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  1. The following article is from a leaflet that has been distributed by the Libertarian Party in New Jersey. Written by an attorney, it deals with the subject of talking to police or other government agents. ************************************************************* **** DON'T TALK TO COPS **** ************************************************************* By ROBERT W. ZEUNER, Member of the New York State Bar "GOOD MORNING! My name is investigator Holmes. Do you mind answering a few simple questions?" If you open your door one day and are greeted with those words, stop and think! Whether it is the local police or the FBI at your door, you have certain legal rights of which you ought to be aware before you proceed any further. In the first place, when the law enforcement authorities come to see you, there are no "simple questions." Unless they are investigating a traffic accident, you can be sure that they want information about somebody. And that somebody may be you! Rule Number one to remember when confronted by the authorities is that there is no law require you to talk with the police, the FBI, or the representative of any other investigative agency. Even the simplest questions may be loaded and the seemingly harmless bits of information which you volunteer may later become vital links in a chain of circumstantial evidence against you or a friend. Do not invite the investigator into your home! Such an invitation not only gives him the opportunity to look around for clues to your lifestyle, friends, reading material, etc., but also tends to prolong the conversation. And the longer the conversation, the more chance there is for a skilled investigator to find out what he wants to know. Many times a police officer will ask you to accompany him to the police station to answer a few questions. In that case, simply thank him for the invitation and indicate that you are not disposed to accept it at that time. Often the authorities simply want to photograph a person for identification purposes, a procedure which is easily accomplished by placing him in a private room with a two-way mirror at the station, asking him a few innocent questions, and then releasing him. If the investigator becomes angry at your failure to cooperate and threatens you with arrest, stand firm. He cannot legally place you under arrest or enter your home without a warrant signed by a judge. If he indicates that he has such a warrant, ask to see it. A person under arrest or located on premises to be searched, generally must be shown a warrant if he requests it and must be given a chance to read it. Without a warrant, an officer depends solely upon your helpfulness to obtain the information he wants. So, unless you are quite sure of yourself, don't be helpful. Probably the wisest approach to take to a persistent investigator is simply to say: "I'm quite busy now. If you have any questions that you feel I can answer, I'd be happy to listen to them in my lawyer's office. Goodbye!" Talk is cheap. But when that talk involves the law enforcement authorities, it may cost you, or someone close to you, dearly. P.S. "This leaflet has been printed as a public service by individuals concerned with the growing role of authoritarianism and police power in our society. Please feel free to copy or republish." ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Patriot FTP site by S.P.I.R.A.L., the Society for the Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties.
  2. /:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/ |:| |:| |:| Driving: Techniques |:| |:| For Escape and Evasion |:| |:| |:| /:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/:/ Vehicle Improvements Listed below are modifications which will enchance both the performance and reliability of a vehicle. Also listed are modifications which will serve as deterrents to an attack. Tires - Get the best radial tires you can afford. Radials offer increased durability, superior handling, and better gas mileage than old-fashioned bias ply tires. Also, to some degree, radials are bullet resistant. Be sure to slightly overinflate them and fill them with run flat foam. Heavy Duty Shocks and Springs - Other than good tires, nothing will improve your car's handling more than top quality shocks and springs. Shock and springs are items where price is an indication of quality, so get the best you can afford. Lights - You should replace your old-fashioned sealed beam headlights with quartz-iodine lights. These give off twice the light of the sealed beam units and will enable you to drive much faster at night. There are quartz-iodine lights to fit almost every vehicle. Auxillary lights should be mounted low and angled slightly outward. Spotlights - Four high intensity spotlights should be mounted high on your wehicle. These will effectively blind an attacker. Three of the spotlights should be directed to the front, one aiming straight ahead and the other two angled slightly outboard. A forth light should be aimed to the rear. Cut Out Switches - Cut out switches enable you to independently control each light on your vehicle. The addition or elimination of various lights at night will alter the appearance of your vehicle and might allow you to lose a pursuer. C.B. Radio's - Even though C.B. radio's are a virtual party line, the fact that somebody is always listing in could prove useful in an emergency. Also to be considered is the use of two-way radio's between the car and the home. Locking Gas Cap - A locking gas cap prevents anyone from using the tank as a receptacle for explosives. It will also prevent Halloween pranksters from putting unwanted items in the tank. Guns and Crowbar in Trunk - Kidnappers have been known to throw the victim into the trunk of his own car. A gun and a prying bar instrument such as a crowbar could prove useful in an escape. Pressurized Oil Slick - A pressurized device which sprays oil onto the roadway will eliminate almost any pursuer. Calthrops - Calthrops are metal spikes constructed so that one point is always up. If thrown in the road behind you, they will flatten the tires of a pursuing vehicle. One company who sells them is Beaver Products, P.O. Box 1580, Anna Maria, FL 33501. Thick Bolt Through Tailpipe - A thick heavy bolt put through the tailpipe and welded into place will prevent a bomb from being placed in the exhaust system. Smoke Screen - A cheap but effective smoke screen can be made as follows: First drill a hole into the exhaust manifold of your car, and weld the nozzle of a small plant sprayer over it. A gas line is then run from the nozzle to a pump and container containing castor oil inside the vehicle. Clouds of ssmoke are produced by pumping the castor oil onto the hot exhaust manifold. Reinforced Ram Bumpers - Bumpers can be reinforced by bolting or welding extra supports from the vehicle frame to the bumper. Further reinforcement can be made by welding a two-inch metal pipe to the vehicle frame, right in back of the bumper. These extra reinforcement could prove useful in a ramming situation. Surveillance and Antisurveillance One of the keys to avoding a terriost attack is recognizing when you are under surveillance -- sometimes for as long as several months prior to the attack. In order to stop an attack before it occurs, you must develop a surveillance awareness. To develop this awareness you must be constantly alert to suspicious people in the vicinity of your home and at work. In stalking their victims, terrorists have posed as laborers, hookers, derilects, and used numerous other ruses. I do not expect you to become a raving paranoid constantly on red alert against everyone and everything, but it should be in the back of your mind that someone's eyes might be watching you. Tactics of Professional Surveillance To my knowledge, there have been no instances of terrists using the sophisticated techniques of surveillance employed by professional investigators. