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Elena Delle Donne

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Everything posted by Elena Delle Donne

  1. ended up with a pair of bontrager alloys, the paradigm elites. they actually feel a little too light under what's arguably a heavy steel frame. but they are super agile and really dig into turns, very fun
  2. my guy is in the trenches for real
  3. chicken looks smacking too. cmon tech
  4. i pinch the nose through the mask? that hurts but so does waking up in the morning
  5. real one... they never admit it stinks
  6. - the energy drink burp into your mask makes your eyes water - taking a shit with a mask on changes the scent of the shit. for the worse. today's shawarma chicken plume just about killed me
  7. i know. dude was syrian and the family is still running with the mental illness angle? appropriation
  8. another day, another white man "having a bad day" . 7 reportedly dead in a boulder supermarket for the crime of being in the pharmacy at the wrong time
  9. read this and logged off to take a tylenol. we can try again tomorrow fellas
  10. this is also very funny because you should take an evening or two and learn about how the iraq war was sold by republicans and lapped up by the "liberal media" you complain about. this human centipede of bad intel was endlessly circled back and forth between the two until something became fact. aluminum tubes! WMDs! it's everything they said about the russia investigation, and it led to the 18 year war who's anniversary is today
  11. lol dude come on. execute command to remove head from ass you didn't watch republicans furiously backpedal on, or outright ignore the coup attempt? good times
  12. https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7adn9/car-location-data-telematics-us-military-ulysses-group "Although the company told Motherboard it has not sold the product to the U.S. government at this time, the news highlights the scale and reach of car-tracking technology, and the fact that car location data is of interest not just to insurance companies and the finance sector, but to government contractors who explicitly say they want to source the data for intelligence and surveillance purposes. Ulysses previously had a contract with U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), though for a different piece of technology."
  13. texting divorced women just to feel something
  14. 100% correct, something i have wondered about as well
  15. ^^and the requests were ignored for hours. this is one that has a timeline and an email chain
  16. you and i feel the same way on a personal level about substances. but i would contend that if this dude is happy and not harming other people he is not doing something bad. this comment really reads more like he's just not living life how you think it should be lived. this is just missing you trashing him for working in a warehouse and not "making something of himself" or some other pull up by your bootstraps shit. not everybody wants a career or to advance up a ladder. this does not make him less of a human being; he's not scum. plenty of people who have no drug habits show up to work to do what they have to and clock out. this is fine. in fact, as someone who claims to cheer personal freedoms in other arenas it's weird to see you be so prescriptive about what a stranger should do with their life
  17. this is the preferred approach with uninsured drivers. venmo me
  18. this interview! touches on much of why the breakfast club gets on my nerves. still entertaining though. no shade to you noes my perspective on this is informed by a few things—i have friends who are active and former "soft" and hard drug users, friends who used 'til it killed them, and am in recovery myself for alcohol, not for drugs. i never had a big drug habit really. little weed, some oxy when i could get it. a lot of the drug debate ("debate" : should we penalize and criminalize drug users into the ground or treat them better with things like supervised injection sites) is a series of morality and not-in-my-backyard type arguments applied mainly to the habits of desperate people whose lives have been ruined by addiction. they are unsurprisingly bad at actually changing drug consumption habits. naturally this morality/superiority is pervasive in american culture because there is nothing we love more than castigating people. aside: the dirty secret of addiction and recovery (and the rehab industry) is we know nothing about how to get people off drugs when they love them and have a problem. we really don't understand addiction or alcoholism at all; i am in a 12 step program but the long term success rate is like 5%, depending on what studies you look at. it's wild. anyway. i believe it's possible to use "hard" drugs and still perform at work and in your personal life. (don't use any heavy machinery, maybe.) i don't know how likely it is, and thats the important line here. and the author is 100% right that alcohol and other substances are addictive and harmful, despite being legal. in my experience, it is unlikely at best that you can use hard drugs and still maintain important aspects of your life, but it is possible. especially if you modify these other aspects of your life to fit your use. is that addiction? is that sustainable? an individual question. i could never use/drink and work, or maintain relationships, or even walk safely, really. can't trust me.
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