives call the cops. lot of fake leftists too. also graffiti writers. corny mandatory disclaimer that i try not to fight like that but if we're fighting i'm not calling the cops
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