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that sooner or later they will be using these methods. In any case, it is always best to be prepared for anything. The Single Tail The easiest type of surveillance to detect is when you are being followed by a single surveillant. The lone surveillant must stay close enough to keep you in sight, yet far enough away to avoid detection -- no easy feat. In residential areas, he can remain a few cars back due to the density of traffic. Also he has the option of following the victim on a parallel street. In rural areas, about all he can do is remain well back and hope for the best. The single tail may employ certain tricks of the trade to make his job easier. At night, he may break a taillight or place a small luminous sticker on the rear of the victim's vehicle to make it more distinguishable. To decrease the possibility of detection, he may change his seating position or use various types of disguise. Professional investigators, whether governmental or private, rarely conduct a surveillance using a single unit. The risk of getting burned is just too great. Parallel Surveillance This type of surveillance is conducted by two or more vehicles. One vehicle tails the victim at a reasonable distance. His comrades follow on parallel streets ready to take up close survillance should the victim turn. Obviously, this method will not work in area where there are no parallel roads. Eluding a Tail The following will give you some general ideas on how to detect and elude a vehicle surveillance. (1) After running a red light or driving the wrong way on a one-way street, watch to see if anyone follows. (2) While travelling on a freeway at high speed, suddenly cut across four lanes of traffic and make an exit. (3) After rounding a blind curve, make a bootlegger's turn and take off in the opposite direction. (4) After turning a corner, pull over and park. Take note of all vehicles passing by. (5) Go through alleys, dirt roads, or even cut across people's lawns. (6) While driving over a long undivided bridge, then make a bootlegger's turn (7) Have a friend follow you to detect any surveillance. Cornering It is commonly held belief that the best way to handle corners is to blast through them as quickly as possible. This is completely wrong. The speed at which you exit a corner itself. Assuming identical cars, the car which exits the corner at a greater speed will be going faster on any straight stretch of road that follows. Proper Apex - The apex of any turn is that point at which your wheels are closest to the inside edge of the corner. By choosing a relatively late apex, the drive can exit a corner at greater speed than if he had chosen an early one. The 90-degree Turn - This is the most common turn, particulary in urban areas. This turn is begun as far outside as possible. Obviously, if there is a lot of traffic on the road, you are going to have to adjust your turn. In that case, drive as far to the outside as you can within the confines of your lane. Approaching the corner, gradually increase braking pressure to heavy breaking. Be careful not to lock the brakes, as all this does is prevent you from steering. If you feel any of the wheels locking up, let off the brakes for an instant, then reapply them. After downshifting (manual transmission only), start trailing off the brakes into the first third of the turn. Then gradually increase the throttle to full acceleration coming out of the turn. S Turns - Actually, this need not be a turn at all, as you can go straight through it. Remember to set yourself up to take full advantage of and straight that might follow. Turns Bootlegger's Turn - This maneuver enables you to change your direction 180 degrees, without stopping, within the width of a two lane road. The bootlegger's turn is eaisiest to do in cars having an automatic transmission and a hand emergency brake. Here's how it's done. (1) Speed at around 25-30 m.p.h. (2) Get off the gas and crank the wheel 1/2 to 1/2 of a full turn. At the exact same time, hit the emergency brake hard. (3) When your vehicle is at approximately 90 degrees, release the emergency brake, step on the gas, and straighten out the steering wheel. If you have a manual transmission, you will have to let out the clutch as you hit the gas. (4) Get out of the area fast. This maneuver is easier to do if you make the emergency brake catch inoperative. On hand brakes this can be done by putting strong tape across the release button. On foot type brakes, you can put a piece of stiff garden hose behind the handle of the brake release. Before practicing the bootlegger's turn, be sure to inflate your tires to 40 lbs. p.s.i. Otherwise, the tires might blow. Moonshiner's Turn (Reverse 180) - Looking like a bootlegger turn in reverse, the moonshiner's turn allows you to change your direction 1800 degrees within the confines of a two lane road, while going backwards. (1) Accelerate in reverse to 20-30 m.p.h. (2) Get off the gas and crank the steering wheel all the way to the left as fast as you can. (3) When the car is 90 degrees, shift into a low gear, hit the gas, and straighten out the steering wheel. (4) Get out of the are fast. Ramming The basic steps involved in ramming a single vehicle stationary roadblock are as follows. (1) Slow down almost to a complete stop and put the car in low gear. This will give the impression that you are going to stop. (2) Suddenly hit the gas hard and pick a ramming point. (3) Hit the target at an angle and keep the accelerator fully depressed through the collision. Your speed at impact should be between 15 and 30 m.p.h. (4) After breaking through, get out of the area fast. Even if your car is badly damaged, keep going. * The ramming points are (1) the rear wheel and rear fender area; and (2) the front wheel and front fender. When ramming two vehicals hit inbetween the two, and follow the above steps.
