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breakfast menu

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Everything posted by breakfast menu

  1. white shooter muslim family holy shit. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/12/us/muslim-student-shootings-north-carolina.html?_r=0 http://www.wsj.com/articles/man-charged-with-killing-3-in-chapel-hill-n-c-1423660668
  2. not adequately motivating myself to paint gonna try to write 500 words and then go to bed
  3. hey mods, was posting and got this: (but now i CAN post?) odd
  4. :sleepsymbol::sleepsymbol::sleepsymbol::sleepsymbol:
  5. would be kinda cool to get a step-by-step for a jacket/coat, if you ever feel like it. what's your least favorite part of making clothes? accurate. everything also gets destroyed by paint at some point. i buy cheap and ruin fast. i yam
  6. thanks guys. also just found the @ function - tight.
  7. tomato pie in the pizza thread?! whoooaaaa man. @massgraff i didn't know you were anti-PH stuffed crust. stuffed crust gold (with cheddar on top) was GOAT. i won't tolerate the TJ's trash-talk because they do have some solid offerings. and not expensive ones (sometimes). EDIT: you can @ people?!?! insane. this is a crazy world
  8. question: i made this post and attached two images which were enormous because i'm inconsiderate. but it cut the text in the post off, like so. here's the text (not embedded to avoid the same problem :no18:): http://i.imgur.com/3jhAS9S.png the post as it appears to me: http://i.imgur.com/XufNbwd.png seems like when you post big images it cuts off the text or something.
  9. i was in london for a daylong layover recently. took photos of the important things: BK selection + prices seemed comparable had to get the standby, though, which WAS a little more expensive (and once you sign up for wifi over there you never stop getting emails)
  10. staring at this album cover and trying to wring a piece/concept out of it.
  11. contemplating how weak cotton socks are vs. wool
  12. there'll be ups and downs, but that sounds like solid progress. most people (in my experience) respect not drinking, especially if they're just meeting you and don't know you all that well. I use some variant of "i had to get my shit together," usually having to do with my own life/creative aspirations.
  13. thanks Owe Bama!!! i'm gonna put it on some student loans. maybe save for a trip to canada
  14. breakfast menu


    boring work shoe post: i picked up my first pair of penguins. (waylon - light brown, lighter than shown here). they're expensive, which made me wild apprehensive, but ... holy shit. these are comfortable ... and i get props from all the pale girls with liberal arts degrees. the air max TAVAS look dope but so fragile ... i can't wait for the nike free trend to go away.
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