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Everything posted by ndv

  1. That's the most ghetto river dancing I've seen thusfar.
  2. I get the oyster farming since oyster pretty much just go with thr flow of the ocean currents, so it kinda makes sense to me. Easier to catch. I agree, nano/micro plastics are pretty much in every thing land and sea at this point, no way around it. With that l, said, I pretty much question, what is organic now? Honestly, I think our food supplies are all contaminated to a certain extent. Love halibut. Had it with a dab of sour cream and it was fire. It's really good when cooked with coconut oil.
  3. @LUGR I agree, the pacific shrimp doesn't compare to the US gulf shrimp. Gulf shrimp seem to have more flavor than other shrimp in other parts of the world. But it's tough for me to opt for knowing out gulf conditions. Plus it doesn't help during the somer when our local news outlets report water samples that have fecal matter on the high sides. And this fecal matter isn't from the sea creatures, human waste is what they test for. @One Man Banned its nice to know other people question our gulf shores too. Louisiana is a huge supplier for shrimp throughout the states for the most part. Which I am not knocking on the industry but not just oil and gas industry not to mention other industry polluters along the Mississippi River all the way up to Wisconsin. There's a lot of natural to industrial waste that dumps out from the mouth of the Mississippi. The thought of this is tough for me. When it comes to seafood, halibut is the only fish I'll eat, but don't get me wrong, I can't pass up good gumbo, or shrimp etouffee. Who knows, even the halibut could be contaminated in Alaska too.
  4. Idk, I have my quirks with gulf shrimp. It's like, I don't want to know where they are coming from and would like to think our shrimp comes from places like south pacific. But I know that's not the case. What's tough for me to eat shrimp, is all the past oil spills in the gulf. I know it sounds crazy as we all take risks steppingmout our doors everyday but it's pretty much the thought which I cut way back specially after the deep horizon knowing the waters around the spill where crop dusted with a chemical that neutralizes the oil and it sinks to the sea floor.
  5. I agree, I am going with the last two. I don't know what my auto correct typed up a hit and run, but what I meant to say, is a hit man
  6. They are but the up keep on them is quite a task you can't miss a beat on. Jokes aside, they have to be trimmed all the time because they will get dingle berries you can see from outer space. You also have the keep them groomed in the inner paws because their fur will out grow the pads and they will loose traction and slide.
  7. They're pretty much an average size cat. Now a male Maine Coon is a different story.
  8. @mr.yuck needs one of those practice self defense knives. The type that is made of a hard rubber.
  9. I used to do this as a kid with G.I. Joe's. What I used to do, was place a .99 cent label or whatever the price was right that would get my mom to buy me.
  10. @Schnitzel I believe you guys are paying 5-6 bucks more than the states. Walmart nearly doubled from 2-3 USD a can.
  11. Second date for me, just kinda happened that way after our date.
  12. ^^ non of that looks safe for @mr.yuck
  13. I agree with this, and this where I fail. I will be doing so coming in May next year.
  14. This is true. It probably doesn't help I live in a city that floods easily on top of hurricane zone. The bigger the population, the more the liability.
  15. What's funny, is I have a similar policy and it costs me 1800 for the year. Perhaps I should do the same as well, take the money and buy a franchise or a coin operated business like a car wash or laundromat.
  16. I feel the same way regarding social security. Yeah, I have liability on the untinted chick magnet. Funny, you say this because last six months it was 300 cheaper. Six m9nths before that it was $1800. Sounds like it's time to shop around for sure.
  17. Curious to know what you guys are paying for Auto insurance? I am paying $2,583.00 for a six month period for 2 Autos. 1.) 2019 Acura MDX HYD (Financed) 2.) 1993 Volvo 240 Base (Owned) From what my insurer says, I am saving $508.00 paying in full for the six months. So basically that's $215.25 per vehicle give or take. Keeping in mind, I did sink $16K in the Volvo for repairs/upgrades which I chose not to disclose with my insurer which is probably a gamble is it gets totaled. However, common sense tells me most of the money goes to the full coverage for the MDX and not split down the middle, but that's how I kinda justify things to keep it simple.
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