  3. ############################ # The ZED/NET Presents # # # # An Introduction to: # # # # INTERROGATION # # TECHNIQUES # # # # (for phun and profit!) # ############################ By The ZED/NET Writer #1 It is easy to intercept transmissions-but the human brain is still one of the safest places to keep information. This phile will help you pull information from the bodies greatest fortress. Pain ---- Pain used to be the most popular sort of interrigation. The thumb screw and the rack were famous for "loosening a strong man's tongue." Pain, however, is a two-edged weapon. Its infliction may be able to bring quick results-- but a victim pushed to extremes of pain may babble anything his questioners wish to hear. Torture can also harden a few individuals. They may resist until death, or prove poor exhibits at a subsequent trial. Also torture can bring about negative propaganda towards the torturer. The Five S's ------------ 1. Stop and search. At checkpoints or randomn searches, clothing is checked of weapons, and people are checked against photos to see if they are the suspects being searched for. 2. Segregation. As soon as possible, suspects should be seperated from one another. This helps to break down the suspect's will and allows statements made by other suspects to be checked. Also it reduces the possibility of two or more suspects cooperating together to come up with a clever plan to escape. 3. Silencing. A bag put over the suspect's head disori- ents and isolates the subject. 4. Speed of interrogation. Initial "safe" questions throw a suspect off guard, and quick "unsafe" questions may be answered unknowingly by the suspect. 5. Safeguard. Thick, steel, locked doors bar escape and crush the suspect's will. Sensory Deprevation ------------------- In civil custody, the same isolation is used as a tool throughout many Western countries. Police forces can deny access to solicitors or friends on the grounds that information may be passed to the suspect's associates in crime. Techniques of sensory deprivation can aid the proceess of isolation. Hooded or crowned with an upturned bucket, the simple lack of light and vision can swiftly break a prisoner's grasp on normal realities. The use of "white noise"--a recording of sounds across the spectrum, not unlike the hiss of escaping steam-- blots out auditory contact with the world. Drugs used by Syrian captors of Israeli soldiers remove all sensations of sight, smell, hearing and touch, but left the brain active. To increase time disorientation, periods of lightness and darkness may be varried irregularly. Meals can be produced at odd intervals so a prisoner looses track of the days of captivity. Even before a formal interrogation has begun, the suspect has already lost contact with reality. Confusion and uncertainty are increased if his captors treat him with absolute "correctness." Many experts now regard such an approach as more effective than abuse or hostillity towards a suspect--which gives him a focus for his aggression and a recognizable opponent. The captors should reveal no emotion and not talk amongst themselves. They should restrict conversation with the prisoner to monosyllabic commands and orders. Since Man is a social animal, the surge of relief encountered when he is lead into a room and comforted by an apparent friend may overwhelm his determination to keep silent. Soft Man, Hard Man ------------------ The "Hard Man, Soft Man" technique is definately the most interesting form of non-drug interrogation to be produced by the twentieth century. It is basically this: One interrogator ("The Hard Man") is violent and unfriendly. He insults and may physically attack the suspect. The other interrogator is nice, friendly, and compassionate. He may offer the prisoner something to eat or cigarretes. He also establishes a friendly relationship by opening a conversation, rather than by conducting a question-and-answer period. One will hurt the subject, the other will comfort the subject, and then the "Hard Man" will take over again. Despite awareness of the game he is caught up in, the prisoner finds it difficult not to relax and lower his guard with the "Soft Man". Breaking Alliances ------------------ The toughest job of an interrogator is getting the prisoner to break faith with his freinds or organization. He must convince him that his group has rejected him, or that they have cooperated also, thus exonerating him from silence. At his most effective, the interrogator uses a mix of suggestion and deprivation to pursuade the captive to identify with the new group that the captive represents. Lack of sleep is another very effective method of breaking down a suspects will. Well, have phun with these methods, and remember "A phile is a phile!"
  4. __/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | DRAGON'S TOUCH | | weaknesses of the | | human anatomy | | | | by: | | Hei Long | | | |_/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\_| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ Part I Strikes to the Head and Neck This volume (and the ones to follow) concentrates on the 43 major pressure points of the body. Of course, there are quite a few more, but these are the basics. All of the points are classified into 2 catagories : Numerical Alphabetical I -brain/skull A-immobility from pain II -sense organs B-immobility from structural or III-life support, cardiorespiratory, organic damage major organs & tracts C-Unconsciousness from nerve or organic IV -muscular functions & nerves damage V -mechanical functions, skeletal, D-death from physiological damage cartilages & joints The ventral transverse plane consists of the face, the front, top, & sides of the head, the neck, & the upper torso, including the collarbone. There are 15 pressure points in this area as follows: 1. coronal suture I-C 2. trigeminal nerve & frontal bone I-D 3. temple & fossa temporalis I-D 4. eyes II-B 5. ears II-B 6. mastoid II-A 7. septal cartilage II-A or II-D 8. anterior nasal spine I-A 9. temporomandibular joint V-A 10. tip of mandible I-C 11. sternocleidomastoid region III-D 12. anterior neck region III-D 13. brachial plexus & trapezius muscle IV-C 14. suprasternal notch III-D 15. clavicle V-B 1: This region lays on top of the head, more towards the forehead. It is also known as the soft spot on babies. It is the space between the skull bones that is covered with a membrane that close up usually by 18 months, but the coronal structure is still weaker than the rest of the skull. Directly beneath this is the sensory portion of the brain & under that the optic cavity. A downward strike of about 45 degrees depending on the force could cause concussion, temporary blindness, unconsciousness, brain hemorrhage, even death (very powerful blow). 2: This region is located just below the centermost point of the forehead The nerve is on the outside of the skull thus when the bone is struck it will trap the nerve. This could result in jarring the cerebral hemispheres, concussion, unconsciousness, impaired vision, & paralysis. If and only if maximum impact is applied, death could result from brain hemorrhage. 