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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Local family I help support dropped by for brunch this morning.
  2. I guess that's my point, they gotta be smart/funny, not just hackery. I say that knowing full well that I've contributed sweet fuck all to this thread and apologise for being princess serious in a meme thread......
  3. Seriously, where is the line between a meme and advocacy? Is there a line or is that what a meme actually is? I couldn't give a fuck about communism, hate it, don't want it, it's dumbness. But about 30% of what is posted here is just emotional reinforcement and cheerleading rather than creative humour. I kinda picture guys high fiving and saying FUCK YEAH BRO, after some of these memes. And it's got nothing to do with subject matter, I See the same stupid shit against affluence and individualism on another greeny and unionist dominated forum I'm on - like mirror image kind of shit. To quote a former secretary of the treasury over here: people are too deep in the trenches to see the big picture and let go of the fight in case the opposition gets one up on them in pettiness.
  4. COOPER: One of the criticisms of you is that-- that your math is fuzzy. The Washington Post recently awarded you four Pinocchios -- OCASIO-CORTEZ: Oh my goodness -- COOPER: -- for misstating some statistics about Pentagon spending? OCASIO-CORTEZ: If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest for the trees. I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right. COOPER: But being factually correct is important-- OCASIO-CORTEZ: It’s absolutely important. And whenever I make a mistake. I say, “Okay, this was clumsy,” and then I restate what my point was. But it’s -- it’s not the same thing as -- as the president lying about immigrants. It’s not the same thing at all. So yeah, it was a typical politician's answer where they refuse to say "Yeah, that was wrong, I shouldn't have said it". And the more I read it the more I think I'm making excuses for her, I guess I didn't read it right the first time I saw it. As I said, she's hot though and hot chicks are allowed to say stupid stuff. I think that's only fair. @Mercer I think the outcry over socialiasm in the US and some other democracies gets a little over-blown and blends in with the Us/Them syndrome we're all suffering through these days. I don't think the argument needs to be as absolute as "X ideology is bad, Y Ideology is good". Each system has its benefits and weak points - some are more optomistic than others, some have done pretty badly in some cases and some are pretty outlandish in some ways. However, I find that the argument gets to the point where if anything can be related to an 'sim' of some sort, one side has to start screaming "IT FAILED, IT FAILED" and taking an all or nothing approach. Australia, Sweden, Norway, the UK and many other countries have elements of socialism, such as sliding tax scales, national health systems, welfare for the poor, etc. etc. and these countries are not sliding into inevitable catastrophe. China has been progressively moving towards a more free market model since 1980 and things are improving for massive amounts of people. People seem to discuss these issues like the other side of the discussion is the enemy or if it's a personal competition. I just don't get it.
  5. I know they’re just memes and I’m in now way an AOC supporter, but those quotes are out of context, and she is pretty hot, so....., please send porn. That is all. .
  6. I intend to get into whiskey when I can see spirits as something other than turn-me-into-the-juggernaut-fluid thats sculled with ferocity straight from the bottle. I know what I’m missing out on, but even as close to 50 as I am, I’m still waiting, with enthusiasm, for that day to arrive.
  7. Chicken Maryland, the dish and the cut (sold in the deli at woolies, have a few in the freezer right now) rock. Lungbuster ride, one of my home brews (a Pilsner citra SMaSH summer ale) and my hops garden.
  8. Great coffee. Maybe skip the egg egg and bacon roll, though.
  9. im tired of telling this fool to go to the toy thread, read read read practice and read. Can lead a dork to water, etc etc. oh yeah, and lol at the fact he thinks he’s “repping” the 12OZ Prophet Posse or whatever. Act like Ike a fool, people treat you a fool.
  10. Wife cooked my fav Chinese dish for me; guo bao rou (crispy pork in sweet sticky sauce, coriander/cilantro went on after the pic was taken).
  11. The thing that blew me away about that exhibition was that a vast majority of his work was not pencil/ink but wood cut.
  12. Seriously, every time I see a heffer on the street now, I can’t stop your voice in my head saying “oof”. Get out of my head.
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