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Dr. Mantis Toboggan

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Everything posted by Dr. Mantis Toboggan

  1. yeah I said it. fuck all the 15th generation plastic paddy wannabes cheering to "home" country they've never been to. srsly, shit sucks.
  2. a degree is more important than a tesol/tefl 99% of the english teacher population here speaks little to no korean outside of ordering food/hailing a cab. learning the language is not a prerequisite and you're not expected to know anything in korean. definitely helps in day to day life though.
  3. don't forget the I just saw city of god damn that shit's mad gangsta threads that appear on a frequent basis. I live in korea, I don't teach but most of other foreigners I know are english teachers. how much they enjoy it depends on a few variables, public schools pay worse but have more holidays, private schools pay better but you only get 2 weeks a year holiday. they provide housing but it's real shitty and miles away from anywhere you'd want to be. you can get a housing allowance from a school but you'll be expected to put down a key money deposit which can be huge ($5 grand upwards). also be realistic, unless you're doing overtime every weekend you won't be saving much money. it's more of a holiday than anything else despite what any recruiter tells you.
  4. username is a reference unbeknownst to me no sig
  5. desert nights - documentary about women being trafficked into dubai.
  6. ∧∧∧  ( ゚Д゚ )  ⊂゚゚゚゚゚゚⊃   |____|   /____\    U¯U
  7. they need to stop showing all that crap anime they pad the schedule with.
  8. Re: a tranny gave me a blowjob last night jackson is bare ghey blud
  9. t hawk's been terrible in every game he's ever been in.
  10. big metal circus jewish task force I'll be your huckleberry
  11. if you're having difficulty avoiding guile's slow, crappy ultra from lag or whatever then that's one of the many reasons a lot of players don't like playing sf4 online. arcades>online and you can't give dan a full screen fireball, cos it wouldn't be funny. they should give him back the special he has in mvc2 where he signs an autograph then throws it at you :lol:
  12. that robbo piece was 21 years old. fuck banksy for that bullshit.
  13. you have to buy it separately. ken and cammy are both mid tier. sagat was the main reason people complained about the balance, that and the fact that guile and vega both suck in sf4.
  14. I thought the balance was really good in sf4, compare it to sf3 or super turbo. I've been playing tekken 6 at work with the koreans on psps, fuckin' 'ell koreans take tekken to another level. I can beat most white people though
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