3: I'm sure we all know where the temple is but for those of you that don't know it is located on a horizontal plane across from the top of the ear. It is the recessed part on each side of the head. It is actually the bone tip of the sphenoid. The trigeminal nerve runs through the the temple. This nerve controls several facial functions. Also passing through is the middle meningeal artery which is the largest branch suppling dura matter. A direct hit could break the tip off the sphenoid causing it to enter the brain. The meningeal could burst. Contact to the trigeminal could result in loss of control of facial functions. Compression of the brain, hemorrhage, concussion, shock, & death are likely results of striking the temple with a horizontal blow directed towards the opposite temple. 4: The eyes are located...uh I think you know. The eyes are very sensitive even to the slightest touch. They are held in by fascia bulbi (a soft membrane) and eye muscles. This makes them easy to pop out. They are also very soft, and if a blow reached the vitreous body (center of eye) the eyeball would collapse. Other than causing temporary or permanent loss of sight a deep thrust could puncture the brain causing death. 5: These are located on each side of the head. Air is easily trapped in the external acoustic meatus (the tunnel from the outer ear to the inner ear) and forced into the eardrum causing it to bust. This in turn ruptures the hammer or malleus within the middle ear. Damages would cause severe pain, loss of hearing, bleeding from the mouth and ear, and bleeding into the throat via the internal auditory tube. Also, the inner ear is the center of equilibrium (balance) for the cerebellum. a forceful strike could leave the victim sprawled on the ground with no balance! The blow should be delivered horizontally driving into the ear. 6: The mastoid is located directly behind the earlobe. It is the recessed area where the skull meets the neck. It is filled with air pockets which are used to communicate with the middle ear. A thrust should not be used; rather apply pressure with a nuckle or thumbnail in an upward direction. Prolonged pressure could cause damage to the auditory system. 7: Known more commonly as the nose the septal cartilage is the had substance that makes up the nose. Two strikes are used here for different measures II-A : a horizontal strike causing breakage of the septal cartilage and nasal bone which ruptures the angular vein producing a lot of blood along with great pain, however, not enough to stop some attackers II-D : an upward 45 degree strike forcing the septal cartilage through the internal nasal cavity and crista galli (a small bone formation between the nasal cavity & the brain) into the brain. Death would be instantaneous because of compression of the brain. 8: This is located beneath the nose and above the lips. It is the area between the 2 lines running from the nose to upper lip. Many of the facial nerves run through this area. A direct hit would cause the sensory fibers to relay the shock to the pons, causing dizziness. A hit would also cause damage to the maxilla bone which holds the gums & teeth. This could cause extensive bleeding posibly scaring the victim about the blood loss. A straight blow in needed to achieve this aiming towards the back of the head. 9: This is the joint that holds the jaw bone in place. It connects with the skull in front of the ear. The joint is really made up of 2 separate joints, thus dislocation can be unilateral or bilateral. With a 45 degree downward strike (preferably with the mouth open) will dislocate the mandible (jaw bone). An easier way to break the bone is to strike the joint itself or anywhere on the jaw bone really while the head is turned to one side or the other. This reduces the absorbtion of the blow by the neck. This method requires the least amount of force. 10: The madible is the jaw bone and of course the tip is located on the very end of the chin. Boxers use this point for a quick K.O. Hitting this area sends a shock snesor to the cerebellum causing unconsciousness. Hit this point with an upward blow. 11: This is the area at the frontal sides of the neck. The sternocleidomastoid muscles run from behind the ear down to the clavicle bones. Beneath these muscles lie the jugular vein and cartoid artery which supply blood to the heart & brain. This are is very sensitive. Try poking yourself there. A medium strike results in dizziness. A more forceful blow could blister, swell, collapse, or burst 1 or both of the blood lines. This could easily cause death because of lack of oxygen to the heart or brain. A strike should be done on an upsloping plane at 45 degrees on either side of the chin in the neck area. 12: Referred to as the windpipe or throat; is located in the center portion of the neck. This is a tubular passage running from the mouth to the stomach & lungs. When a straight on blow is delivered the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple(the lump in your throat)) and the hyaline cartilage (hold the windpipe in a cylinder shape) are pushed through the larynx and/or trachea resulting in blood drowning or partial or complete obstruction of the vital air passages. The cartilages act as cutting devices. 13: The muscle is the one that runs from the base of the neck to the shoulder. It raises up on most people. The brachial plexus is a nerve center which supplies info about the shoulder & arm down to the wrist. It runs through the trapezius. Striking the trapezius (from either front or back) with a downward 45 degree motion could paralyze the arm & shoulder temporarily. With a maximun blow unconsciousness & paralysis could be attained. 14: This lies between the collarbones; it connects them. A blow here could dislodge the collarbones from the sternum, collapsing the shoulders. But there are better targets behind the sternum. Such as the aorta, the superior vena cava (major blood lines to the brain), and the trachea all these pass directly behind the sternum. A forceful blow would follow these reactions : dislodge both clavicles from the sternum, the sternum would split, the 2 clavicles & sternum would be forced against or puncture the aorta and vena cava, the cartilages & bones would then be forced against or puncture the trachea. The strike should be delivered at a downward 45 degree angle. The suprasternal notch is a MAJOR death target. 15: This is the bone on each side of the body that runs from the shoulder to the center of the chest. It supports the shoulder so breaking a clavicle (collarbone) would result in the collapse of the shoulder. It is possible for the broken bone to puncture a lung or possibly the heart or one of the things mentioned in #14. A simple break would immobilize the victim due to structural damage & pain. An inward & down motion should be used when attacking also at 45 degrees. That concludes Part I. I hope you have learned from this lesson in human anatomy. Please use this information wisely for I take no responsibilities in the misuse of these facts. This was intended for informational purposes only. That mean I don't really expect you to go out and beat the hell out of someone (unless they need it!). Further volumes : Part II-Strikes to the back Part III-Strikes to the chest & abdomen Part IV-Strikes to the groin & leg fronts Part V-Strikes to the coccyx & leg backs
