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Everything posted by SadeNTA

  1. HHoly shit, my city's sign is on there! http://hackedirl.com/2010/04/21/culture-jamming-graffiti-windsor/ xD truth be told, we are the unemployment capital. xD It usually says "Automotive Capital of Canada"
  2. ^ I feel that. Although I don't think everything will go digital. People just like to have a paper in their hands. Just like books. They can go digital, but most people prefer the physical thing. Myself included.
  3. Is it.. supposed top be backwards? O.o
  4. A true metal leged. RIP DIO.
  5. That's actually like a perfect simple. You've got dedication to do simples. You're gonna go somewhere. I don't. So I won't. xD (I really should get on it..)
  6. ^ I want to see that really bad now. If you find that, post it PLEASE. xD
  7. Sounds good, I'll get in on this.
  8. Just quickly doodled this one tonight, figured I'd post it.
  9. SadeNTA

    Fucking fools

    THIS. Going in my siggy. Right now. EDIT I had to. I just had to.
  10. That wall their testing on? Has a nice metal strip along the side and a metal electrical box. Grab the marker. =D But yeah, I don't think this will catch on. Something tells me it'll be a little too expensive. Also, what if you wanted to paint your building? I think the fact that it keeps out paint will not only sop writers from altering the surface, but property owners as well. I doubt they would want to make it so they can't re-paint their building.
  11. Depends where you are. US, sure. Up here in Canada (where guns other then hunting guns are strictly illegal with or without permit) that shit will give you life problems. O.O
  12. Warning: The following contains high contents of toy. You have been warned. Severe cases of loss of hope for graffiti and a hatred of toys are commonly experienced side affects. SadeNTA does not take these effects responsible and we advise you to consult your eye doctor before viewing the following SHIIIT Anyways, all joking aside, here's some random recent crap. COMMENTS/CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM? <3
  13. For sure, no matetr who you are, if graff calls to you, then it does. Think of the variety of writers. The hiphop kids from the ghetto growin up, hardcore fuck-the-system punks, serious and devoted artists. Graffiti is for anyone who wished to do it. I'm lower middle class, a goth, quite nerdy, white, and truthfully? So feminine (irl) I'm probably the gayest straight man alive. Lmfao. And I'm damn well proud to be a writer. No matter who you are, if you wanna get up and you do, then graff is for you.
  14. Shit it can do that? ._. I've never actually tried etching, but note to self I won't make it a regular practice of mine.
  15. That might actually look pretty dope, come to think of it. Lmao. Leave the kid alone, we all start somewhere. ..Although I have to admit, that ToyStory reference was pretty win.
  16. Yes, it's all opinion when it comes down to it. For me it would be Ewok, Seen, Nosm, BG183 and a few others, for style, anyways. Everyone has their own tastes.
  17. If you fail to understand there is tons and tons of WAY better writers then Cope2, and that just because he's a well-known name doesn't make him the best.
  18. Exactly. I don't see why people bother so much with trying not to get their inks buffed. Just use a good ink that will last from things other then buffing (weathering, etc.) and go hit up. If you notice your tag got buffed? Tag it again! A fresh tag is better then a ghost anyways. And if you hit up enough, a few tags shouldn't make a big difference. Think of it like this guys; No matter what, people will find one way or another to buff your inks. And if you've got some faded black-mop ghost next to a nice fresh tag, who's is gonna get noticed? LESS TIME "IMPROVING" INK. MORE TIME USING IT.
  19. Congratulations on making yourself look like a toy in the proccess. Buying vs racking is a personal choice, why the fuck do you care how he acquired it? KyCrop; How bad does it eat away at it?
  20. I'm keeping watch on this, a jam would be interesting. Anyone know anything about any in Canada, or Michigan,US? I know we had one in Toronto a few years ago, but the site looks dead, so I figure it's out.
  21. Sorry -- I was looking through this thread and the toy thread. Meant to post there. I know my line, trust me. If a mod comes across this, go ahead and delete it please. ^-~
  22. Damn, seriously? That's fucked up. And I don't know. It's stricter on both sides, but I've had no problem getting there and vice versa for family coming to pay a visit from the US.
  23. To all you Detroit Cats -- Cross the border and pay Windsor,ONT,Canada a visit. We need more damn graff here, this city is empty, especially considering we're right across the damn river from Detroit. xP
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