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Elena Delle Donne

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Everything posted by Elena Delle Donne

  1. rare visibly coordinated effort between big tech companies. if i am betting it's A) a result of public and internal pressure and B) and an indication that there is some fairly scary chatter going on that we aren't seeing in full yet what happens when tech companies are about to be under the scrutiny of democrats
  2. update! while this is very funny this is also almost certainly not true. could get members to pay up for servers, could rent/contract with overseas servers.
  3. i am interested to see what happens with parler. undoubtedly the president goes there next and engulfs the platform. but i feel like its longevity/lifespan is threatened by not having any of the people these people love to hate on it; it's just a private facebook group
  4. normal shit going on here, these people should find religion
  5. @Mercer i will be interested to see what happens under biden's ATF. the bump stock ban saw no resistance because of the las vegas shooting, right? i seem to remember the two were in close proximity and stephen paddock used the devices. the suppressor thing seems to have come from nowhere, though
  6. keep the trump-people-telling-on-themselves content coming, it's tasty
  7. A): was the shooter antifa? B): dude a cop got beaten to death with a fire extinguisher in the capitol. they found a van full of molotov cocktails. this isn't close. we don't need to go tit for tat. my point is that one of these groups has unquestionably done more harm already and is is more capable of future harm—it is a white supremacist insurgency that will take years to unwind. there is no leftist parler, there are not tens of thousands of death threats against, like, ted cruz, no one showed up to the george floyd demonstrations with a cooler of molotov cocktails. they're not comparable
  8. i do. are you going to look at today's coup attempt with the dead woman and the numerous bombs placed around capitol hill today and the cars that ran over protesters last summer in incidents around the country and the swath of black church burnings and the nooses in trees and the swastikas and fires and bomb threats at synogogues and the plot to kidnap gretchen whitmer and tell me they're the same thing? are you eulogizing, like, the merchandise at the apple store before this stuff?
  9. no? and i have never downplayed or minimized the threat from the groups that gathered today
  10. can only imagine that the capitol police bent over to take it from these fine people because they knew how many people in this crowd had guns
  11. oh come on dude. i thought antifa were like the worst people ever born, supremely dangerous, a highly armed group to be feared, deserving of tactics we dredged up from the vietnam war, need to be marked a terror group and run over by cops? which is it?
  12. losing georgia, lmao. i didn't think they had a chance. republican primaries in 22 and 24 are about to make the tea party wave look gentle
  13. when you're the very smart leader of the proud boys and take credit for arson incidents being investigated as hate crimes and then bring high capacity mags to washington dc like a smart gun owner would
  14. ^ came here to post this. sloppy two-bit mobster shit
  15. republicans now neatly falling in line with overturning the election. in coming years fascists will consume the remainder of the party. it will be like the kansas-nebraska act and the whig party.
  16. how often do people get poop on their fingers when they do the little prostate massage move?
  17. dao talking about getting lubed up in my thread. wild
  18. any takes on opendoor? i bought for long term but read an argument against their model that has mostly swayed me to sell when i am out of the red again. in short, it said opendoor will never be on a path to great profitability because buying a home in their position takes the shape of one of three scenarios (in an otherwise relatively stable market) and they're all bad in their own ways: 1). opendoor buys a home for about market value, does minor work, and relists it. this is their ideal scenario and represents a small margin for them at best. their model, and profitability, means that they need to do this constantly 2). they buy for under market value, do minor work, and relist. this nets a bigger margin, but will leave a bad taste in the mouth of most buyers once they find out, and they will. that reputation will spread. also, existing predatory home flippers already exist in all markets to vacuum up gullible people and take their homes from under them for a song, so opendoor will be competing with them for people who can/do sell homes at less than market value. 3). they buy for over market value and lose money on the sale. no explanation needed. their placement in the sunbelt states might mean they are in a better position to sell homes owned by retirees who die and whose kids/executors of the will are off in another state. but i still see an uphill road here
  19. thinking about the people who were on this site smoking brick weed in their sweatpants in 2002, wondering where they are now
  20. oh that roof got buffed? interesting
  21. i like the lil christmas forum decor
  22. ^all day in my neighborhood. heard a shooting at around 7 too. man it's christmas
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