  5. Countermeasures --------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Thomas Icom "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Ben Franklin With the recent crackdown on "computer hackers" and evidence that more busts are on the way modem users in general have been quite concerned that by exercising their rights they could have the S.S. knocking on their door because they called a BB S. This has prompted many telecomputists and computer bulletin board systems to cease operations for fear of being raided. With the recent raids at Steve Jackson Games and Jolnet perhaps these fears are reasonable. However, if you are committing no wrongdoings you still, despite the KGB and Gestapo like actions of the Secret Service have the right to exercise your freedom of information access via electronic media. There are only three laws relating to the use of modems and BBS systems. The first two are toll fraud and computer trespass. Toll Fraud is the avoidance of paying telephone company service charges. Computer trespass is the unauthorized access of a computer system. When you call a public BBS, or a private one you are a member of and pay for the call you are not committing either of these crimes. While they may not like the fact that you have a computer and modem, they can't touch you. The other law is not particularly computer related and goes under many different statues, but in all cases deals with encouraging people to commit illegal acts. This law applies to "illegal" information on BBS systems. What is "illegal information"? Well any information which has no educational or informational purpose that encourages people to commit a crime. When applied to BBS systems it only includes calling card/long distance telephone service codes, credit cards, and computer passwords /login sequences. That's all. Hacking and phreaking information has an educational purpose in that it teaches people computer security, and shows dangerous flaws in systems that could be used by someone for nefarious purposes. As long as no direct encouragement is given to exploit these flaws the information is not illegal and is thus protected by the First Amendment: freedom of speech. If you are a BBS owner you can have all the hacking and phreaking g-files and message bases on your system and they can't do a thing. If they do, they open themselves up to a law suit. The prime examples of this are the Private Sector, OSUNY, and The Central Office BBSes. Private Sector was raided, but no charges were filed because there were no codes, passwords, or credit cards on the BBS. OSUNY and Central Office were online for years and were the subject of many investigations, but no action was ever put forth against these BBSes as n o illegal information was on them. The precedent is there. In order to evoke First Amendment protection on your BBS or newsletter display a clear statement that the information is for educational purposes only, and that no illegal use is implied or suggested. Now of course the Secret Service often violates these laws despite the fact that in doing so they don't have a legal leg to stand on. They do this on the basis of a technique which has been used from the Middle Ages, down through Nazi Germany, up to the various activities of the KGB in the Soviet Union: Fear and Ignorance. People who are ignorant of the law become afraid because in being unaware of their rights they don't know what the government can and more importantly can't do. Due to fear and ignorance they can operate carte blanche because they know the chance of reprisal by some irate citizen is very low. Also, once they raid someone they can gain intelligence on other modem users/"hackers". Once they have the info on the system, they can give it back. They accomplished what they set out to do. Fortunately you can fight back, and your efforts will eventually be rewarded. On many of the busts the S.S. has gotten burned, and it has been plainly shown to them that they can't continue to operate this way. However no modem user has yet had the balls to sue those bastards. With the current state of affairs the charges get dropped due to various improper procedures, but no specific precedent has been set to make them liable for their illegal activities. Once they lose in a lawsuit brought against them by a modem user they screwed over, we'll see some severe restructuring in that particular branch of the Treasury Department. The first stage in protecting yourself is to be aware of the laws and your rights. Knowledge is power, and they are well aware of that. In light of that they watch themselves when dealing with people who know their rights because they know t hat those people will have them nailed to a wall if they slip. Know your rights and be adamant about them. The second stage is that if you deal in anything even slightly controversial take precautions to secure the info in your system. Encryption is a definite must, as well as any other tricks to hide data on your system and prevent tampering. When encrypting data stay away from DES. While everyone say it's the best system the NSA has not recertified it, and the fact that it was developed for the government leads enough credence to the possibility of there being a back-door in the algorithm. About the best personal encryption system I've seen out there is the Absolute Computer Security System scheme by Consumertronics. A good idea is to double encrypt the data with two different algorithms. From what was shown by the recent busts in Operation SunDevil the technological expertise of the agents wasn't too high. To quote Lloyd Blankenship of Steve Jackson games, "They don't know what subdirectories are." This means that any moderately sophisticated data hiding technique should stump t hem. I would expect though they should be getting better as time goes on. What I would do is use some of the tricks that computer viruses use when hiding data. Marking off used or "bad" sectors to put your data on, or appending it to ordinary programs. One of the best things you an do is put your data on floppy disks, then store them in a container containing a large electromagnet hooked up a tamper switch. This way if they raid you just give the box a good push an d everything's wiped. For paper documents use a burn box. This is a sturdy metal container with an incendiary mixture hooked up to a tamper switch. When they mess with it, everything is turned to ashes. You can store data "off-site" where their search warrant doesn't cover . This can be as simple as burying it in the backyard/under the shed or in a "friend's" house. Rig up special hidden access programs to your system, preferably in ROM, so that if your data isn't accessed in a certain way it gets wiped. If you want to be real nasty, put some fake "incriminating" data on your system for them to bite onto. Good suggestions would be random phone numbers with an extra 4 digits attached or random 16 digit numbers with fake names. This way it looks like they've found calling cards or credit cards. Then if they are stupid enough to take you to court, you can explain where you got them from. Even if they aren't stupid enough to fall for that trick, you still have wasted their time. Another idea would be to make a fake database of fellow hackers. This way they waste time tracking down all those false leads. These techniques would serve to make fools