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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Anyone notice the lock held on with double sided tape. I love that shit.
  2. Yeah, blew me away, even the bike and recovery gear on top is colour coded. As soon as I saw it, I thought “Asian”. When I saw karaoke king on the windscreen my sentiments were confirmed.
  3. Is Cope2 the man-child in real life that he comes across as online?
  4. Something I might mess about with
  5. Quickly at work- wish I didn’t do that big black dot over the “I”...,
  6. @Schnitzel dig those yellow iris, got some purple ones pushing up now too, next to the hops bines.
  7. We each follow our own paths.
  8. Ha, repeating what Joker has already said....
  9. I reckon I've done about 5 arrows in the last ten years for this exact reason. Hell, I don't even do extensions because I don't feel I've gotten the actual letters down pat yet. Any kind of flair comes only after you've taken the letters as far as you can.
  10. Forgot to note that it folds flat/thin for packing away.
  11. Baby gym for my little girl. Sewed some tubing up and threaded some elastic thread through to hang the toys. Not sure if I’ll clear coat it or not as I like the raw finish.
  12. Jesus, straight up masterclass in here, @misteravenalmost should be charging an entry fee!
  13. Glad this thread was not-bumped as my wife wants me to read it...,
  14. Quick freehander whilst listening to a long instructional video.
  15. I went back to school in both my 30s and 50s. We do do training for govt folk here and people in roles where things constantly change (politics, tech, analytical techniques, etc.) are always learning. One of my superiors is late 50s, she just started her second masters. Just do it. Hit up TAFE, go to your local uni and ask questions.
  16. Never finished highschool, floated around doing construction, retail, gym instructor, dairy hand (I shit you not) telecoms, sales, etc. Spent years in the army as a paratrooper and gained some focus, since then earned a degree with a double major in Govt/international relations and sociology with a minor in psychology. Did an honours thesis on China's foreign and defence policy. Have worked a lot throughout East and Southeast Asia and the US. Learned some languages, did postgrad studies in policy making with a focus on international and national security, worked a lot in strategic forecasting and analysis. Now work in a university in a cell that assists with policy making. Will do a PhD one day comparing China's Cold War policies and strategies to what they do today. I still paint, only legally though as I'm nearly 50 and have more important things in life to focus on.
  17. So I'm going to be the wanker that pipes up to say "mead isn't distilled, it's fermented, which is a much simpler process". Also, lo-carb when it comes to booze is a rort. It's the alcohol that is the killer in terms of getting fat, less so the carbs.
  18. Pffft, you clearly don’t know how to Internet! yeah, I’m down with everything here and as much as I just had a good solid crack at Mercer I still respect him and would buy him a beer.
  19. Didn’t think you’d (want to) get it. BTW, I took a position on China embracing the free market, I took a position on arming the populace for national Defence, etc. because these are things I understand intimately and have worked on and researched. I did not take a stand on gun control because it’s hugely complex and I don’t know enough about it Instead, I ask questions. I did not take a position on whether socialism destroyed Venezuela by encouraging corruption and cronyism as I wasn’t sure whether the true answer was whether a corrupt and cronyist party had chosen socialism. So, I asked questions. That you you haven’t even noticed this just reinforces that you pay little attention to what others have to say. That you think asking questions and testing theories is trolling or heckling shows you don’t understand how a discussion even works. And with that that being the case, the last word is yours. Cheerio.
  20. @Mercer This is the only bit worth taking up: Like you're not, you may not have the courage to freely express what your actual views are, but that doesn't mean you're not on here saying mine are wrong. Just as "biased" as me, except I'm not ashamed of having convictions. And that's the difference between you and I. I don't actually have a position on many things. I'm not arrogant enough to think that I have all the answers, I'm more prone to testing theories than proselytizing them. You seem to think that I HAVE to have a position, which I don't (this is why I stepped out of the thread discussing Venezuela and socialism). I guess I'm more of the kind of person that feels the more I know the more I realise that I don't know. I've spent the most of my professional life on this kind of stuff, actually having to be accountable for decisions, not just arguing pie in the sky on the internet where there are no real life consequences. And biased? Yep, I am and I said exactly that up the page where I said you don't like being challenged on your convictions as well. But I get the feeling that you're so keen to argue your position that you barely even pay attention to what others have said.
  21. When the straw men come out, you know there's no point in discussing because the point is being avoided. Nobody said they were offended, they just said that so much of this thread is a load of shit and that there are real consequences to the "meme age of communication". I also implied that you're heavily, heavily biased and are one of the folk that doesn't like having their views challenged, evidenced by this and other silly straw man you put up. Yay!
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