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Everything posted by toluene_causes_tumors

  1. 4 girls sitting drunk smash smash trash smash 2 nasty whores smash trash
  2. you smash all the hottest heathen bitches and make them destroy their graven images to worship you instead.
  3. wait, what was reboot? that sounds familiar.
  4. wow bam margera really let himself go. and check out those anal beads.
  5. all the smashworthy ones would definately want to get smashed by you.
  6. in all seriousness i have been having serious OKTOBERSHITS all day from mass amounts of hotdogs saurkraut and beer last night.
  7. give her the clap, then leave and get treated for it. then go back and fuck her again and get the clap again and get treated for it again. because i never did that. and never tell her she has the clap.
  8. i hope you got another guys semen on your clothing.
  9. does anyone else think it's funny that russia and new jersey have similar GDPs?
  10. civil rights activists be rollin in their graves n shit nigga.
  11. if women really want equal rights they should stop getting so butthurt over men leaving the toilet seat up. and crying about stuff too. that really makes em look bad.
  12. rob a college student. there's plenty of them walking home wasted from the bars at night if you're in albany or buffalo.
  13. theres a lot of mexicans who wear hollister and dye their hair blonde where i live.
  14. 2010 has been one of the worst years of my life. but i got a kitten for the first time in my life. he's cool.
  15. the inhabitants of said celestial objects beg to differ.
  16. dane cook is notfunny. i hope he gets raped by a gang of angry black midgets.
  17. damn these guys are ugly no wonder they're mad.
  18. there's an r. crumb comic about a little man that lives in a large reared woman's asshole. it's really funny. he climbs up through her digestive system and fucks her mouth from the inside out. but sometimes he has to vacate for fumigation.
  19. Re: THE "HOLY SHIT I FUCKING HATE CHILDREN" THREAD............ i think if i had children at this stage in my life they would come out realllllly goofy (you know what i mean) as an act of karmic justice. or they would be harlequin babies or something just as horrifying.
  20. only true if you have kids or live in an expensive are. or are a complete retard who spends too much money and doesn't know how to save or enjoy themselves without spending money constantly to fill the huge bottomless void in their lives caused by buying into our bullshit consumerist society /runonsentence. i'm not married/nokids and don't buy much other than basic necessities and i'm comfortable. but yo fuck that people need fresh new everything so they can fuck mad bitches and get the clap over and over.
  21. that drag queen is fucking scary:shook: :shook: :shook:
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