of these assholes. Now if you do happen to get raided or put under surveillance there are a number of things you can do. If you see any "strange activity" outside your house call the police. If some "strange people" come on your property you can warn them that it's private property and then have them arrested for trespassing. You can also go outside and start taking pictures or videotaping them. That pisses them off but they are generally loath to do anything because you'll have evidence against them. If they come over to ask you questions politely refuse and tell them to talk to your lawyer. If they persist have them arrested for trespassing and harassment. You should also check their ID. John Williams and I have often run into corporate and idependent goons who decide to visit you in some sort of attempt to intimidate you. If their ID looks fake or it's otherwise obvious that they're not real law enforcement then have all the fun you want with them! If you receive a phone call, turn o n your tape recorder, refuse to answer any questions, an give them the name and number of your lawyer. The tape recorder is important as you'll want evidence of the phone call if their manner of talking to you on the phone opens them up to legal repercussions. And always before you pick up, state the date and time on the tape, and make sure they identify themselves to you. If government agents come with a warrant call your lawyer, and document everything. Actions they commit on the search warrant may screw them later, but you'll need evidence. Videotape them if it's feasible, and if you have a friend in the press call him/her. Above all invoke your right to remain silent, and don't help them by opening your mouth. With the recent rash of Gestapo-style no-knock warrants a modem using friend of mine has started keeping a .44 Magnum by the door. His explanation is since he's not doing anything illegal if someone comes crashing through the door he's going to assume its a burglar or psychotic and protect his property and family until the police come. We of course don't recommend that you follow his example, but the choice is yours. After all a law abiding citizen has the right to defend himself. After the bust have your lawyer keep on them like a fly to manure. According to the law a search warrant is supposed to be for gathering evidence for an indictment. If no indictment is forthcoming (none should be if you're clean) then demand your property be returned to you. In any event you should always file suit and seek legal charges against them. Just the simple act of doing that creates hassles for them. Before I wrap this up, let me state that I have nothing against law enforcement people. Most of the police officers out there do a fine job, and are good people. However, the few rotten apples in this country's law enforcement infrastructure do a lot to blacken the name of police officers everywhere. I am also amazed that with all the murderers, rapists, and child molesters running around lose in this country, our police agencies are so quick to jump to the whim of some whining, clueless , control-addicted corporate bureaucrat; who's probably broken more laws than the worst hacker ever could, and go after innocent telecomputists. (Why wasn't Neal Bush arrested?) I would tend to believe that child molesters should have a higher hunt-down priority then kids with computers; however sometimes that doesn't seem to be the case. Driving Tips Motor vehicles are probably the most common form of transportation used today. Perhaps this is why most people involved in an operation get busted while driving. In New York & many other states, your rights are nonexistent while you're behind the wheel, and you can get pulled over and searched for any reason. So, to stay out of trouble and avoid any problems that might result in getting pulled over, I've put together some guidelines that should help keep you out of trouble while you're on the road. 1. Keep tabs on the local law enforcement agencies. While most cops are more or less decent and won't bother you as long as your not driving recklessly, there are a few bad apples who will bother you for whatever reason. Also, remember that you have no rights on the road. You're fair game for any reason. Get ahold of a mobile scanner and hide it behind your dashboard or in a seat. Scanners are illegal to have in vehicles in some states and much frowned upon in others. Run a remote speaker to a convenient but hidden spot with a hidden switch to turn it off. This way they can't see anything that looks suspicious, and you can cut out the audio quick if you get stopped. Also remember to program in secondary car- to-car and mobile to base frequencies. This will give you an indication of law enforcement activity nearby you and allow you to take appropriate action should your plates get checked all of the sudden. 2. Drive at the proper speed. By that I mean not too fast and not too slow. Not only can you get pulled over for speeding, but if you drive too slow, you'll get pulled over for being suspicious. 3. Know your geography. Intimate knowledge of the roads in your area of operations is essential. This way, you can take alternate routes if there is an obstruction down the road as well as know what roads not to take so you don't make an evasive turn into a dead-end street. 4. Stay off well-traveled roads whenever possible. You're less likely to get stopped on a secondary road. 5. Drive something appropriate looking for your locale. If you drive something too fancy or too beat-up you will attract more attention to yourself. 6. Keep anything attention getting out of sight. If you get stopped, and nothing is visible, then there is less cause for them to search your vehicle. 7. Obey all the traffic laws. This is common sense, but many people who were wanted criminals got nailed by a simple traffic infraction stop. 8. If you get pulled over, be polite even you are insulted and harassed. Also, don't make any sudden moves. Again, common sense, but some stupid people think that they have to mouth-off when they get pulled over and given a hard time. They're the ones who usually get busted.
  6. In that case, imma do it to myself. And probably my turtle if all goes well.
  7. I thought so too, until recently (couple years ago). A colleague was talking about it, and I asked, "what do you mean get his ear clipped?"
  8. Dobermans are cool dogs. I suppose you got the ears clipped to stand up?
  9. This completely validates my thought on builder grade homes in the 400-700k range. The only difference from a 150-200k home to a 700k home is the Sq. footage changing the price. I have walked in to some million dollar homes, and even then I'll notice fixtures, or finishes you see in 300k homes. Home Builders are the wild west. The aforemtioned builder grade practices need to be regulated. We need to lobby for good, lobby to stick to builder for once. But I am not saying everything should have to change, like for example, outlets have to be hospital grade, but it wouldn't hurt if manufactures like Lexicon had to follow new guidelines to require hospital grade outlets. I mean, some could argue that the price goes up, but personally I think this mentality to an extent is bull crap once you factor in increase in qty production.
