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Everything posted by ndv

  1. Yo @CHANTICLEER get in here!!! you got some esplainen to do.
  2. @KILZ FILLZ just sent a message to Longines. We'll see what they say.
  3. Well this one is gonna make him feel even more weirder. It's got best of both worlds!!
  4. What are you driving? Or should I ask what are you not driving considering it's a 2005 with 38k on it?
  5. What happened to your booby thread? I thought that was your favorite thread?
  6. Wish good help was not hard to find
  7. ndv

    Current View

    Not really sure. Basically this has been on display for 10s of years at a local Tool Supply company.
  8. ndv

    Current View

    It's definitely a filter to make it look like a cooch.
  9. ndv

    Current View

    How are things looking? You guys extremely busy or is is starting to die down? What's the forecast look like,hear anything?
  10. Serioulsy though, thats why i always mis Boris' posts half the time. You got another format?
  11. For some reason, I cam never view these .MOV files.
  12. I am far behind - thanks to Moogle I am just now getting around to it.
  13. This could be true. I've heard the talk that it takes 4 to 8 years later depending on the length of presidency for things to go in effect. Obama good for private sector aerospace, bad for NASA.
  14. My @LUGR I didn't realize you quoted NOMES post , "Rubbed off two nuts today and it was excessive and random and vast." Which was why I was referring g to the video. @NightmareOnElmStreet looks like you took the video too far. Lolz jk
  15. Sounds like you took the video a little too far.
  16. Update: realized what thread we are in. Know I understand 'quoted' means. Lolz
  17. I laugh at stuff like this and delete emails where companies have a list of requirements to meet and all in house nit picking and none of the requirements are certifications so to speak or are irrelevant to what they want, and as you are reading their email and doing ome mild research on the company they kinda tell you how much they are gonna low ball to begin with. I make more money deleting the email then I would getting the job. Then you got those companies that require you to hold a $5 mil policy when they know they are only going to spend a few thousand a year on something. It's laughable at some of these practices businesses implement in some of their divisions or throughout their company as a whole in retrospec that was implemented for global supply chain management, huge dollar amount goods, but doesn't work for small business trans actions or quick local orders.
  18. Lets just say if this dude becomes president (the following to be read in daft punk), on more time. Those tariffs are gonna be hoodge. Not gonna lie tho, when he was president my business doing really good year after year. Well see what happens next year.
  19. I am afraid to hit play.
  20. Lol. You're all good, Man! When I first noticed the video being adult content, I wasn't sure if I should click on it, I hesitated. Then said to myself it's Moogle he always comes with some thing crazy. But when it loaded iwasnt prepared for that. Lol. I read the title then backed out. I wasn't sure what was up, I figured you were messing with me. Its something that is burned in my memory, permanently scared 😱 . I wish I could forget, may be over time the back of a ball sack will fade away and I won't remember a thing.
  21. No, just a late response. Been a long day.
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