  10. Countermeasures --------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Thomas Icom "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Ben Franklin With the recent crackdown on "computer hackers" and evidence that more busts are on the way modem users in general have been quite concerned that by exercising their rights they could have the S.S. knocking on their door because they called a BB S. This has prompted many telecomputists and computer bulletin board systems to cease operations for fear of being raided. With the recent raids at Steve Jackson Games and Jolnet perhaps these fears are reasonable. However, if you are committing no wrongdoings you still, despite the KGB and Gestapo like actions of the Secret Service have the right to exercise your freedom of information access via electronic media. There are only three laws relating to the use of modems and BBS systems. The first two are toll fraud and computer trespass. Toll Fraud is the avoidance of paying telephone company service charges. Computer trespass is the unauthorized access of a computer system. When you call a public BBS, or a private one you are a member of and pay for the call you are not committing either of these crimes. While they may not like the fact that you have a computer and modem, they can't touch you. The other law is not particularly computer related and goes under many different statues, but in all cases deals with encouraging people to commit illegal acts. This law applies to "illegal" information on BBS systems. What is "illegal information"? Well any information which has no educational or informational purpose that encourages people to commit a crime. When applied to BBS systems it only includes calling card/long distance telephone service codes, credit cards, and computer passwords /login sequences. That's all. Hacking and phreaking information has an educational purpose in that it teaches people computer security, and shows dangerous flaws in systems that could be used by someone for nefarious purposes. As long as no direct encouragement is given to exploit these flaws the information is not illegal and is thus protected by the First Amendment: freedom of speech. If you are a BBS owner you can have all the hacking and phreaking g-files and message bases on your system and they can't do a thing. If they do, they open themselves up to a law suit. The prime examples of this are the Private Sector, OSUNY, and The Central Office BBSes. Private Sector was raided, but no charges were filed because there were no codes, passwords, or credit cards on the BBS. OSUNY and Central Office were online for years and were the subject of many investigations, but no action was ever put forth against these BBSes as n o illegal information was on them. The precedent is there. In order to evoke First Amendment protection on your BBS or newsletter display a clear statement that the information is for educational purposes only, and that no illegal use is implied or suggested. Now of course the Secret Service often violates these laws despite the fact that in doing so they don't have a legal leg to stand on. They do this on the basis of a technique which has been used from the Middle Ages, down through Nazi Germany, up to the various activities of the KGB in the Soviet Union: Fear and Ignorance. People who are ignorant of the law become afraid because in being unaware of their rights they don't know what the government can and more importantly can't do. Due to fear and ignorance they can operate carte blanche because they know the chance of reprisal by some irate citizen is very low. Also, once they raid someone they can gain intelligence on other modem users/"hackers". Once they have the info on the system, they can give it back. They accomplished what they set out to do. Fortunately you can fight back, and your efforts will eventually be rewarded. On many of the busts the S.S. has gotten burned, and it has been plainly shown to them that they can't continue to operate this way. However no modem user has yet had the balls to sue those bastards. With the current state of affairs the charges get dropped due to various improper procedures, but no specific precedent has been set to make them liable for their illegal activities. Once they lose in a lawsuit brought against them by a modem user they screwed over, we'll see some severe restructuring in that particular branch of the Treasury Department. The first stage in protecting yourself is to be aware of the laws and your rights. Knowledge is power, and they are well aware of that. In light of that they watch themselves when dealing with people who know their rights because they know t hat those people will have them nailed to a wall if they slip. Know your rights and be adamant about them. The second stage is that if you deal in anything even slightly controversial take precautions to secure the info in your system. Encryption is a definite must, as well as any other tricks to hide data on your system and prevent tampering. When encrypting data stay away from DES. While everyone say it's the best system the NSA has not recertified it, and the fact that it was developed for the government leads enough credence to the possibility of there being a back-door in the algorithm. About the best personal encryption system I've seen out there is the Absolute Computer Security System scheme by Consumertronics. A good idea is to double encrypt the data with two different algorithms. From what was shown by the recent busts in Operation SunDevil the technological expertise of the agents wasn't too high. To quote Lloyd Blankenship of Steve Jackson games, "They don't know what subdirectories are." This means that any moderately sophisticated data hiding technique should stump t hem. I would expect though they should be getting better as time goes on. What I would do is use some of the tricks that computer viruses use when hiding data. Marking off used or "bad" sectors to put your data on, or appending it to ordinary programs. One of the best things you an do is put your data on floppy disks, then store them in a container containing a large electromagnet hooked up a tamper switch. This way if they raid you just give the box a good push an d everything's wiped. For paper documents use a burn box. This is a sturdy metal container with an incendiary mixture hooked up to a tamper switch. When they mess with it, everything is turned to ashes. You can store data "off-site" where their search warrant doesn't cover . This can be as simple as burying it in the backyard/under the shed or in a "friend's" house. Rig up special hidden access programs to your system, preferably in ROM, so that if your data isn't accessed in a certain way it gets wiped. If you want to be real nasty, put some fake "incriminating" data on your system for them to bite onto. Good suggestions would be random phone numbers with an extra 4 digits attached or random 16 digit numbers with fake names. This way it looks like they've found calling cards or credit cards. Then if they are stupid enough to take you to court, you can explain where you got them from. Even if they aren't stupid enough to fall for that trick, you still have wasted their time. Another idea would be to make a fake database of fellow hackers. This way they waste time tracking down all those false leads. These techniques would serve to make fools of these assholes. Now if you do happen to get raided or put under surveillance there are a number of things you can do. If you see any "strange activity" outside your house call the police. If some "strange people" come on your property you can warn them that it's private property and then have them arrested for trespassing. You can also go outside and start taking pictures or videotaping them. That pisses them off but they are generally loath to do anything because you'll have evidence against them. If they come over to ask you questions politely refuse and tell them to talk to your lawyer. If they persist have them arrested for trespassing and harassment. You should also check their ID. John Williams and I have often run into corporate and idependent goons who decide to visit you in some sort of attempt to intimidate you. If their ID looks fake or it's otherwise obvious that they're not real law enforcement then have all the fun you want with them! If you receive a phone call, turn o n your tape recorder, refuse to answer any questions, an give them the name and number of your lawyer. The tape recorder is important as you'll want evidence of the phone call if their manner of talking to you on the phone opens them up to legal repercussions. And always before you pick up, state the date and time on the tape, and make sure they identify themselves to you. If government agents come with a warrant call your lawyer, and document everything. Actions they commit on the search warrant may screw them later, but you'll need evidence. Videotape them if it's feasible, and if you have a friend in the press call him/her. Above all invoke your right to remain silent, and don't help them by opening your mouth. With the recent rash of Gestapo-style no-knock warrants a modem using friend of mine has started keeping a .44 Magnum by the door. His explanation is since he's not doing anything illegal if someone comes crashing through the door he's going to assume its a burglar or psychotic and protect his property and family until the police come. We of course don't recommend that you follow his example, but the choice is yours. After all a law abiding citizen has the right to defend himself. After the bust have your lawyer keep on them like a fly to manure. According to the law a search warrant is supposed to be for gathering evidence for an indictment. If no indictment is forthcoming (none should be if you're clean) then demand your property be returned to you. In any event you should always file suit and seek legal charges against them. Just the simple act of doing that creates hassles for them. Before I wrap this up, let me state that I have nothing against law enforcement people. Most of the police officers out there do a fine job, and are good people. However, the few rotten apples in this country's law enforcement infrastructure do a lot to blacken the name of police officers everywhere. I am also amazed that with all the murderers, rapists, and child molesters running around lose in this country, our police agencies are so quick to jump to the whim of some whining, clueless , control-addicted corporate bureaucrat; who's probably broken more laws than the worst hacker ever could, and go after innocent telecomputists. (Why wasn't Neal Bush arrested?) I would tend to believe that child molesters should have a higher hunt-down priority then kids with computers; however sometimes that doesn't seem to be the case. Driving Tips Motor vehicles are probably the most common form of transportation used today. Perhaps this is why most people involved in an operation get busted while driving. In New York & many other states, your rights are nonexistent while you're behind the wheel, and you can get pulled over and searched for any reason. So, to stay out of trouble and avoid any problems that might result in getting pulled over, I've put together some guidelines that should help keep you out of trouble while you're on the road. 1. Keep tabs on the local law enforcement agencies. While most cops are more or less decent and won't bother you as long as your not driving recklessly, there are a few bad apples who will bother you for whatever reason. Also, remember that you have no rights on the road. You're fair game for any reason. Get ahold of a mobile scanner and hide it behind your dashboard or in a seat. Scanners are illegal to have in vehicles in some states and much frowned upon in others. Run a remote speaker to a convenient but hidden spot with a hidden switch to turn it off. This way they can't see anything that looks suspicious, and you can cut out the audio quick if you get stopped. Also remember to program in secondary car- to-car and mobile to base frequencies. This will give you an indication of law enforcement activity nearby you and allow you to take appropriate action should your plates get checked all of the sudden. 2. Drive at the proper speed. By that I mean not too fast and not too slow. Not only can you get pulled over for speeding, but if you drive too slow, you'll get pulled over for being suspicious. 3. Know your geography. Intimate knowledge of the roads in your area of operations is essential. This way, you can take alternate routes if there is an obstruction down the road as well as know what roads not to take so you don't make an evasive turn into a dead-end street. 4. Stay off well-traveled roads whenever possible. You're less likely to get stopped on a secondary road. 5. Drive something appropriate looking for your locale. If you drive something too fancy or too beat-up you will attract more attention to yourself. 6. Keep anything attention getting out of sight. If you get stopped, and nothing is visible, then there is less cause for them to search your vehicle. 7. Obey all the traffic laws. This is common sense, but many people who were wanted criminals got nailed by a simple traffic infraction stop. 8. If you get pulled over, be polite even you are insulted and harassed. Also, don't make any sudden moves. Again, common sense, but some stupid people think that they have to mouth-off when they get pulled over and given a hard time. They're the ones who usually get busted.
  11. Yo! So isn't there or shouldn't there be some type of building code home builders should have to follow for materials that are approved and not approved for specific rooms like for example, shower walls and kitchen islands. Basically what I am trying to get at is shouldn't hardy board be used instead of drywall as the base sheeting before tile or wood before the counter top is placed on? I mean wouldn't this help elevate any chance of mold to grow over time from moisture in showers? It may not be mold proof but one would think hardy board is a little more resistant to moisture? Here's a pic of Perry Home practices that I am not proud of the way they thunk a home should be built.
  12. I mean, not a German Shepard, but I dated someone you had a Belgian Malinios. Kinda similar, however the malinois breed is a leaner mass breed. They are very active dogs, protective, got make sure they get plenty of exercise. Not a hyper active breed like spaniels. One cool thing about owning a malinois or Shepard, people will move out of the way, or in some case move to the other side of the street when out for a walk.
  13. @T4M* bro! Thats gold!!!
  14. Whatcha know bout dat South side boys with dem hood ornate toys. Welcome to tha South Side.
  15. I was thinking West Side Gangsta
  16. ndv

    Current View

    Are you biking to the same spot and re-posting the original photo?
  17. Been better if the shirt had an image of WT7 with the words "NEVER FORGET" edite: waiting on tags to get here so I can get to work.
  18. ndv

    Current View

    I am with Lugr on this one. DO NOT DO THAT!
  19. Great way to cool down and pick yourself up after burning energy. I used to do this by leaving coke in the fridge.
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